Krono's kill the classic experiance.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Isabeast, Jun 13, 2015.

  1. Isabeast New Member

    So krono's being allowed on Ragefire and other tlp server's just make it so someone with extra income can gear up there toons for Real money and kills the "Classic" experience for folks that cant afford to pay more for a game then what it costs for a sub.

    so im sitting in commons level 25 war in the best of the best gear and im 32 w/ no where near the gear he has or am i capable of getting and guess what he was selling krono's.

    it gives players an unfair advantage and has ruined the server economy. and made it extremely unbalanced for ppl that dont have extra money to throw away.
    Rhoulicas and Fallfyres like this.
  2. DBCooper Elder

    You want classic experience? Classic experience is these same people buying gear on ebay. This the same but cheaper and safer.
    Nickatropolis, Mogossis and Liquid like this.
  3. Steampunk Augur

    No, you are just jealous that they have it and you don't. Get up off your behind and go work for it. That is the classic experience (note: e not a), or as close as can be recreated now. Feel sorry for those who had to buy their stuff, instead of earn it.
    Oldschool and Katmandu26 like this.
  4. Isabeast New Member

    The krono should be no trade on TLP servers
    Friday, Rhiyannon and Fallfyres like this.
  5. Isabeast New Member

    Not Jealous as i have no problem earning my gear just think its an unfair advantage for ppl with disposable income and that it should be limited by making the Krono's no trade on TLP servers
    Fallfyres likes this.
  6. Jadefox Augur

    It's not about fair, dear.
    EQ isn't a competition.

    Behee likes this.
  7. Bufonidae Elder

    There are so many way's the target of the 'Classic Experience' was missed, but worst by far is Daybreaks decision to do away with the Play nice Policy. That policy came into being almost as soon as the game was launched because it was obvious that without some GM involvement there would be constant harassment and griefing. There has been more Stealing of mobs/camps/pulls in the last month than I've seen since Verant still ran the game. If you call the jerks out they draw nice little penises and suggest things you can do with em. All of the rest of the classic experience misses are minor, or fun, or just don't bother me. But letting the Bullies take over because Daybreak is to lazy to be bothered policing their product means my money is going elsewhere if they don't address this soon.
    Giles Trainbringer and Fallfyres like this.
  8. Silv Augur

    Do you understand how Krono work? They are account wide. You could still use them as currency on TLP even if you couldn't trade them on a TLP server...
    Hawklight Yandli, Frenzic and Kolani like this.
  9. Nolrog Augur

    So go farm plat and buy Krono and then use them to buy your gear. Not only has it not given an unfair advantage, it's levelled the playing field for everyone.

    And don't let your fun be dictated by how someone else plays. That level 25 warrior in the best gear has no impact on your ability to have fun.
  10. Nolrog Augur

    That won't stop anyone from trading them. That just pushes people onto another server to trade the Korno and then come back to RageFire to get the gear. In other words, it increases the risk for people making trades both ways by a huge amount.
    Behee likes this.
  11. Gooz New Member

    Kronos are not classic. They shouldnt exist on a classic server.
    Isabeast and Fallfyres like this.
  12. Unique_Moop Augur

    kronos ruined platinum for me. shinyitem is what, 300pp? heck no, that's like 40% of a krono man. ima be wearing raw hide forever.
  13. Kolani Augur

    People buying and selling Kronos is the same as people buying and selling gamecards, which was present in classic. There's just less chance of getting scammed, which is the intent of the Krono.
  14. Liquid Augur

    This is such a true statement..pages and pages of auctions used to be on ebay.
    Soltara likes this.
  15. Groans Augur

    that would completely defeat the purpose of a Krono, and........ people would simply trade on another server where they are tradeable haha.
  16. Bignheavy Lorekeeper

    Other than spelling "experience" wrong, I somewhat feel where you're coming from. As stated earlier though, gear auctions were rampant on eBay back in the day. Now it was definitely less prevalent then because it took additional work to acquire that stuff due to having to go through a 3rd party.

    At the end of the day though Kronos adds additional revenue, and for better or worse for a gaming experience, there is no way it's going away. 1999 is never coming back in full.
  17. Glistarian Augur

    Kronos suck for these servers, but it's an absolutely hopeless battle to fight. Don't waste your time.
  18. Katmandu26 Augur

    EBay and PlayerAuctions, don't forget that.

    I've heard lots of complaining in game about how "krono is ruining everything" and how "people only take krono for payment" and "krono is ruining the economy by making everything either a) more expensive or b) cheaper." I've heard both.

    I also heard a very, very good statement in chat yesterday that is 100% true, even though people were coming down pretty hard on the person that stated it.

    Basically, people are always, always going to buy things to get ahead. If it wasn't krono, if it wasn't eBay, if it wasn't PlayerAuctions, it would be something else. You simply cannot stop this, nor has anyone ever been able to put a stop to it because people are more than willing to jump through illegitimate hoops to do it.

    The advantage to krono is that now, the company producing the game gets to profit from it.

    This is a good thing.

    As long as Everquest is making a profit, it will still be around for us to play.

    As long as DB supports Krono, there will be a safe way to buy and trade things using cash. As long as Krono are tradeable, anyone willing to go earn a few plat can play the game at it's best, for free.

    It's win/win, and IMHO, if you can't see that, you're complaining to complain (quoted from that wonderful zonewide discussion yesterday). Prices are pretty close to what they were in the classic era and if x buyer won't take plat, y buyer will. No one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to use krono if you don't want to, and who really cares what someone else is doing? Stop worrying about how other people are playing, your play experience will be much happier.

    If you're complaining about how it's not "a classic experience" how can you possibly not remember the plat sellers? They were a nuisance, they were everywhere, and they were definitely in classic.
    Mogossis and Steampunk like this.
  19. Krisiun Lorekeeper

  20. Nolrog Augur

    I'm sure they will take that into consideration if they ever release a classic server.
    Jaby and Katmandu26 like this.