Krono Prices... Sad Panda

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Hellboy007, Jun 24, 2016.

  1. Orbital101 Augur

    Would be nice if we could convert Krono for 1k DB cash!
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  2. Findawenye Journeyman

    Actually EQ stores character plat in plat/gold/silver/copper fields. They are not stored as ## of copper only.

    It is just the bazaar that uses ## of copper for pricing purposes.
    Zanarnar likes this.
  3. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    If thats the case they should get rid of copper silver and gold as everyone sells stuff for pp. On a side note on FV if krono's are for sell in trader its for the max 2.1m pp price and people wanting wanting 2.5m pp now.

  4. Zanarnar Augur

    Ya thats right; also makes perfect sense why the limit is what it is. Since it just seems to be a bazaar limit it would make sense that it should be fairly strait-forward to fix; as all the code needing changed should be tied into the bazaar functions. Even a simple thing like using an unsigned int32 would be a quick fix and allow for 4mil plat as the new limit.

    However if they decide to take the time to fix this, I hope they go for a 64bit integer and then limit the max sale price with an easy to redefine CONST. That would allow them to still control the max list price somewhat while allowing it to be raised as needed without dev time being invested to do so.

    (For the curious,
    Signed 32bit int limit: 2,147,483,647
    Signed 64bit int limit: 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
    Double those number for unsigned)
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  5. Gyurika Godofwar Augur

    I don't think they can do anything in 64 bit because EQ is a 32 bit engine but I may be wrong.
  6. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Plus I wouldnt want to be paying 100 million plat for a krono if they could do it.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  7. Bamkan Augur

    ^^ $$$$

    You are not limited to holding 2mil plat on your character.

    Get rid of the CP amount and do a /10 conversion. and you are suddenl up to a max 20mil (22)
  8. Goranothos Augur

    I agree. At this stage in the game, copper/silver/gold are essentially worthless and just a PITA (kinda like the penny in the USA). Minimum price for anything should be 1pp.
    Gyurika Godofwar and svann like this.
  9. Zamiam Augur

    but what about those peeps that sell stuff for 499999 ? :p
  10. Wizdons Augur

    just the penny? quarter is pushing it. only cause we still have candy and coke machines.
  11. lancelove Augur

    Kind of far from the op's post at this thread?
  12. Zanarnar Augur

    Short version, you can use 64bit integers in a 32bit program. There are performance implications of course, but considering what the bazaar does I don't think it would matter at all. They could easily test the change to make sure thats the case too.

    Or as others have suggested drop Copper or Copper and Silver as options for selling in the bazaar, and just use Plat/Gold letting us go up to 200mil plat. Either way this could be fixed if they wanted to/had time to. Right now though I'm sure they have larger issues ;)
  13. AlmarsGuides Augur

    Them raising the baz cap won't change the price of kronos. All it does is add more work to krono shopping for buyers and sellers. Having to auction them off is an archaic concept.

    Now that kronos are more expensive than the baz will allow, daybreak is officially losing money. Not everyone wants to interact daily with other players therefore less kronos will be sold through the markets. I am sure some may argue that you doubt this, but fret not my friendly and naive extroverts - there are introverts all over the game who would let their boxes unsub before socializing with another player when they don't have to. I know because I am one of them and I know others like myself who do play the game.

    I literally went back to boxing on Phinigel so I can milk that mentally unstable server for cheap kronos so I don't have to buy them through general chat channels on FV.
    Nandary Griefs likes this.
  14. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Raising bazaar prices WILL increase krono prices. If krono prices are too high for the bazaar people will have to sell them in general. That is not convenient for most and they will settle for less to get it over with. Many will still sell for 2 million for convenience.

    But I can see how someone milking Phinigel for cheap kronos and who is adverse to general chat would like to be able to sell krono for over 2 mil in the bazaar.
  15. AlmarsGuides Augur

    If you say krono prices will go up by raising the baz cap then it must be true!
  16. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Making it easier to sell items over 2 million will strangely encourage selling items for over 2 million. Yeah I know its freaky wierd logic but there it is :)
  17. Warpeace Augur

    You mean just like the ones occasionally in the Bazaar where they modify the ini to sell for over 2.1 mil?
  18. AlmarsGuides Augur

    Not trying to be rude but that is the weirdest most twisted logic I have ever heard which seems engineered to fit a really specific opinion.

    I would agree with you if krono prices were say 2 - 2.5mil. Maybe some people would say ehhh I don't feel like /auc for 300k today so I will list it at 2mil for an instant sale.

    That will happen but it's the minority and it will only happen *now*. If Krono prices are 2.5mil now and people *sometimes* list it in the baz cause they're lazy, next year when krono prices are 3 - 3.5mil ... things change. That's enough plat to where laziness won't be a large factor and you *will* essentially be forced to use general to sell the krono. I am sure some people out there, not thinking, will still list it in the baz for 2mil but, again, this will be dramatically in the minority.

    Also, without a baz to tell you what items are priced at, your krono prices become much more subjective. Who knows if the guy is beating you at 2.5mil or maybe you're getting a great deal cause their actual value is 2.7mil. You don't know and can't tell because there is no baz to check your prices against or to monitor the prices over weeks/months. Instead, you'd have to go to the baz or trust your guildies feeding you subjective information about the current price of kronos.

    If what you're saying is currently, people will sell it for 2mil cause they're too lazy to list it at 2.5. I would agree with you 100% cause I have totally done that before for some items. In fact, I know I can get more than 2mil each for my Sigil of the Blade(s) on FV but i sell them all for 2mil in the baz cause I am too lazy to auction them in general or in the baz.

    That said though, there's a limit to this amount of laziness for everyone. I assume each Sigil of the Blade I lose 500-1mil each and it isn't that big of an issue because it's a game and not real money and I don't care about the ingame money unless it starts paying my real life bills. That said though, kronos = real money which means the sellers are much more likely to care, same with the buyers.

    Even with that information aside, there's a limit to how much I would let myself be beat by listing an item at 2mil (as would everyone). If I knew the item I was selling was worth double I would pay someone to sell it for me in a general channel and let them keep a % of the proceeds over 2mil, which i have done before on numerous occasions. Person X wants to socialize, I don't - so I pay them a cut for socializing for me. Both parties end up happy. =D

    TL;DR Your logic is sound for today and I am proof that your logic is sound. That said though, *eventually* we'll reach an imaginary threshold that people will refuse to take that large of a "hit" for when selling an item through the baz. This I think is the bigger issue we face
  19. Povarmonk Elder

    that is not the problem no reason to change the way the bazaar works if u want to sell something for a ridiculous high price then send spams in chats and ooc. There also no reason to be selling kronos for that amount of PP it just driven by greed 1 mill is to much for a krono
  20. Drogane Journeyman

    Couldn't this be addressed with a little creative inflation? Anything that is currently priced in copper, raise it in price to the next closest silver cost. Change the code so any copper dropped are also changed to the nearest silver. Once you've effectively removed the copper currency from the game you can then allow a 20 mil limit in play since the lowest form of money is 1 silver. The other idea is to devalue drops to make sure somehow that the plat entering the game doesn't exceed the plat leaving. Eventually prices would stabilize, perhaps this could be done with a more powerful merc that's 10 to 100x a journeyman merc cost to maintain.