knight 2h vs. generic 2h parse comparison

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Tearsin Rain, Mar 10, 2015.

  1. Xanathol Augur

    I agree and think they would have to be able to condition it as a percent change based on delay. From what I know of the current effects, I'm pretty certain that would have to be a code change to do that. Maybe while they are in there, they can add in a higher percentage to address SK melee dps. ;)
  2. Dre. Altoholic

    If ratios are going to be normalized, I'd like to start seeing high damage, slower 2h weapon choices for multiclass (WAR/PAL/RNG/SHD/MNK/BER) 2handers. Big damage is nice for riposte when multitanking, which is often the only time some of these classes would use such a weapon anyway.

    Historically these have been 2hb weapons, but it would be nice to see this get shuffled around periodically. Maybe alternate by tier or something.

    Not that this would come at the exclusion of Knight-only 2handers as I'm certainly a fan of class-tailored weaponry, I just see an opportunity for some more choices spread around for everyone.

    That said, I think it's a reasonable tradeoff for a faster 2H to deal more melee DPS if a slower weapon of the same ratio offers more riposte damage.
  3. sojero One hit wonder

    Dre. They already have that in a way, lance of the Icestorm 319/35 vs Burning Steel Broadblade 273/30 or are you meaning something else?
  4. Brudal Augur

    TDS weapons started off with 30 and 35 delay, mirroring the cotf tiers but were adjusted after release to utilize the 30 delay dropping damage by 51 to maintain ratio. I still bandolier in my older higher damage CotF weapons for Rampage every 3 minutes or if needing to use Reckless.
  5. sojero One hit wonder

    Ah, I didn't think about that, thanks, had raidloot up looking at other weapons to compare, and didn't think to look at tds weapons :)

    edit: went and looked and they have 30 and 35 delay for group, its only raid that they took the 35 delay out as far as I can tell. - looked the 35's up on allah and found raidloot has them incorrect, all are 30 now as you stated
  6. sojero One hit wonder

    So far what I have parsed, doing the parses with casting now:

    Combat Dummy Lena in 3365s, 27578k @8196sdps --- Sojero 27578k@8196sdps (8196dps in 3365s) - knight 2h - std buffs no adps pure melee

    Combat Dummy Lena in 2993s, 24040k @8032sdps --- Sojero 24040k@8032sdps (8032dps in 2993s) - 30 delay - std buffs no adps pure melee

    Combat Dummy Lena in 3627s, 144803k @39924sdps --- Sojero 144803k@39924sdps (39924dps in 3627s) - 30 delay burn shm epic / brd epic /QT /FE /Visage / talisman / bard songs pure melee

    Combat Dummy Lena in 26399s, 1065368k @40356sdps --- Sojero 1065368k@40356sdps (40356dps in 26399s) - Knight 2h burn shm epic / brd epic /QT /FE /Visage / talisman / bard songs pure melee
  7. Ravengloome Augur

    That is absolutely terrible.
  8. sojero One hit wonder

    You know putting some qualifiers with your statements really would help.
  9. Ravengloome Augur

    There should be more difference.

    Although that is very similar to the results I found with the Arx 2 handers.

    The gap is also a bit wider for paladins (about 2k during full burn) due to the way our burns interact with themselves. Still far to close of a margin..

    The knight ratio 2 hander gets slightly skewed upwards when tanking though due to ripostes, but it ain't a whole lot, unless your tanking multiple

    Is that one of the higher AC dummies? I'd be curious if the 30 delay would pull ahead on mobs with more mitigation since AFAIK flat damage is not mitigated.
  10. Ravengloome Augur

    Also funeral dirge/tvyl's would further widen the gap during a burn.
  11. sojero One hit wonder

    It was a LB dummy as our Feng Shui master hasn't put the new dummies in. I dont think T'vyl's or FD are going to make any real difference since VOD didn't, and it is also a % modifier.

    I am running a auto cast of 3 lifetaps while I'm at work to see what the effects on the 30 will do while casting those. I am disappointed that during just auto attack and pure melee burn that there isnt more of a difference, I thought there should be. I wonder if the .5 sec pally spells would have an effect on the 30 delay, might have to break out the wives pally and grab the same weaps to test.

    I don't want to consider what the tank 2h will do for reposts as that is not really in the scope because you only do that, and especially against multiples if you are over geared for the content and groupers wont be usually.

    That being said burns can come out a lot higher or lower than anything im posting as their is stars aligning etc stuff that can make everything really high for short periods of time, or someone with a voodu doll making your stuff suck bad. Also I am not using HT, Tvyl or anything that is a short duration as its impossible for me to accurately parse that.

    One thing I am truly surprised at I'm getting flurries every 2.5 rounds with the bard in group, never really paid much attention before.
  12. sojero One hit wonder

    Chain casting 3 lifetaps (Touch of Lutzen rk1, Dire Declaration rk1, and Touch of Falsin rk 3)

    Combat Dummy Lena in 15227s, 707129k @46439sdps --- Sojero 707129k@46439sdps (46439dps in 15227s) Knight 2h burn shm epic / brd epic /QT /FE /Visage / talisman / bard songs

    Combat Dummy Lena in 24549s, 1072236k @43677sdps --- Sojero 1072236k@43677sdps (43677dps in 24549s) 30 delay burn shm epic / brd epic /QT /FE /Visage / talisman / bard songs

    Looks like you do lose rounds when casting, enough to put a small difference.
  13. Tearsin Rain Augur

    my tests were performed on a red con test dummy.
  14. Tearsin Rain Augur

    since we've kinda been talking about dps, thought this might be an interesting contribution.
    this is solo, about half with enc haste and half with Twitching Speed.
    full spellbar of dots, usually 8-10 being on each mob.
    some burns here and there, but i wasn't going all out the entire time, and sometimes would tab out with auto-attack on - so it's not like this is a full on sustained burn, this is more typical kind of 75% attention paid higher end dps potential with a full spellbar.

    so this the entire timorous deep instance, all the named and the 32 required mobs.

    /GU Combined: Shady Swashbuckler in 3559s, 75880k @21321 --- Tearsin 71949k --- Geoffpeterson 3931k
  15. sojero One hit wonder

    Was that all single pulls or singles and multiples? Also was that with 2h or S&B? Those are similar #'s I got in a PoW mission for the aug when I Molo'd it with cleric merc and 2h+ dots/lifetap spell bar, but mine was multiples cause there are so many wanderers and our combined dps goes up pretty good when you are doing multiples.
  16. Tearsin Rain Augur

    mostly single, occasionally a double or even triple if i was running epic and VoD.
    2h, lance of the bloodfiend with a 16 damage aug.
    AAs as per my magelo, 3x blood dots, 3x plague dots, blight, ac/str disease dot, bond, spear, lacerating - all older dots were rk3, all newer dots were rk1, rk3 shroud and vizat.
  17. Lazy automation Elder

    Is piercing still broken on test? I remember reading a couple month back that it was and maybe it came over to live and that's what screwing up damage.
  18. Tearsin Rain Augur

    just since i've already put a couple parses in this thread for comparison purposes...
    same setup as my previous tests, identical buffs, though this test has the final ranks of enhanced aggression whereas the last two 2h tests didn't. same positioning relative to the combat dummy.

    this is using the arx 1hs with an AC aug in it (check my magelo for specifics)

    /GU Combat Dummy Ena II in 31346s, 219076k @6989 --- Tearsin 219076k