Instanced Raids in Lockjaw/Ragefire

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Trueshote, Aug 29, 2016.

  1. Tomlyn Drayke Journeyman

    Instanced content will come to RF/LJ eventually as that's where the game went via progression. The true checkbox for Phinny was the true box code. I, personally, have no interest in playing EQ with one account per computer. All other considerations, including instanced raids (a feature I wholly supported), were irrelevant next to that.

    There were so many people on these forums complaining about box armies. I was not one of them. They never bothered me, despite not having an army myself.

    My issue was with content blocking. A mechanic wholly outdated by modern EQ. I would have liked to have done a Vox or Naggy raid, but was never in a position to beat others to the open world content, so I missed out...again.

    So my choice was to either play the game with one account making the game unfun for me to access a feature I would like, or continue playing the game how I liked to play it via an outdated (I.e. replaced via instances in later expansions) mode of content delivery. It was never an option, which makes it a poor solution.

    I give it less than a year before we see our first "Please remove Box code from Phinny" thread as your population dwindles due to natural population decay, and remaining players can no longer adequately progress in groups with the limited amount of players remaining. I'll be the bigger man, at that point, and not pee in your Cheerios.
    Phinius and Skuz like this.
  2. Storytimebros Elder

    These changes were made with only the game up to gates in mind. They seem to care nothing about what happens to these servers once real progression begins. At that point your challenge will be to find a competent guild that can raid with 54 people. They either know nothing or could care less about what happens between gates and live content. Your choices will boil down to find a guild that can field enough raiders to continue to live or quit and join a live server.
  3. bodes Augur

    I think you underestimate just how big Phinny's population is.... It currently has 19 active raid guilds fielding 40-80 players each, that's GROWN from 12 in classic and 17 in Kunark. That's 1000 active raiders and probably 1000-2000 who don't raid. It also has 12-18 week unlocks which greatly reduces burnout. When we say it's by far the most successful TLP ever released that's not hyperbole, it's just reality.
    Risiko, oldkracow and Arclan like this.
  4. Arclan Elder

    "oh we can't let people have access to content, it would ruin the economy."

    LOL, most of the raid loot is no drop.

    BTW boxing is common on Phinny. The requirement that each account use a separate computer is of little consequence. In Unrest, there are always lvl 60 characters present, who are boxed out-of-group. I wish they'd ; they turn an otherwise exciting zone into a snooze fest.
    Skuz likes this.
  5. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    Pretty much spot on..

    Content blocking is just a result of no instances, add in mass boxing and you've got an unpleasant place to attempt to have nostalgic fun.
  6. -wycca Augur

    Lets see, every other server where you can run 18 toons or whatever on 1 pc, vs. phinnie where you run 1 toon on a single pc. Yep, no small difference in the # of boxers. You know how many 6-boxers I've seen on Phinnie? 2-3 at most. On Ragefire? You couldn't zone into a zone without running into one or being booted out of a camp by one. Let's not even discuss people who boxed more than that.

    Phin is mostly people using a spare laptop to box an extra toon or two, and that's not even super common. The difference is an order of magnitude.
  7. Hateseeker Augur

    We seem to agree that starting over is a negative thing; otherwise, it would not make any sense to use in your comparison that it would be unfair for others to get it without starting over. Personally, I consider the infliction of something negative on the player base as wronging them; unless that is absolutely necessary - and many of us don't agree that it is. Only Daybreak knows why they made that choice, but if they did, ultimately, reconsider and bring instancing to RF/LJ, it would support the assertion that they wronged the playerbase by not bringing it there in the first place.

    Again, nothing happens in a vacuum; you're speaking as if there is nothing else different about Phinigel for which a player who wants instancing should just go there? true box code (for which, even if we agreed that was a good thing, there are rumors of players regularly circumventing it without bans from Daybreak) not the least.
    Skuz and Trueshote like this.
  8. Trueshote Journeyman

    We RF/LJ peeps have gave you plenty of reasons why we should have instanced raids, and all i see from Phinney is basically /cry /cry /cry, and "if you wanted instanced raids you should leave your friends and family behind and start over scenarios. Also, the true meaning of Phinney was the true box code not the instanced raids, Oh and that 12 Guilds and growing factor you put out there would happen to RF/LJ also becuase you could actually start a guild and knew you had an opportunity to succeed. And if 8 people decided to make a guild and raid content, who cares they wouldnt hurt anyone elses progression, and obviously not yours. and more than likely the items that they could sell would be dropped in priced so money wouldnt be a big thing. so the economy would still be in good shape, becuase the other guilds would more than likely to kill those targets as well. And yes i know Bodes and Agent of Change is probably going to quote me on like 3-5 words again or maybe a sentence if im lucky and simply respond to that while forgetting everything else I wrote down.
    Skuz likes this.
  9. Trueshote Journeyman

    For one you didn't start over for instanced raids, you started over for the true box servers like most of the people who first found out they were coming out with this server, They eventually letted people know that it was getting instanced raids later.
  10. Crackers Augur

    Don't tell me what I did and did not do. I rerolled on Phinny for instanced raiding. I don't care about the boxing near as much as I wanted instanced raids. Both were announced PRIOR to the server launching, well in advance. I left my old server, for Phingel, for instanced raiding.

    Again, don't care about boxes.

    I would also maintain I wasn't wronged by starting over. I was fine with starting over in exchange for instanced raiding. If the players on Ragefire and Lockjaw want instanced raiding, they know how to get it. Come play with us on Phinny!
  11. Risiko Augur

    This is true.

    I was a Ragefire raider, and I can say with out a doubt that Phinigel is a better server to play on than Ragefire by a long shot. There's just a different feel to the community as a whole that I can only assume is because of the true box code. There's a ton more interaction and interdependencies between everybody you meet than you find on any other server. It's hard to explain, but it's real.

    Honestly, it's not too late to get your family and friends, and start over TOGETHER on Phinigel. As a ready made guild, you would get back to max level and re-geared fast even with the slow exp. You would like it if you did. Everybody has made that leap of faith to come to Phinigel so far, and I have never met anyone who regretted doing it.

    I'll see ya on phinny.
  12. -wycca Augur

    Well, you see that because we did start over and leave people behind when we started on Phin. You just want to be a special snowflake, as if none of the same things have applied to thousands of people already.
  13. Trueshote Journeyman

    Special Snowflake? No, i don't think so, merely want instanced raids, and You phinney people havent actually said what would be negative about it instead of what might happen inside our server directly, which i doubt would happen due to decent guild progression and possibly new guilds forming, i highly doubt this would impact your server is hardly anyway, unless they want to box and start over again.
  14. Behee Augur

    I play on Phini, and all I can say is that the instancing system should be part of base EQ. It's a great system, and everyone should have it.
  15. Rcbauer Augur

    Lots of folks use M_Q_2 or whatever 'dark elf tracker' see them running around using 'stick'. Don't be naive.Some folks can't be the best by 'fair' means and have to resort to automation.
  16. Brumski Augur

    Many people hit 50 on RF/LJ only to bail soon after due to the realization that the majority of raid content was inaccessible. The loud minority screamed and screamed about needing 'competition,' yet it has become apparent that is not what the majority of players want these days. People don't want stuff handed to them, they want the opportunity to raid, to 'compete' against the game.

    I think the biggest draw to Phinny is the instanced raiding, enough so that people will put up with horrid XP rates and inability to box to be able to do that.
    Phinius likes this.
  17. Arclan Elder

    RcBauer, when you said "Some folks can't be the best by fair means," I hope you are referring to the top raiders Because top raiders, historically, have been the top hackers. Top guilds on our server, prior to the merge many years ago, admitted to hacking post mortem. I'm not accusing all top raiders of hacking, so if the shoe fits, wear it.

    Brumski, I'm happy to hear that. I think some prominent SOE folks, now DBG folks, think that "competition for content" is a core value proposition of EQ. I vehemently disagree. It has cost them $millions in lost subscriptions. Trying to morph a PvE game into a hybrid, dysfunctional PvP game is not a good idea.

    Regarding xp that depends. I imagine solo xp is terrible. But group xp seems 500% faster than it was in 1999. Auto loot lets you burn through 150 mobs without needing to bend over to loot and communicate that loot with the party. Origin provides a free port to sell your stuff. No waiting for boats, no weight for coin, no corpse runs. Also seems much easier to outrun mobs which seemed impossible in 1999 without sow.
  18. Ethereal Augur

    I've literally seen this guy complain and cry about how he couldn't level on phini because EXP was so bad, then in another post explain how raiding on phini was amazeballs. I've read other posts about how he hated ragefire because he couldn't get GROUPS in hate (a raid zone). An yet, he was a ragefire 'raider'. This is why I love forums, because of people like this. Carry on propaganda machine.

    I'm really happy phini players are able to have a say in how ragefire/lockjaw should progress. You guys made your choice to go to phini, live with it and move on.
    Adonhiram likes this.
  19. bodes Augur

    Ragefire and Lockjaw are open-world raiding, 6 month voting-unlocked TLP servers that DBG has stated will never get instancing, so maybe you should think about that a minute then:

  20. Ethereal Augur

    Wait, never? So they're going to take away the already functioning instancing system that the server we'll eventually get anyway? Wow, that's harsh. See ya in 7 months when we get instancing though random phini nobody. You better hope your server pop stats stay high (it wont), because that truebox code will work out really well for you.