How Many Guilds Will Clear Classic in Era

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Zain2, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. Rauven Augur

    I would love for the raid mechanics to change. And they have the perfect opportunity to do so with TLP. They can do it at the same rate the servers progress.

    I know its not the nostalgic classic experience that Lord Nagafen would not be a tank and spank loot pinata... but for the sake of fun, and our reputation as EQ players. We should be clamoring for it.

    You have WoW players who's first dungeon's boss mechanics are far more complex than our endgame raid bosses. They're laughing at us when we claim to be playing the harder game. When in fact.. we're really not.

    We got our tails handed to us in 1999 because we didn't know any better. Now we do. We can relive that nostalgic feeling of getting pwnd again if we want it badly enough.
  2. thechacko Elder

    Uh raiding in 1999 was not done by the majority of 50s on our server (can't speak to anyone not from Lanys). There were 2 guilds capable of doing them and that was it. You could do plane of fear/hate yard trash but no one else was capable of taking the dragons or Gods until Kunark came around.

    Whilst I'd be fine with raid instancing (and lockouts by character) the accusations of "poopsockers" being the only ones who can do it... only shows a gross level of ignorance on your part because it was an elite guild only thing to be able to raid in 99.

    Sure the game isn't balanced the same and not everyone is playing on 36.6 (SUPER FAST) modems but you gotta get the point... it was always cream rising to the top.
    Kolani likes this.
  3. Vlerg Augur

    Who are you trying to convince... me or yourself?
  4. Fohpo Augur

    There's been about as many poopsocks as you have fingers on one hand so far... at least on major targets. Phinny is another story for some odd story, mostly because it can be one grouped I think - usually ending in some arms race.
  5. Weverley Augur

    I would like raid bosses to have 3 times the hp they have right now then we could see at least a decent fight.
  6. liveitup1216 Augur

    Nobody? There's no convincing needed, I'm just relaying the actual truth. There's been a few "we might need to go poopsock" then after like half an hour everybody leaves or logs on an alt or just kills trash for a little while.

    So... yeah. Nobody's been required to sit on a spawn for hours at all on either server.