GamParse 1.5.1 Test

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Beimeith, Mar 3, 2015.

  1. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Not at all. It is a completely different situation.

    When the fight starts for dps you are able to attack. Whether you do 0 damage or 1 million is your CHOICE. Since it is a choice, it makes sense to start it from the beginning of the fight.

    When the fight starts for a tank they aren't able to tank until the mob actually swings at them. They do NOT have a choice so it wouldn't make sense to start from the beginning of the fight, only when they start tanking.

    To put it another way: All dps classes have the same opportunity of a starting point. All tanks do not since only one person can be tanking. (Not counting ramp).

    Also, the delay copy/send works great~

    I also changed it so that you can enable the copy sound to play without having auto-send on. That way it will play every time it sends a copy so you know when to hit paste.
  2. Forcallen Augur

    This might be the most illogical I have ever seen you be. It appears you are letting prior disputes between us bleed into this.

    Lets look at event 2 in Arx.

    Tank A engages Purple Golem pulls off to a remote corner. Sdps parse for Purple starts here.
    Tank B engages Green Golem pulled to raid setup corner. Sdps parse for Green starts here.

    10s later guild for most part all engage dps on Green Golem. Personal dps for Green Golem parses start here(give or take some time based on the delays of individuals players).
    45s later 20 dps people in the raid who where standing out farther then rest are hit by a Purple Golem AE. According to you (and how the overview dps parse currently works) their personal dps parses for Purple golem start.
    120s later Green golem dies.
    10s later all trash is cleared.
    10s later raid dps engages Purple Golem. The remaining dps's personal dps parses for the Purple Golem start here(give or take some time based on delays of individual players).
    160s later Purple Golem dies.

    Person A links his parse and it shows his sdps at 355s. His personal dps at 300s.
    Person B links his parse and it shows her sdps at 355s. Her personal dps at 160s.

    Both person A and B both did the exact same thing for the entire event, they only stood in different places. They spent the first 195s (give or take) dps'ing the Green golem and trash. Before they then moved on to the purple golem and started their personal dps, both were on purple for roughly 160s (give or take) dps'ing.

    You are saying its an accurate measure to compare the two. The fact that one has 160s of active dps time on the mob and the other has 160s of active dps time on the mob PLUS the 140s time from when they were first hit by the Purple Golems AE (since it was their choice at that point to not actively engage the purple golem, they should have played/planned better) doesn't matter.

    The #2 method randomly starting for them differently isn't an issue. It wouldn't be more valuable and a better measure if both were measured the same way without other random variables thrown in that add nothing in regards to dps info to the parse.
  3. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    I throw myself on the mercy of anyone else reading this thread whether they think I'm holding some sort of grudge against you or not...
  4. Leex Pewpewer

    Ever mess with your battle time out option? Might save ya some trouble.
  5. Forcallen Augur

    I have not, default is 30s. But even if you are hit 30s or more before you begin dps'ing the mob it still counts when the mob hit you as the start of the parse. So if I dropped this to say 6s or whatever it just reduces it being an issue but 6s can still impact a parse quite a bit. And even if this works to overcome the issue its not different then manually altering the log to remove the hit for an accurate gauge of your dps, just easier. You still have to trick gamparse instead of it working in a better manner by changing actual dps to work like overlay dps.
  6. Forcallen Augur

    This should have read:

    Person A links his parse for the Purple Golem and it shows his sdps at 355s. His personal dps at 300s.
    Person B links his parse for the Purple Golem and it shows her sdps at 355s. Her personal dps at 160s.
  7. Zentara Augur

    My question is why does it matter? As has been mentioned by Beimeith repeatedly in this thread as well as others, sDPS is *all* that matters in a raid scenario. Anything else can be gamed.

    Live overlay dps is nothing more than a monitoring tool to give a general's not saved anywhere, it's not useful for anything except to keep an eye on how you are doing at the second you glance at it comparatively.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Beimeith like this.
  8. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Exactly this. I couldn't have put it better myself.

    Also, I've updated the test version. Download from link in the first post.


    -If you attempt to send more than will paste into EQ it will now trigger a timer that will break it into chunks and send them one after another at a set interval until all has been copied.
    -Added Option to Enable Split Sending & set the Timer value in Send Options. (Default is OFF and 5 seconds between copies).
    -Fixed a bug that could cause errors when AutoSend was enabled and you loaded the last 5MB or a full log file.
    -All Clipboard copies will now play the sound if the sound option is enabled. (Highly Recommended when using Split Sending).
    -Option to play sound when copying to clipboard is no longer dependent on AutoSend being enabled.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  9. Bikmer Journeyman

    Does it capture weapon procs as part of a players DPS? I don't see a break down in Player DPS for say Non-Melee damage. Or am I just reading it wrong?

    For example,

    [Wed Aug 05 15:15:03 2015] X hit Combat Dummy Dena for 1173 points of non-melee damage.
    [Wed Aug 05 15:15:03 2015] Combat Dummy Dena is struck by flames.

    It would be nice to see that as a type to parse out weapon procs or damage shields.
  10. Forcallen Augur

    It matters because accurately measuring what you are doing matters. Accuracy allows you to make viable comparisons between things which can then be used to make improvements and adjustments as needed. Different tools for different jobs. You want all the tools you use for measuring to be as accurate as possible.

    Maybe because the bold above is false? It's not all the matters, even if he says so. Every type of parse can be gamed sdps included.

    Parsing in general is nothing more than a tool to show general trends. Sdps is simply one tool from that parse kit, its extremely accurate and the best measure for some things. For other things its not. Actual dps for the time frame you were actually dps'ing is also a very valuable tool at times for some things. For others things its not but that doesn't make it useless and not worth accurately measuring on one persons say so. Total damage done is also a valuable tool at times.

    You don't have to agree with me about the value of knowing your actual dps. But you do have to agree that currently the means by which its measured is not accurate. As two different things can start/impact it, one of which is completely out of your control in most cases and has zero to do with measuring your dps when you actually started dpsing to begin with.

    Sdps is extremely valuable and I agree the most useful tool in most cases. Its not ALL that matters so making sure the other tools are accurate as well matters for when they are useful.
  11. Gyurika Godofwar Augur

    Thanks for the update Beimeith. No clue why Forcallen is going out of his way to give you a hard time over a free program you provide updates for and host on your spare time. I think he might need to take a step back, chill out and let it go.
    Mintalie likes this.
  12. Xikteny Augur

    That sounds like a great idea.
  13. Brogett Augur

    If you're looking for ideas for other ways to handle dps and start times, more useful than your #2 (out of the 3 possible ways it works right now) would simply be configurable times. There have been occasions where I've wanted to know what my dps was had the mob died in 2 mins instead of, say, 4, to accurately compare my dps against another guild that just did it in half the time. (Right now I do this with saving a single file and manually editing it.)

    Equally so there are occasions where I want to chop off the start of a fight because it falsely picked me up as doing damage when I was (mainly) focusing on adds and just happened to accidentally end up on parse early.

    Being able to drag out a start/stop and compute from there would be awesome :)
  14. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    That is something that I would like to do, but as I know I've said before, the damage parsing is the most complex, confusing, and comment-less part of the code. I am still not terribly clear on how some of it even works, and I've been working with the code now for over a year.

    I've been avoiding editing that part of the code and working on improving the usability of things as well as adding the stuff I've personally wanted to over the years (Faction, Randoms, Improved Search, Improved Chat, Improved Loots, Corrected Tanking, etc.).

    Most of that has pretty much been done at this point, but there are still some other things I may or may not do. I've written a few other programs over the years that I've sort of made public but not really promoted them. I wrote one to parse inventory/house/bank files, one to properly calculate AC now that the formulas are public, a log cleaner (it deletes crap from the log files to condense them), and a spell damage calculator. I also have Gamanarn's Log Splitter I may do something with.

    At this point it is a question of whether it is better to try and work with what is there, or start over on the damage parsing.

    It will probably happen eventually, not soon.
    Gyurika Godofwar, Brogett and Sancus like this.
  15. Winnowyl Suffering is optional.

    If you don't like the current reporting, Forcallen, you can always adjust your fight timeout down to about 5 seconds. Which is going to lead to a LOT of entries into your Gamparse for any fight like Event 2, but it'll allow you to get a slightly more accurate dps parse.

    Every time you get AE'd, and it starts that parse 5 seconds after the last damage taken, it ends. When you actually engage it to kill it, I would certainly hope that you're doing SOMETHING aggressive to it every 5 seconds that it's active, so the battle won't time out. You can get your dps parse of the time you're actually engaged, tanks can get their tanking parse, and people like me who don't worry about it won't have to deal with some change to the function of the parser.
    Leex likes this.
  16. Karhar Dream Crusher

    Anyone know a reason why my own casts aren't being picked up on my own parser? some are but most arent.
    Combined: A keeper of the flame on 8/11/2015

    Karhar - 26
    --- Blessing of Resurrection - 1
    --- Convalescent Splash Rk. II - 1
    --- Divine Peace - 1
    --- Fraught Renewal Rk. III - 3
    --- Graceful Remedy Rk. III - 5
    --- Received Paragon - 1
    --- Slain - 3
    --- Spiritual Remedy Rk. III - 9
    --- Ward of Surety Rk. II - 1
    --- Word of Convalescence Rk. III - 2

    Produced by GamParse v1.5.1.3
    That is the whole night of what it picked up, obviously im casting more than 26 as some events im casting on average 100 spells. I'm not all that concerned with others as i mainly use parser for chat related stuff/ easier to search for text and what not. If anyone has any suggestions or what might be wrong, let me know. Thanks
  17. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Do you have spell casts turned off?
  18. Karhar Dream Crusher

    Show PC/NPC spells is set to Show
  19. Brohg Augur

    Are the text lines in your log though? like if you search the string "You begin"
  20. Karhar Dream Crusher

    Yes, i just parsed my whole you begin casting got 2160 hits, Combined: A keeper of the flame on 8/11/2015

    Karhar - 73
    --- Beacon of Life - 2
    --- Blessing of Resurrection - 3
    --- Burst of Life - 1
    --- Convalescent Splash Rk. II - 5
    --- Divine Balance - 1
    --- Divine Peace - 1
    --- Fervid Renewal Rk. II - 3
    --- Fraught Renewal Rk. III - 3
    --- Graceful Remedy Rk. III - 17
    --- Received Auspice of the Hunter - 1
    --- Received Paragon - 1
    --- Slain - 5
    --- Spiritual Remedy Rk. III - 22
    --- Syllable of Renewal Rk. III - 2
    --- Vie faded - 1
    --- Ward of Surety Rk. II - 2
    --- Word of Convalescence Rk. III - 2
    --- Word of Greater Reformation Rk. II - 2
    --- Yaulp XIV Rk. III - 1

    Produced by GamParse v1.5.1.3
    is what's showing up now. That's the entire log file so the last 2 days. I leave logs on.