GamParse 1.5.1 Test

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Beimeith, Mar 3, 2015.

  1. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    So, despite my increasingly busy schedule, I have no been idle with improving GamParse.

    The current release 1.5.0 should be updated to within a day or so, and will continue to be updated with bug fixes as I find them. New features will not be added, however, which is what this thread is about.

    For those interested in testing upcoming features for gamparse, providing feedback, and offering suggestions, follow this thread.

    As before, you can download the latest test version: Here
  2. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Current Changes:

    1) Search within Search Results

    Sometimes a search simply returns too many results to find exactly what you are looking for easily. Now you can search within search results to find those specific lines you are looking for.


    2) Multi-Search

    Instead of a single search option, you can now search up to 15 different times, each in it's own tab.


    3) Load/Monitor Recently Viewed Logs

    Gamparse will now keep a list of the last logs opened (up to 10). You have the options of Loading the entire log, or monitoring the log for new fights. Note the lists are separate since you can load a backup'd log, but you can't monitor a backup log for new fights.


    4) Default Pet

    You can now link a default pet to the default player by setting it in the General Options. This allows pet classes to link their own pet to themselves and will no longer need to do /pet who leader to link their pet when parsing themselves. Note that you will still need to /pet who leader for -other- people to link your pets as this applies only to the default player. It does not keep a list of all pets for all players.


    5) Selective Backup

    Currently you can only backup entire logs or a whole fight, but there is a lot more information that maybe you want to backup separately. With selective backup you can now backup specific parts of the log file: Chat, Loot/Coin messages, and/or Random rolls.

    6) Support for new loot system.

    I am currently working towards adding in parsing for the new looting system messages. Please pay extra attention to this.

    Additional Planned features not yet available as of this post:

    7) Sort by class for Tabs other than Overview

    Planned for DPS, Spell, Healing & Tanking Tabs.

    8) Copy URL from Chat results.

    If a line contains a URL, (starting with http://), the button will attempt to isolate the URL so you can easily paste it into a web browser.

    9) Breakdown of DoT Damage by Spell

    Since DoT damage messages report the spell that did the damage, it is possible to provide a per-spell breakdown. Note that this feature may not make it in this release depending how difficult it is to implement.
    Sheex, adetia, Axxius and 6 others like this.
  3. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Few other notes:

    The Monitor last 10 isn't working yet, and the selective backup, while it works, does not have UI elements yet so you can't actually test it yet.

    Also, the copy selected lines button on the search tab is only working for search 1 yet. I'll have that updated fairly soon.
  4. Lisandra Augur

    Awesome thanks Beimeith! I especially like the default pet feature as a mage with multiple mage boxes!
  5. Beimeith Lord of the Game


    -Cleaned up the multi-search so it looks better.
    -The copy selected button on the search tab should now work for every search and not just the first one.
    -The copy URL button on the chat and search tabs should now properly copy URLs out of the selected line of text.*

    *Note: URLs need to begin with one of the following to be copied:

    That means:

    Are all valid urls and -should- be picked up by the button, BUT:

    will NOT be picked up.

    Please test the URL copy function in as many different combinations as you can think of. If a certain URL doesn't get copied, please post the full line of test (using the normal copy line button) here and I try and fix it.

    Be aware that parsing URLs is kinda sucky so it may not be possible to correctly parse every one.

    As before, you can download the newest test version from the link in the first post.
    Sancus likes this.
  6. Beimeith Lord of the Game


    Faction Tab!

    Keep track of your factions!

    A new tab keeps track of your faction changes. Similar to the revised loot tab, you can use filters to narrow the results.

    The Faction tab lists the name, the amount of change, the time of the change, and the zone the change took place in. You may notice another column for NPC that is blank, this is normal atm. I am looking into tracking which mob being killed triggered the message, but it may not make it in since it is tricky to track things like that. Also not all faction changes come from killing mobs, they can be from quests too.

    If you filter by the Faction Name, a Running Total will be displayed at the bottom.

    Note that I said "Running Total." This means if there is no net change, it will display 0. In the example below, I was Max KoS to start with, then I got a +1 hit, then a -1 hit, and I was back to Max KoS. Therefore my net change was 0, which is displayed as the total. You may notice that it displays "KoS" if the faction message indicates that you are Max KoS. It will display "Ally" (not shown), if the message indicates you are Max Ally.

    Future plans:
    -See about linking messages to a mob when possible.
    -Add buttons to send to EQ
    -Add option to backup faction messages for Selective Backup

    As before, you can download from the link in the first post.
    Lisandra and Sancus like this.
  7. RPoo Augur

    Is there an easy way to tell who was in your group on a parse?
  8. Lanadili Elder

    Is it possible to add in some code that will let you know which Bard is singing what songs? Right now when I do a search for a certain song, it will only show the name of it. It doesn't show who sang it. It would be very much appreciated if some code was added in to display some additional info like this:

    [Mon Mar 09 18:37:35 2015] Lanadili begins to sing a song. <War March of Jocelyn Rk. III>
  9. Sancus Augur

    To my knowledge, that would require an EQ code change. Gamparse is an awesome program, but it's limited to what EQ puts in your log, and I don't think there's a message that tells you what song a person is singing.
    Beimeith likes this.
  10. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    School's out for summer, so here is an update:

    1) Added support for the old faction messages (before they gave a number). You won't know how much faction you got from them, but you can at least count the number.

    2) Added support for DoT bonus damage messages. DoT bonus damage will now be correctly parsed and added to the casters' damage total.

    [Tue May 05 19:44:52 2015] a hulking shadow beast has taken an extra 4243 points of non-melee damage from your Pyre of Jorobb Rk. III spell.

    3) Fixed Copy Line button in the search tab. It will now copy every line. (It was missing the first line).

    4) Added Flash of Anger to Warrior spell list. It should now appear under spells cast by the Warrior on the Spells Tab.

    5) Added detection for a few debuffs as a test. It works similar to the "Received" messages for buffs for players. On the spells tab select an NPC and it should show if they were debuffed.

    Currently tracked debuffs:
    Funeral Dirge
    Melee Slow(s)
    Malo line
    Tash line

    Note: Not every single version of the above spells may register as some of them use a different casting message.

    6) Added Date and Time filters to the Search Tab. If selected when you run a search, only results matching the filters will be displayed.

    Note: The "Date" filter box has no options until you search 1 time. After you search once, the options will appear.

    7) Added Save search result button. When you click the button it will save all results for the selected search tab to a text file.

    8) Added more options to the Limit Results dropdown box. You can now limit results to 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, and All.

    9) Fixed a bug with the Graphs tab where sometimes it would not properly resize the graph if you changed the size of the GamParse window.

    10) Fixed a bug with the Graphs where clicking multiple times on the Tank hits button would duplicate names in the drop down box.

    11) Added a label to all graphs containing the version number of GamParse that they were made in.

    As always, you can download the updated test version from the link in the first post. Please let me know if you encounter any problems.
    Sancus likes this.
  11. ohmy Elder

    Can you guide us on instruction for the g parse plz? is there an official webpage to download g parse ?
  12. Sarkaukar Augur
  13. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Brief instructions on how to get started are here:

    I starting writing a full set of instructions, but I forgot about it and never finished. I'll work on that soon(tm).

    I recommend that people download and use the installer version available at EQresource. People that want to test the new version I am working on can use the link in the first post to download the .exe.
  14. Brogett Augur

    Thanks for the updates Beimeith! Keep at it - we appreciate the work. :)
  15. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    I've seen some of your posts, you're using an older version! :p

    You are the reason I added the version label to the graphs. ;)
  16. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Another update:

    1) Finished Selective Backup. There is a new menu option titled "Backup." When you select it a small window will pop up with the available items to backup. Backups are saved in the same folder specified for auto backups. If there is no folder specified it defaults to the current directory /backup/.

    2) Added in Last Monitor List. This list displays the last 10 log files you opened (not counting backups) and selecting any of them will set GP to monitor them.

    3) Added in the missing option to load the last 5 MB of a log file.

    4) Temporary files generated by Gamparse (such as loading a zipped backup file) are now deleted when loading a new log file.

    Temporary files are deleted when the program is closed, but previously if you didn't close the program and opened multiple zipped files they would build up in the system and take up space. They are still deleted when closing the program, but they are also cleared when loading a new file.

    5) Cleaned up old code related to the saving of settings options. Settings should now be saved more reliably.
    Sancus and Leex like this.
  17. Brogett Augur

    I probably am indeed lol. But I don't think the newer versions changed much that affected the things I use. Never the less I still appreciate the efforts. Maybe I'll finally upgrade!
  18. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Small update:

    -Fixed a small issue where the Faction Tab was ignoring the selected filters for new faction hits. It will now respect the selected filters and only show new messages that match them.

    -Added a simple count label to the Faction Tab to count the number of messages.

    -The Spells Tab now lists the class if that information is available. You can now sort the box by clicking on the columns.

    As always, the newest update is available via the link in the first post.

    Provided there are no reported issues, this will likely be the last set of changes before it is released as an official update. Thank you to everyone who helps test!
    Sancus likes this.
  19. Sancus Augur

    This may sound odd, but I actually very much appreciate this particular feature. Thank you for your work on GamParse!
    Rcalielie likes this.
  20. Lianeb Augur

    I have a request and i am not sure how easily it would be to do.

    Is there way to view an associated fights log file on a tab across the top.
    For instance i select a fight in the left hand fight list and it show me all the log entries made for that fight in the right side. Currently the only way i know how to do this is to export the whole fight to a separate file. I could be missing something but i don't think i am.

    This type of feature would allow for quick scanning of a selected fight to possibly determine something that went wrong or right without the knowledge of what to search for, in the log search feature.