Daybreak Remove FFA on Both Servers

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by CasualStrength, Aug 17, 2015.

  1. omgskyisfallin New Member

    Another flawed analogy.

    If Jill does 5 hours of actual work and 55 hours of waiting for something to happen, then yeah, I'm only paying her for 5 hours.
  2. LJ_Addict New Member

    FFA is good to have, just not in excess.
  3. Darth Augur

    He said 6 pack abs, not 6 packs of twinkies.
  4. Vaclav Augur

    Absolutely true - but some of that stems from having too many dogs in the crate, so to speak.

    Might be able to physically fit 6-10 dogs in a 5^3 crate or whatever from an ability to fit them standpoint - doesn't mean those dogs are going to have a good standard of living.

    The "room" that these servers have compared to the population is ludicrous.

    I hope they wise up and realize Velious, or even better Luclin (since it allows even more raid tiering + opens up AA to make less people feel they HAVE to raid for a while) - is what TLPs need to start with for future servers like the future NoBox. Less work than instancing and accomplishes a large part of the goal and gives people tons of room to spread out.

    Sure, it sucks a bit minimizing the value of the first few expansions - but then again, Luclin already influenced itemization in all the classic eras anyhow. (focii anyone? weird bane weapons that shouldn't be there? all cultural being in vs. random entry times)

    There's nothing wrong with people tiering as you mentioned in part of you post I clipped - but until Velious (to a degree) and Luclin for it to really come to fruition - there simply isn't enough content, even with daily spawns, for guilds to properly fall into a hierarchy of tiers.

    All my best memories are personally of limited, sane, FFA personally - where it was us vs. 1 other guild at our tier - and when it was clear one guild was mobilized the other just sat back and watched (or moved on, if they had another target sighted) - but no interference happened once it was clear one guild was mobilizing faster. Actually truly "fighting" over a spawn as these have come down to isn't fun to me - starts to become more of a PVP experience than PVE at that point to me. [Should I dispel their charm? Turn a mob into a skeleton to goof up DPS? Train trash? All examples that I've seen pop up here as mentions, part of why I wanted no part in the FFA as it was happening here]
    Bigz_Zupdarty likes this.
  5. Aghinem Augur

  6. Vaclav Augur

    Twinkies are sold in 12s - unless they're Chocodiles that are 9s. Never seen a 6-pack.
  7. omgskyisfallin New Member

    You people are so bad at this. I don't care what you do at the gym. What I'm not willing to do is show up at the gym and be told you and all your friends will be using the weights,and that even though I paid the same membership fee, I don't have any right to lift. A good gym would recognize they need more weights (instances) for paying customers, and would insure the customers are happy.

    I (and apparently many, many more players on TLP) have absolutely no interest in competing with you. Many of us who left back in 2004-2006 and never played on a TLP server did not realize what EQ has become. Mage armies, overcrowded servers and vainglorious bullies make for an unpleasant experience.

    So you'll "win", and what you'll have left is, what? 500 people on the server? 300? A year from now it will be a ghost town.
    lalaloup likes this.
  8. The Man From Utopia New Member

    Your analogy is even worse, since I can name several dozen public service jobs that I know you are paying taxes to fund where part of the job involves waiting for "something to happen".
  9. Asheran Augur

    Meh, I don't really like twinkies.
  10. omgskyisfallin New Member

    So you're equating the top tier raiders with our fine public service employees.

    Yeah, that fits, actually.
  11. Zublak Augur

    Wow.... That is all.
    Alpha_Ragefire likes this.
  12. TL_KRONOLORD Augur

    He stated confidently, as he awaited his local fire service to show up and save his burning home.
  13. Elor Elder

    nice, you completely missed the point of what I was saying. It wasn't a brag about lifting or being in shape it was about EFFORT.

    It was an example of how I have to put effort into something I want.

    I cannot sit around and blame others for failing to exercise if I don't get on the bike or go to the gym.

    That would just be an excuse to never have to ever be responsible for my own choices. The key word there is I. ME MYSELF. Own your behavior if you make poor choices its your choice that caused it not others success.

    Furthermore the truth isn't that there isn't enough weights for you to work out because as you said

    So your not even willing to show up to try? That's my fault because reasons...:rolleyes:

    Remember zero effort plus zero attempts still equals zero loot.

    If you don't want to put any effort in then you can expect to get nothing out that's just how life works.

    Its not "fair" its not "right" but it is what it is. You have two choices you can cry about it or you can stop being a victim and do something about it.

    seomen ~ faceless
  14. Azzudien Augur

    You forgot the 3rd choice, You can buy your items for krono from a guild that reminds me of candy.
  15. Zublak Augur

    I seriously hope this guy is trolling..... Heh..
  16. Elor Elder

    I have a feeling its a troll but the way people are so entitled now a days you never can tell

    seomen ~ faceless
  17. omgskyisfallin New Member

    Thank you for your explanation, I now understand that even though I lift the same number of days per week as you do, and spend the same amount of time in cardio, mine doesn't count because I did not do it in the same place/time as you. Has it ever occurred to you some people go to the gym for their own health, not to impress others?

    Help me out with one thing: why does it matter to you if others complete raid content in an instance? Does it somehow diminish all your server firsts and such? Can you at least be honest enough to admit that if you are not depriving somebody else, you are not happy? Do you really believe only the players in the current rotation guilds have ever killed these mobs in era? If so, you would be surprised at how very, very wrong you are.
  18. SebastianTheIbis Lorekeeper

    We're gonna rename our guild Future Farmers of Antonica so that when you say FFA day, you really mean our day.
    Mayfaire, Fallfyres and Hendar2 like this.
  19. sleka Lorekeeper

    Most likely for the same reason you guys have stood there and let another guild make an attempt at a gatekeeper?

    I've said it before, the leadership of guilds on LJ are pretty reasonable as long as you aren't a jerk or entitled.
    As for the current whining about FI and FFA - They are putting more effort into batphones, if you want the content then get more disciplined, organize and rally faster with more strength.

    Also, why the hate on AD (or MM for that matter) from FI members. It's August in vacation time and maybe a bad month for leadership to rally. If we lost a couple mobs - big deal, it happens but kudos to you guys for taking many new members and training them quickly.
  20. Amor Augur

    Most the guilds back then running their respective servers were not over 100+. There was usually 2 to 3 current expansion guilds that did not raid 24/7. Raids ballooned for the top end slightly for the Rathe Council. Before that it was counter productive to be that large. Zek servers were probably different but I didn't play on them.

    Every server though had that middle of the tier zerg guild. Mostly made up of the immature because they couldn't get into those top guilds because of their maturity issues. Anyone that actually played back then would probably even remember that guilds name to this day because they were the joke guild of their server for being a zerg guild. Fast forward today and the joke guilds have found each other so they're even bigger now.

    One server was progressive enough to start a rotation on their own and the other server had to be forced into it. There does need to be some FFA because some people like that and they deserve it just as much as the ones that also deserve instance/rotation type raiding.

    Stop with all the bad analogies too, both sides are bad and use them horribly. An example of one is the competitive crowd using sporting analogies. Those are bad until the day the Oakland Raiders show up with 200+ players all on the field at once against the 53 New England Patriots players. You can insert Manchester and Liverpool for my oversea friends but until that game takes place of 200 vs 53, you sport analogies are just plain bad.

    All you No FFA people don't take that the wrong way because your analogies are just as bad. That was just one of the easiest ones to point out.
    Simone likes this.