Daybreak Remove FFA on Both Servers

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by CasualStrength, Aug 17, 2015.

  1. Kobra Augur

    Bob should manage his critical path better then. Bob is a terrible project manager and should spend a night at holiday inn express.
  2. Vaclav Augur

    Hopefully your cash out goes as well as mine did - got 24 kronos waiting for something worthwhile now. So the wife and I are pretty set for whenever they do rectify things.
  3. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    After abusing ragefire for the krono trade.... and now lockjaw I could fund a large guild for up to 6 months..... They really need to ban krono's on a TLP.
  4. Zublak Augur

    Krono's aren't as big of a problem as they were early on.

    First 1-2 months you had to have a Krono to buy almost anything of reasonable value. FBSS, GEB, TBB, Mithril anything, pretty much most items ranging from 500pp+

    Now that things have settled and Kronos are 6k+ you don't see near as much "only accepting krono offers".
    Simone likes this.
  5. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    They just ruin the new server econ is my feel. Oh well I'm out few more things to liquidate and i'll wait on the no box server, hopefully no krono there but I'm not thinking that will happen.
  6. Mahande New Member

    Honestly I think that this post was just started anonymously by a no talent pantywaste who has no idea what its like to raid in EQ without instances and thinks that the entire server should conform to his whim because he pays his 15. you. I pay my 15 as well. If you want to experience more raid content, put some more effort into it. You reap what you sow. I have no sympathy for today's youth that just want a participation trophy. You did your best? Guess what, your best wasn't good enough, you'll have to improve and do better next time. Can't is a word for quitters. You prioritize your home life over a video game, ever stop to think for a moment that that happens to be a good thing? Some people have more free time than you do. Some people live in different timezones than you do. Get over it. Stop whining like a little and step up, and if you can't then don't complain.
  7. Zublak Augur

    Yeah most likely not. They make them to much money.

    I was a big no krono advocate when they showed up on TLP, but it is what it is. At first I told myself, if they get rid of Krono on TLP we'd have less Mage armies... But honestly they can just activate them from other servers and still pay for 6/12/18/24/30 or however many accounts. You may see a few less, but not much.
  8. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    I was thinking krono doesn't allow you activate any type of sub on a TLP server. But that is just a far off wish.... At this point no boxing is my #1 wish, krono's not able to be used for subs on a TLP is a distant 2nd.
  9. AngorfLadroTholuxeP Augur

    My sig does not trigger dev post... Lol, nice thought, but that is most certainly not the case (you can probably check my post history pretty easily if you want).
  10. Simone Augur

    Not really seen much evidence for Krono disrupting the economy as people claim. The prices for most items on Lockjaw are similar to what they were on Vulak'Aerr during classic which was way before Kronos were introduced. The only difference I have noticed is that a small minority of the population prefer to do business with Krono, instead of platinum, is the medium of exchange. It's really not such a problem as people say. Mages killing things everywhere was a problem on both servers; however afk mages killing stuff for loot is a new problem that was created be the advanced loot system.
  11. skattabrainz Augur

    I have a compromise, or a counter argument, or whatever.

    I would say that the reason 3-4 AM (north American time) TL dragon kills chafe on some of us is the fact that it takes the dragon off for a really long time.

    I don't begrudge TL their kills if they wanna play while I am sleeping but I don't like the fact that this dragon will now stay dead for over a day in real life.

    What if the dragons (inny, ct, etc... I just say "dragons") either always spawned more frequently, or alternatively they have a minus x hours to their repop time if they are killed between say 1 am and 6 am eastern US time.

    TL could still get their late night dragon groove and the rest of us could have more fun as well.

  12. Detheb Augur

    Its called the Ragefire rotation.... That is exactly what you just described.
  13. skattabrainz Augur

    yeah, but was suggesting to the powers that be, that the raid targets spawning more frequently would help the situation with disgruntled people such as the OP, without stepping on the toes of you guys who like to get the very off ours spawns
  14. Skadad Journeyman

    The are not just only american players on ragefire. Also if you want to please every player that wants to try, better start handing out free dragon loot, or make it so every player can spawn whatever mob they feel entitled to at any time :D
  15. Detheb Augur

    The thing is, we don't want to do it at very odd hours, but we will, because so will other guilds. The spawn rate is already 1/4 of the time it used to be. It doesn't need to be lowered anymore, people should just compete and kill it when it spawns.

    As an example, Other night, during open FFA period. CAF/False Prophecy were in the zone(CAF dps racing) against Nagafen. CAF/Apok(Maybe someone else?) were engaged on Cazic Thule(We had a 1 hour lockout on FFA), and we saw no contest against Vox. Guilds beside us are doing these mobs in off hours =p
  16. Simone Augur

    They did that already. When server started targets spawned about once every 72 hours. They halved that to once every 36 hours about a month after these servers opened. In the old days it was actually about once every 6 days for those mobs to spawn so, like Detheb, said we are already at 1/4 the original spawn timer.
  17. Jo Mortale New Member

    This is easily fixed, Drastically lower Mage pet's defense(or end the pet walling somehow without making it harder for PCs). Make it so casters cannot bind except at cities. We'll see what raid mobs actually go down and which ones stay up. FFA wouldn't matter much then. I bet more people would band together as well. This is the best fix to end the bickering. It's either this or instance everything. People are here to enjoy content, not fight over it. I'm not even sure why the top guilds even care about hitting the raid targets at this point(should just about have everything...) oh wait.. 3 little letters... RMT(selling loot, or looting rights.....) Toxic is Toxic, DB better step up their game, so should the players. Too many people is too many people. All the bickering and power struggle is going to end this game... maybe not today or tomorrow but yea... Do you really think they'll want to deal with this for another round of tlp, or even in the future of this one? I wouldn't. I think it's time for most of you to grow up a little bit and realize somethings.
  18. Detheb Augur

    Just speaking honestly, taking away mages ability to pet wall only helps those at the top. TL, AD, FI, MM do not need to pet wall. TL hasn't pet walled anything since like, week 1 of these servers(We may have used it to stop a wipe once, but has never been our plan). You're just going to affect the guilds like CAF and TLG who would not be able to kill anything. Which is kind of exactly the opposite of what you want, right?

    Also, we have between 25-35 applicants. Gear is still a focus for us, and will be for the foreseeable future(Especially stuff that is BIS until Velious)
  19. Thegoat Elder
