Call of the Forsaken NDA Lifted, Discuss

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Fanra, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. Axxius Augur

    No. Mercs can only equip items flagged MERC. Players or pets cannot equip those.
  2. Tobynn Augur

    ... and its only 4 slots, not a full 21 slots like players have.
  3. Denhbers Elder

    Seriously, why nerf berserkers AGAIN... What is the reason this time.... We went through enough (halfling droppings) this expansion. So (halfling) stupid. Sick of it.
  4. Leerah Augur

    You mean like Valley of Lunaryn is called Arelis?
  5. Mary Poppins Augur

    That was me...

    It didn't turn out so good in the long run - Piestro saw to it that they got the last laugh when they revamped the forums.

    Good luck with your request for a title, Fan. Hopefully your story will end better than mine.
    Leerah likes this.
  6. Xirtket Augur

    Hmm, after reading some of these posts...

    I didn't test anything because I was so disgusted with the spells and the deathbloom nerf, that I stopped participating in beta, are the new LDoN zones coming out on launch?
  7. Riou EQResource

    They aren't LDoN zones and they are next to nothing like the LDoN system. I'd almost say they more closely mimic something like DoN :p except you only get like a hallway of the zone for the 'instance' instead of the entire zone or even unique zones.
  8. Xirtket Augur

    boo :(
  9. Leerah Augur

    I'd like to be Mary Poppins but since you got it, I'll settle for Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. LOL
  10. Fanra

    Ah ha! I followed the link on your profile, Morituus the Censored! I just couldn't remember it.
  11. Fanra

    Actually, one of the Devs was nice enough to let me know it is Neriak - Fourth Gate.

    I must say, they are being really nice to me considering I was all ranting and stuff. And they've fixed it all up.

    I really need to not be so negative and be nicer to them.
    Leerah likes this.
  12. Leerah Augur

  13. Atvar Augur

    Developer interaction in previous expansions:
    weeks of aa discussions, hours of irc chat for each class giving suggestions and concerns

    Developer interaction in Call of Forsaken beta:
    Two short posts over the entire 1 month beta period.

    That's how it was for necros. I'm still waiting for questions that have been repeatedly asked for weeks to be answered.
  14. Treesong Elder

    I am a little underwhelmed, to be honest. Only 4 slots to upgrade on a merc? I am not even close to level hundred yet anyway so I decided to wait this one out and cancelled all my pre-orders for now. I guess the pre-order item will outlive its usefullness pretty quickly as is mostly the case with such items, so nothing lost there.

    Not rage-quitting, mind you! Just not exited enough to pre-order.
    silku likes this.
  15. Daislet Augur

    It's disappointing in terms of content and features.

    They are wanting us to "advance" them a loan basically. You give us $40 and we'll promise to deliver 1 years content, tho we wont say what it is.

    These guys are better off with kickstarter. They need to tell us how much money they are receiving and how they are spending it. Because atm - i see very little new graphical artwork/models, a handul of devs and interns and a handful of coders.
  16. hakmer Augur

    not making judgement on tier 1 of an expansion but i do worry that only allowing incremental increases to the players will leave many feeling unsatisfied with how their toon is progressing. some people like the noticeable difference when you get aa's and new gear. inching toward the finish line isn't going to sit well with the i want it now crowd. I guess alot of the previous posts before mine already show that. I honestly think the heroic adventures are pretty nice for the casual players and those who like to gear up alts. They are direct, targeted for 30 minutes to an hour, and tuned to 3 players with 3 mercs. The randomness of the adventures and some neat little spins on steps to complete are kinda neat.Might not be everyone's cup of tea, but they are in their own way an improvement over ldons.The zones don't respawn so won't be anyone sitting inside an instance camping anything. And once u complete an adventure u can go back and request that adventure again or proceed to the next one in line. The static zones do leave a bit to be desired, i can see ethenere with people in it alot. Bixie war front with be the hub for heroic adventures, neriak and The dead hills will be sparsely populated. especially deadhills, not much there other than instance zones.
  17. Naugrin Augur

    After the nerfs to some classes, a lot of us us will be paying to be worse than we were. Maybe by the end of the expansion we pay for up front, we will be back to what we are now. Then again maybe not.

    To quote Han Solo "I have a bad feeling about this."
    Montag likes this.
  18. Hatsee Augur

  19. Coardan Elder

  20. Coardan Elder

    Heroic Adventures?
    Do I need to be level 100 in this expansion? or can I do heroic adventures at any level? How well do they customize to group make up? Level ranges of mobs etc
    How long do they take?
    Is there a reward system?
    Are they fun?