Call of the Forsaken NDA Lifted, Discuss

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Fanra, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. Magik Journeyman

    I'm glad it is what it is. I wanted it to be either a must have or crap I didn't care about or need. So I got the latter and I can save $240 on my 6 accounts and not fall behind. You would think they would add a must have spell or aa, if I were upper management, I'd be pissed that there is nothing to make people buy this expansion. Love little gear inflation, I'm sick of regearing my toons all the time. Looks like I can enjoy what I have for awhile
  2. Magik Journeyman

    They seriously can't include this in our subscriptions at this point?? It's like a glorified patch.
    Dre., Astehroth and Axxius like this.
  3. Edrick Augur

    I didn't know you were such an optimist, Abazz!
  4. Iila Augur

    I dunno why they spend time on new spells and don't make them worth using. It's a waste of everyone's time.
  5. TheOriginalShaard Lorekeeper

    Nor is a single necro.

    What I don't understand is the mentality that is prepared to drive away customers rather than implement more equitable solutions. There is not the need for a SINGLE one of the negative changes that are being included with this "expansion"; the assault on caster DPS seems ill-considered given that melee DPS will increase with gear over due course. If melee need more of a boost then that should be addressed via positive changes; if any one caster class is doing significantly more damage, give all classes new "must have" spells to restore the balance.

    Honestly, I'm saddened by this since this is likely to be EQs last "expansion", with anything else likely to be more honestly labeled as content patches or downloadable content. It would have been nice to see something special this time though...
  6. Axxius Augur

    Yes, the concept of EQ expansion is no longer the same as before RoF. This is simply another release that is in no way different from SoF or HoF. And there will be more releases in the next 12 months with new content and features. But for some reason you have to pay for this one, while the next 3 will be free. Why can't this $40 be rolled into the subscription fee? I think it's because of the legacy restriction system. Levels, zones, AA have been locked behind owning expansion X since the beginning. They would need to change a whole lot of code for it.
  7. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    Just a guess, but when they don't up the level cap, and casters get new spells, the melees will probably fall behind.
  8. Naugrin Augur

    Non level increase expansions tend to favor melee as they get new weapons but caster's spells in said expansions tend to be fluff not substance.
  9. Riou EQResource

    I believe they wanted to in the future extend it further? but for now it's only those levels
    Leerah likes this.
  10. Quatr Augur

    Oh well. Thanks for the confirmation!
  11. Gragas Augur

    You can be assured there are no "significant" ratio gains from weapon to lessen the gap between caster and melee combined parses, at least not in T1. Well maybe new MONK only 2hand blunt is a decent increase but that's it for 2 hander's.
  12. Atvar Augur


    The new caster spells are situational at best. Couple that with the nerfs that are coming, and caster dps should drop in CotF.
  13. Kylo Elder

    all the wizard I play with said their dps suck and they should get a boost instead of a nerf. plus what kind of wizard you talk to? all the wizard you play with are either alt or box.
  14. pk76 Augur

    hummm for the 1st time since i play EQ ( 1999 ) , i bought all the expansion since then , ( i already pre-order the new exp for 3 account's ) , but this time i am wondering if i will cancel my pre order's or not ..

    no really new aa ( LOL ->> bind and identify ), same for spells mostly

    zones there .i like the karana zone , but other ones i don't .
    and with that, they nerfing ( should ) several class ........that's a bad move for them right at the launch ( good way to make sales :confused: )
  15. 567durty New Member

    with no level cap, and from what I have read re the spells and AA's seems pointless to buy this expansion. 3 toons all at or near max aa's. so what even at my limited play time will be back at max aa's in a month =(
  16. wingz-83 Augur

    The good: There's specialized caster augs, evocation, alteration etct + 15%.

    The bad: They are type 7/8 not 3.

    I don't understand this, melee get dodge etc for type 3.
    Sinestra likes this.
  17. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    Among the most fun times I ever had in EQ was in Velious at level 60 with no AAs to buy and I had pretty much all the gear I was going to get. Just had fun grouping with no shot at loot or advancement.
    Leerah likes this.
  18. Recnarp Augur

    How are those augs different from the augs people can get from LDoNs? I'm not a caster, so I really haven't looked into them.
  19. wingz-83 Augur

    I guess they aren't really. Maybe easier to obtain on current stuff instead of doing ldon raids for
  20. Potawatomi Augur

    The old augs from LDON required raid gear to use them while the new ones will not. For mages, the evo and conj augs are the .