Brogett for berserker CRT

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Bighitz, Oct 15, 2013.

  1. Denhbers Elder


    Root is NOT fine. If Vah shir had a deity, I'd be saying "What in god's name are you thinking, man?"

    It's the dumbest most poorly thought out ability ever for zerkers. It's an absolute hindrance to our class development. It's factored in whenever increases are granted. It's ******* **** ****. Connect the dots.

    I am never gonna "deal with it"; that implies I'm fine with this pathetic design of my class. I'm going to put up a stink until they listen, seems like the only way things get done around here.

    No offense but I cannot possibly disagree more with you here.

    The pendulum is "rooted".
    Norathorr and Fenudir like this.
  2. Langya Augur

    Have any members of the dev team, both current and past, played a melee dps for their own personal enjoyment? Thus having a vested interest? Granted, monk and rogue used to be apples and oranges and berserkers plain didn't exist back in the days before we all became DPS_01.....or should I say DPS_02 since Robes are DPS_01 by design. I just have to wonder if in spite of good CRT representation, the melee types are a bit unappreciated by their creators and perhaps not even understood since the possibility exists the dev team does not actively play any of these classes for their own enjoyment time. Tanks or priests being broken usually becomes self evident regardless if devs play those classes or not, but not so much with dps classes. Robes, in MY OPINION, seem to get more scrutiny (and not all of it is good, mind you). Maybe because the Red Names do actively play a few robe classes or its just just Beimeith poking them on the shoulder for attention until either they relent or want to murder him through the internet that makes the rain happen for robe classes.
  3. Brogett Augur

    Oops yes you're right. I had forgotten that RF got nerfed down from the 17 or 18% it was before.

    However the point is still valid. You can't sync a proc (especially as it doesn't last long), you can sync a spell. RF HHE is therefore far more powerful and 9 times out of 10 you won't get a proc when you most want it. Obviously there are other mods too so it's still worthwhile for rog to take RF for those as well.

    Anyway I've already said, and will say again, I have no issue with zerkers getting HHE procs themselves. I know the devs have said no, but personally I thikn it's a step in the right direction to reducing dependency on others a little bit.
    Norathorr likes this.
  4. Norathorr Augur

    Since returning I have not rejoined the raidbus yet, but one of the major issues I found with Root before I quit in VoA was that leap was not actually helping at all for me like it did with blinding. I never really had an issue with blind. I thought it was silly but it never stopped me due to leap. With Root the leap distance for me was tiny often not getting me near the mob else it would leap me into the middle of the mob if it was closer so I could not actually see my target unless someone was 'kind' enough to push it again. Has this mechanic been altered? If not I still view the root as completely unworkable and especially due to the fact that stomp conflicts with leap and its on our spam buttons now. I would love to see an aa to give us the leap mechanic without the buff so we could use it separately from stomp just for repositioning as I always loved leaping!
  5. Slasher Augur

    I'm not saying root should stay, but every time we bring it up we're ignored. Is it a fun mechanic no, but if you want to be #1 in burn there is a price isn't there ? The answer should not be a root, but if we want it removed we need to come up with something else reasonable.
  6. sojuu Augur

    Why should zerkers pay a price for being number 1 in burn? What price do wizards pay for being number 1 in burn? What price do necros pay for being number 1 in sustained?

    I may be off in asking that question but its kind of something I never really understood.
  7. Langya Augur

    Its an entitlement thing. Wizards have been top dps for enough of a duration for EQ's history to pretty much believe it is just how it is supposed to be. Same for necro, who have enjoyed the status of being OP longer than any other class (which I am sure they will deny). Rogues always did decent damage, but a wizard could still best them if they stay alive.Berserkers...they are still the FNG. To dig sand out of the wizard clams, there was probably a compromise made where, in order to save massive amounts of Beimeithism, zerkers would kick their own butts in order to come close to wizards. Which of course, is stupid. It really comes down to who whines the loudest to the right people at the right time. Wizards are masters of itch with a "b" prefix as much as they are masters of burn. All of them tend to be numbers junkies too so they always come armed with empirical data to back up their whinges.

    People hate/love Beimeith because he is almost a DDoS attack of parses and math and it just can't be ignored. If melee come up with something like that, than fixes and other good things will happen. That is really on the CRT's because...sorry gang but the robes have you outgunned in lobbying the dev team. Beimeith and others go further to prove their case than we do, otherwise things would not be what they are.
  8. Brogett Augur

    Beimeith has only (relatively) recently become a CRT, but before that he was still able to successfully put his point across. I doubt giving him direct access has really changed that much in that respect. If you can argue with data and without resorting to bickering and name calling then you're more likely to get listened to. So, it doesn't need a CRT tag to argue anything. Anyone can do it.

    However we do also have people on the melee side who can argue their points with data, parses and knowledge. How do you think the crit bug got fixed? ;-)

    If you think though that Beimeith single handedly was the cause of the high sustain from wizard then you give him too much power. Equally so, which monk was single handedly responsible for their metoeric rise to sustained powerhouses? (Remember we didn't have a single monk CRT for years.) It just doesn't work that way. You can't say "I need more DPS" and expect it. My gut feeling is the changes are deliberate, the scale though are sometimes accidental.
  9. Beimeith Lord of the Game

  10. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    You know they ignore me as much as anyone! Sometimes even more than that!
    Brogett likes this.
  11. Songsa Augur

    You are so right, every active CRT could write this :D
  12. Songsa Augur

    Ah and i agree with Beimeith wizards were not designed to be superior to other dps classes, since i play EQ rogues have been often top 1, sometimes it was bers, sometimes wizards, the monk and mage thing is new though even if i remember mages being powerful in SoD expansion.
    Rogues being a lambda dps class for 3 or 4 years with still rear arc requirement and tradeskill to dps is not balanced even if some people hope it.
    Gloomfall likes this.
  13. Nissko Journeyman

    Don't you guys have your own super secret forum to commiserate w each other on ?

    I mean I hear about them all the time from crt's. " ya, this or that is being talked about but im not allowed to say" then nothing happens and more silly passive aggressive smiley faces get tossed around but no information gets passed on.
  14. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    We're not allowed to say. ;) :( :cool: :p :D :eek: :rolleyes: o_O
    Nissko likes this.
  15. Langya Augur

    Some of it is whatever corresponds with the vision of the game the devs have at the time. Perhaps there is a rotating top dog every year by design, in a perpetual game of leapfrog purposely played. People just have to trust that those with the intimate knowledge of the internal gizzards of the game will work for the best solution, and not just F over players needlessly. Some of us are too paranoid to trust, and too stupid to verify, since not everyone views EQ as a thesis for a post graduate math or sociology degree nor believe that there isn't some agenda being pushed at times.

    Rogues and zerks now have an uphill battle if that battle is to convince devs that the root/blind or the rear arc/tradeskill aspects for berserkers and rogues respectively are idiotic, since that is NOT detailed finery and mathematics. That is more like core conceptual, qualitative stuff. That is convincing devs that something they have held on to for better part of a decade is incorrect. I would prefer you all just start small and allow us rogues and zerks to survive the current state of the game before totally turning it on its ear. There have been enough sweeping changes as it is.

    Good luck!
    Gloomfall likes this.
  16. Phrett Augur

    I feel that I should point out that the berserker community was once firmly dedicated to providing parses and empirical data to show the current state of the class... goberserker was a much more active forum during that period. Then came the Valley of Lunanyn raid... and we learned just how dangerous providing such data could become. It seemed to many of us that the moment the devs finally started paying attention to some of our data it was because of an outlier raid with a rooted mob and an otherwise perfect alignment of the planets which allowed for some parses that were absolutely not typical of the class... boom, stagnation.

    You'll probably agree that we've been a lot more leery of parse data since we got hosed on that deal.
  17. Langya Augur

    A bit of that is parses being posted in public and then there being sour grapes about it. The devs are more than likely perfectly content to let an outlier slide, until the angry mob of class envious torch and pitchfork wielders storm the boards and post novels comprised mostly of bishing. That just seems to be how they roll.

    Look at the patch today. Its a prime example of how...more than likely, if no one had thrown tantrums about swarming than they would have just let that sleeping dog lie. Lots of things are done carelessly by the players that ultimately force the hands of those who decide the future of this game. People being anuses and swarming open zones, stealing mobs and camps etc. Stuff that didn't need to happen, but again rectums had to be rectums.

    That also included people posting parses in public or sending parses into the dev team to cry about so and so class being "OMGZ OhPeez. Please to nerfs so I can salvage my fragile egoz!". Yes, parsing is the only metric there is for players, if you must look past just winning an event or dropping a raid opponent. Typically if you are taking forever to kill something or wipe all the time, that is usually a clue that doesn't require complex algebra and spread sheets to figure out, parsing or not. Parses are in no way perfect and no two guilds will parse the same. It is amazing how many decisions get made based upon them, and people wonder why class balance is sketchy at times. It seems like because they are dubious, parses need to be kept a bit closer to one's chest.
    Gloomfall likes this.
  18. Denhbers Elder

    Rogue rear arc dependency has been part of the game for a long time. I cannot speak for rogues accurately on this subject any further.

    Zerker root has not been around a long time. It is a level 92 piece of owlbear waste that still reeks no matter what has been piled on top of it.

    You're right, root/blind is a conceptual issue, not a mathematics one. So, what's it going to take to make them listen.... It'd be nice for them to be forced to raid as berserkers every day for months and see how they like to be rooted.

    I can compromise on the blind and self-damage, as those fit into zerker lore. ROOT DOES NOT. It needs to go ASAP. There is no compromise here; it's already been in the game 2+ years too long.
    Gloomfall likes this.
  19. Brogett Augur

    OK so what are the berserkers doing about it? Right now the price you pay for totally trouncing everyone else in the top peak parses is the fact they're very hard to pull off. Asking for the limitations to be lifted so you can do that dps more often? Seriously do you think that's going to fly? You can keep asking for the same thing over and over and I doubt it'll make a blind bit of difference.

    If you want to lead things by data then make a good case for it. Eg describe the effects needed and give some decent empirical data on the frequency of them aligning and syncing up. Maybe it's 1 in 10, more likely 1 in 100, but make it convincing and back it up! Then comes the justification. Can you ask for it to be more common, or do you feel it's better for the community as a whole to give up something in order to get something better in return? Eg if there was a deal on the table that you could have root and blind effects removed if the total burn power was reduced and perhaps sustained improved, would you take it?

    Put simply, if you ask for a moon on a stick, you won't get it. If you make a serious request and are willing to negotiate a bit then maybe they'll listen to you.
    Gloomfall likes this.
  20. Brogett Augur

    Be careful what you ask for though. What are you saying? The disc with root on it is a recent thing, so you'd be happy for it (the disc as well as root) to be removed? ;-) Your argument works two ways...