Berserker utility what would you like?

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Bazukaz, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. Bazukaz New Member

    So we have a few people liking the knock back stun thing I do also like it. Here are some thoughts what are your opinions.

    On power level. So stuns stop working past lvl 100 for us I doubt they will deviate from that

    Here is what other class's get please correct me if I'm wrong.
    Druid, shaman and I think necrosis get a knock back with a decent root.
    Rangers lead here with two hastened knock back root and mem blur very good stuff.
    Bards knock back with 2 separate Aa's also very good combine with fade, mez snare Ect...

    So I think I prefer something like knock back stun snare all wrapped in one or we just snare after knock back. All in all not too over powered in my opinion. I would think this would really cause some serious hate earning us Argo but if it saved a squishy from death while a tank picked it up well that good.

    Any thoughts on that?

    What do guys think of group aa,s that would share the berserkers spirit so too speak, sharing sprint.
  2. Quatreh Elder

    could be nice if they just remove the DoT component on the zerker snare
    Norathorr likes this.
  3. Gragas Augur

    I would aim at silk classes TBH, put a root on it and make it a win win.
  4. Norathorr Augur

  5. Norathorr Augur

  6. Songsa Augur

    Bers need better survivability not utility and i dont think having more would slow down your dps progression. Some classes are good at dps and can do fun things in other aspects of the game so why not bers? (mages for solo, necro for solo/survivability, even monks with no real weakness atm (can tank, survive, dps, pull etc...).
    I dont see bers as an utility class though its not your essence, you need to remain a pure dps like rogues or wiz.
    Langya, silku and Norathorr like this.
  7. Phrett Augur

  8. Bazukaz New Member

    We'll I certainly wouldn't mind being able to tank a bit but, we're the most pure melee class. We're not ment to tank it doesn't fit out background. I'm not really into that aspect of the class, the story line so too speak but I think the devs are. So what we're likely to get and what's fitting for our class is a sustained dps boost and if we're lucky some utility that has a berserker flavor. Also I feel strongly that we do need utility. What's wrong with having sprint both of them on a 5 minute cool down. It won't break the game. No ones asking for berserker teleports or feign death. So far the most popular choice seems to be the knock back root option. Not unreasonable if it's on an appropriate timer. The berserker gets angry and slams his foe back it totally fits. I'd love more survivability but I'm not sure that's the class design. We do need utility hands down we do, most berserkers just dread asking for it in fear of some type of silly internal class balance that will cause the devs too lower our dps.
  9. fransisco Augur

    What about an anti push ability?
    Your rage is contagious, and challenges the mob to stand and fight. It reduces all push against the mob by 50%?
  10. RagePaw Augur

    That's quite a good idea, maybe the affect could stack, more zerks in raid = less push.
  11. fransisco Augur

    Since buffs don't stack well in eq, maybe it could be a 45sec/1min debuff, so you need multiple berzerkers to keep it going
  12. Langya Augur

    None is a good amount of utility for berserkers. If you roled a zerk you signed up to do stupid amounts of damage...more than most anyone else burst wise.....and that is about it.

    That is unless you want dps nerfed in trade. That is supposed to be how it works with other classes, even though a big chunk of that so called utility is situational at best these days. If you want Utility than bring a bard or shaman along. You will get more bang for your buck.
  13. Tinytinker Augur

    Survivability, please, those rampages from raid mobs suck.
  14. fransisco Augur

    how is survivability utility?
  15. Tinytinker Augur

    Survivability's another beast, I know, and it's a higher priority to me than utility like knocking a mob back off the squishies. What good does utility do me or anyone else if I'm dead from ramp?
  16. Phrett Augur

    ... yes two different things, survivability vs utility.

    And I for one, would prefer survivability.
  17. Gragas Augur

    We have utility, aura, cry havoc and farmed out so it's useless now HHE for raid. Did not roll a berserker to pull, buff or track, but some type of 2hand blocking skill would be nice.
    Phrett likes this.
  18. Brogett Augur

    I wouldn't say berserkers are "the most pure melee class". They were envisaged originally as a dps oriented warrior, even the name comes from the warrior skill where they go berserker if they're about to die. So I'd agree survivability over utility is the key as it's far more in keeping with their lore.
  19. RagePaw Augur

    Survivability is something id prefer over utility also.
  20. Phrett Augur

    Yes, and in a passive form first would be the preferred approach. The last thing I really need is another button to mash.
    Brogett likes this.