Instanced Raids in Lockjaw/Ragefire

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Trueshote, Aug 29, 2016.

  1. Hateseeker Augur

    I suspect those were the players who wanted to take advantage of input cloning programs to "compete" and content block. Instancing would prevent content blocking. Ragefire and LJ didn't both need to be non-instanced to cater to content blockers.

    Are input cloning programs still allowed on RF/LJ? If yes, then Daybreak has made the opposite clear.
  2. bodes Augur

    The only thing restricting this is Truebox code which has only ever been advertised as a feature of Phinny. No clue why you think Ragefire/Lockjaw are any different than they were at launch.
  3. Hateseeker Augur

    I know it has not changed, I was just being rhetorical. I just don't believe truebox was the right answer, merely the one that would free Daybreak of enforcement responsibility. I think they are squeamish about banning even true offenders due to small playerbase that's left and are afraid to implement rules that some would surely try to circumvent and likely be caught... Either way, I simply meant thathe retention of input cloning permissibility demonstrates that they aren't against megaboxing.
  4. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    Instances, truebox + a lack of m-q-2 on phinny is what makes it so appealing.
    It's nice to not see full 6+ man automated teams moving about the server.

    I don't see the 6 man box team I know was using the EQBC in m-q-2 lite 2 weeks ago a quick /guidehelp and a few days later bam that team is long gone.

    It's nice to see some enforcement at least on phinny.
  5. -wycca Augur

    /agree 100%
  6. Trueshote Journeyman

    Look, I've pointed out many reasons why RF/LJ should have Instanced raids and the Only thing Phinney keeps saying about why we shouldn't is basically becuase it is one of the few things that makes them unique. Well quite frankly i don't care, i dont mind if we have to take a penalty for getting it, longer lockdown timers, making them harder to kill, i simply dont care. I just want instanced raids. You phinney people can post another 60 posts bout how you love your server and its true box codes and instanced raids all over again, and i won't change my mind, so keep them coming.
  7. Zhama Elder

    And yet your reasons dont matter because youre playing on a dead server that they no longer care about. Look at the ghost of vulak to see your future.
  8. Trueshote Journeyman

    We're not dead yet, and these forums were created so the devs have an idea on how to fix/solve situations. and this is something they can do about it not too late
  9. Rcbauer Augur

    There is absolutely multibox and M-Q-2 on Phinny. Follow EoE's raid leader around with his 6 box crew that he's running from one computer. He brags about it in Teamspeak.
  10. bodes Augur

    Everyone who highly valued instancing moved to Phinny a long time ago. That is why we're so skeptical about people saying "I want instancing" now.
  11. yukan Augur

    It is absolutely not true that everyone who wanted instances left for Phinny. People were forced to choose between leaving their friends, losing the ability to box more than 1 character per PC, starting over again in classic, and getting instanced content, among other reasons on both sides of the fence. There was no check box to pick which of the above you wanted. It was take all or take none. Many of us felt for the reasons listed above, it was not worth rerolling on Phinny, but still were very much interested in instances.

    I have zero doubt that if a vote was put on Ragefire to vote for instances, it would pass with an overwhelming majority, and would allow the server to grow. The reality is that growth would come at the expense of the Phinny server. It's the only reason the Phinny players are being so adamant about not allowing it. It would put to the test whether people left for instances, or whether they left for true box.

    What Daybreak needs to understand is there is a huge market for people who like to box, but also like instanced content on a TLP ruleset. By not allowing instances on these servers, they're missing out on huge amounts of money. I could care less if other guilds or players are using large amounts of boxes inside instanced content. It's when they use these boxes to kill open world content that it begins to negatively impact the server.
    Skuz and Trueshote like this.
  12. Hateseeker Augur

    Yep. Nothing happens in a vacuum; that is, nothing happens in isolation. Phinigel has instancing, sure; but it also meant starting over and no boxing, and a crippling exp rate (and those things actually work together - not being able to box plus low exp rate means extremely slow progress; after all, just because there's no boxing doesn't mean people invite you the instant you make your LFG status known). What so many people either can't (or willfully refuse to) understand is that many players want to box more than one character, but don't agree with allowing the artificial assistance programs that allow people to use far more characters than that average player has the management skills to handle - leading to, of course, the early zerging that some people actually tried to say was "competing".

    You're right; there is no checkbox. What's even worse is that when Daybreak does do polls on these issues, they make people choose between unrelated issues. For example, there was a pre-server-creation poll a few years back that allowed players to choose between FV rules, or unlock timers (among other choices). In other words, if you chose to vote on one thing, your opinion wasn't even able to be counted on others.
    Skuz likes this.
  13. Chuuk Augur

    I should have been more clear...what I really meant was that I don't think DBG wants mega boxers to have access to instanced raid targets. Maybe they think the rmt from that setup would get out of hand? Who knows.

    The only thing holding me back from Phinny is the truebox code preventing me from 2 or 3 boxing on my pc (alt-tab style). I wouldn't mind the slow exp.
  14. bodes Augur

    They absolutely do not want mega boxers accessing instance content. Megaboxers are a huge negative influence on the community as they encourage people to buy drops instead of joining the group content/quest community.

    Think about all the changes DBG has made this TLP round directly targeted at stopping mega boxers. Pet mitigation nerf, pet aggro nerf, mark of the old ways, POTM, TOV pickzones removed, Velious armor multiquest nerfs, truebox code, etc. The list goes on and on to show how big of a priority this is to DBG. If you stop to think about how much effort they've put into this it's obvious that instancing will never come to RF/LJ. It's the correct decision.

    And before anyone says "mega boxers are gone" you and I both know that instancing would bring a ton of them back with the promise of a huge payout.
  15. Trueshote Journeyman

    Ok, there is only really one big mahe boxer and for a short duration you might be right in they will have a decent pay out but if the guild is able to farm that particular raid or get ready for it without interference than that guild will grow. In words eventually not needing the Box army to camp it for them to get the loots. Which will kill the Box army and therefore no longer exsist.
  16. bodes Augur

    There are lots of people who play and are not in guilds. It also doesn't have to be a large scale boxer to be a problem. If 8 people can box enough alts to kill instanced raid targets then what's the point of recruiting or interacting with other people? Why buy and sell items? Why interact with other guilds or be social at all? It kills the game.
  17. Crackers Augur

    No, nope, absolutely not. The rules set has been apparent for a long time.

    Phinny players had to move servers, re-level characters with experience penalties compared to Ragefire/Lockjaw.

    Now you want what we had to start over for? I could think of some choice words not allowed here, so I'll just say nope!
  18. AgentofChange Augur

    Lucky for you there is a server that exists with what you are looking for. I suggest playing there.
  19. Hateseeker Augur

    Since when do two wrongs make a right? Daybreak forcing people to start over to get a broadly desired feature wasn't right.
  20. Crackers Augur

    I don't see it as us being wronged. We were given a choice, as were the players who chose to stay on Ragefire & Lockjaw, and those choices were made.

    The only way DBG would be wrong in this situation at this point would be to give you what you didn't have to start over for. That would be wrong. Again, you guys had your chance and still have the opportunity to reroll on Phinny if you want instanced content so badly.