Villain Side, Oy

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rockhound665, May 8, 2015.

  1. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Queuing up for raids was always dicey and might take you a little while to get into one. Then alerts would take a while. Now, at least on the villain side, queuing for duos might be futile. I just hit 30 on a new villain and so far I've made it into 1 duo. I never thought I'd have to do a shout for duos but I guess it's come to that now.
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  2. WildPegasusrs Dedicated Player

    "Oy oy oy oy oy"

    *Sound of echo in the Hall of Doom*
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  3. iTzKCO Well-Known Player

    This is why xb1 crossplay would help. It's just, will it happen though?
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  4. Rockman X New Player

    Crossplay is what is going to save the Villain faction but question is, will it be too late when it drops?
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  5. WildPegasusrs Dedicated Player

    It might not, suicide squads for PVE would.
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  6. Scypher6 Well-Known Player

    Shouting for duos! Wow! That's a new low!
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  7. Rockman X New Player

    I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the devs announce this in the future. Right now they are talking about uniting faction styles so it's a possibility.
  8. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

  9. Johnny0276 Dedicated Player

    Wow. Not very reassuring. Level 22 at the moment with my munitions villain. I was hoping it had improved somewhat.
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  10. WildPegasusrs Dedicated Player

    Soon you'll reach T2 and T3 and T4 and...
  11. ChuckLess New Player

    Crossplay was supposed to be between PS and PC.
  12. iTzKCO Well-Known Player

    If it was for all three, it would help with alts. Because you would have both new players and experienced players playing together leveling up. Also, population would be sky high on hero side. Villain side would probably be a little bit higher than what the hero side is now. I could see maybe .5k actively only per faction. (With the inclusion of xb1) I'm still for solely ps and pc, but it would bring more people to the game if they add xb1. But they would need to do it this year while the console players are waiting for the good games next year.
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  13. Malachyte Devoted Player

    In my opinion the only way to truly save the Villain side is to make separate and unique content between the factions. This will make people want to play either and/or both factions. Currently its extremely boring running the same exact content for both factions.

    As of now post level 30 missions only 2 pieces of content of content are unique between Heroes and Villains Hate of Fate Operations and Home Turf Operations.

    With the new content format coming out where every month is going to be a new piece of content, I doubt this will happen, but I think its the only real solution to have a shot at having a full, long sustaining Villain population.
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  14. Galil ACE Well-Known Player

    I would play my villains more often if PVE worked like this.
  15. ChuckLess New Player

    I agree it would be nice. But Xbox and Playstation playing together? Is that even possible?
  16. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

    Crossplay with USPS and USPC is only going to work for so long.
    This game has problems with new player retention.

    The Xbox one coming is only going to work for so long to revitalize the game. We need better new player retention. Which some part of GU47 was able to take care of for some things, certainly not all.
  17. WildPegasusrs Dedicated Player

    The only problem that could arise from Suicide Squads, if you still have that apparent red shackles popping on your char every now and then, is that you might be the most prone to receive the boot in the group just because you're not from their side. A bit like in Survivor when candidates from a group find themselves in minority among the unified group and eliminations must happen. DPS would probably be the main targets from that but it's a risk that it's still worth trying.
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  18. iTzKCO Well-Known Player

    I can be possible. But then, that wouldn't be in this dimension would it? I do want it to happen though. It somewhat defeats the purpose of buying one console over the other, but at the same time, it allows friends who have one or the other to play the same game even though they have a different system. Kinda helps the market all together. Personally feel like more games would sell if cross play.

    That's where the timing of the crossplay comes in. If they were to get it in during the summer (gaming drought), and possibly just use the opening as a trailer they could get new players. They would retain them at least through the summer since you cant skip tiers anymore. This would help with queues and it would increase the player base with decent players (Since they would have to learn mechanics to get past tiers, unless they solo'd). I guess I just have high hopes.
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  19. Remander Steadfast Player

    Not an XBox guy, but others have said they have no cross play in any title, so it's unlikely they would for DCUO. Anyone confirm?
  20. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    It was alluded as a possible part of cross play when Daybreak first became Daybreak (as in were looking into it). Nothing ever became hard fact yet, at least not to my knowledge.