Vendor Chase 3 - Bonus Currency & New Rewards!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kikumod, Apr 10, 2024.

  1. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I'm fine with the idea playing old content to get these collections, but why did you have to choose Pub Crawl duo? In my opinion it is one of the worse duos we have. It is a very annoying duo and the long videos don't help. Can't skip the pointless first part to make it go faster. Could of chose another duo or a solo mission like Mayem Theater. I'm fine with Gotham U and Shadowland, they can be completed very quickly.

    If I don't have to play Pub Crawl again, I would be one happy player. Before someone mentions the broker, I won't spend ridiculous amount of money for 1 collection piece.
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  2. The Fairy Well-Known Player

    Indeed, you haven't changed my mind. From a seasoned and well SP established player it may be nothing for you to buy them of the broker. From a new player or one that has played for a few years it would be another choir among the mountain of choirs.
    Also, don't play the "if don't like grind" card. Nobody wants to go into an unpolished bug infested instances, with some speed hackers too.
    If it was a company with good intentions that value it's player base I would ignore some mistakes but this isn't the case. Here we are with CR skips that include 100-1000 or more farming feats.