T7 duos don't count?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by bagofboom, Aug 16, 2015.

  1. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    doesnt matter theres T1-T3 duo's like 12-15 of them I think. run those and get them.

    You know why ppl dont though? ppl care to much of CR to stop the gear grind. More so now then before GU47.
  2. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    My fiancé hated the solo/duo content due to the repetition with the cutscenes. She probably would have run them more if not for the inability to skip those cutscenes after the bazillionth viewing. You're making assumptions about why people might not be running tier 1-3 duos, etc. without understanding not everyone falls into the same sample of player type you picked.
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  3. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    Some people don't care to just sit there and grind out 200 duos for a half a skill point.

    I am one of those people, I really just don't care, it will get done when it's done.

    I don't have the duo feat yet ( almost done) I have 150 sp and am perfectly self sustainable.

    Another thing is that since the community has gotten much smaller, newer players feel rushed to get to where most of the community is (which is tier 6/7) then they go back and do those petty little feats.

    There is nothing wrong with playing how you want, if you are having fun and can pull your own weight, more power to ya.
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  4. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    Im sorry I hate duo's and solo's as well for the same reasons. the cut scenes cant be skipped. Which thats been a main issue for a while now. Main reason I dont like alot of content with alot of cut scenes.

    but if they have easy to get feats I will do them. like the new T7 duo had 75 feats I got my 1st run lol EASY feats in 1 duo. Of a new tier / DLC.

    I even helped a buddy who had a CR113 or 114 char through it and got all feats for him as well.

    idk perhaps I dont get some ppls reasoning? (not you directly but some who skip over feats to rush to reset to get the gear quicker)
  5. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    I'm at 131 with almost 200 feats. I ran them so many times just to realise with each tier that they added solo or duo, they ended up not counting till someone brought it to the devs attention and some took so long ppl moved on from it, so sad u blaming the player instead of devs/daybreAk.

    the solo mission where u play as Circe or WW never counted towards ur feat till a month later after ppl brought it to their attention so that's the players fault? Lol really? Some feats are annoying and grindy. Some might not have the time to do all of em, some might go along with each tier specially now that most things aren't relevant to most of us ppl prefer to run their solo and duos where thwy can reset if they like to get gear and their marks, nothing wrong with that. But in this situation whivh seems a regular thing for dc now, is they like to screw up wait till someone finds out about it thwn take them another month to even do anythin about it. I mean really how hard is it to make new duos or solos count towards ur feat?
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  6. Multiverse 15000 Post Club


    The collection are fairly easy to do.

    Only requires a little time..... and a LOT of money. ;)

    I got them all on 3 toons so far.

    Everytime..... I promise myself that it will be the last time...... but then find a reason to get them all on one more toon. ;)

    By now I pretty much am a Jedi Master in getting al them collections. ;)
    Or is it a Sith Lord. :eek:

    As for the 500 solo, duo, etc........ although I have been playing since F2P...... I still am working on those.

    Why says you???

    Well..... there are times when I don't have much time to play..... heck there was 6 months when I did not play at all. Heck I turned my PS3 on about 5 times in those 6 months.

    And also I changed main at least 3 times.

    So I got about 200 solo, Duos, etc with my Fantome.... and then Magneto pretty much became my main........ then Galaktus pretty much became my main. And on PC.... my Saturn Knight is pretty much my main.

    So between all of them...... I have more then 500 solo, duos, etc...... but none of them has 500 solos........ yet. ;)

    But I don't see playing as a sprint....... but as a Marathon.
    I will get there someday..... unless they change the game once more and get rid of them feats???:eek:

    We shall see. ;)
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  7. RockNFire Level 30

    Your opinion doesn't factor here....there's an in game issue.....OP has every right to post on it...you don't like it....you don't have to read it or post to it.

    Who the hell are you to state when anyone should have a feat by??
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  8. Sbel Devoted Player

    Like I said, you're silly. There's no way new players will naturally get the feat by T6, so you want people to grind out 500 duos before they get T6 armor? Why? If you're worried about skill, grinding a few hundred T1-3 duos isn't going to help much. If you're worried about SP, you can get plenty without getting the really grindy feats. So it sounds to me like you just want to force people to do that particular feat purely because you did it. And that's silly.

    And before you claim I'm just lazy... you only have 176 SP? You're 131 and haven't finished the collections from the classic game? Maybe you should practice what you preach and go work on that beam in your eye.
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  9. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    I still don't have the 500 duo, solo or alert feat. I currently have 3 cr131's, 2 cr130's. a cr108 a cr 105 and many many more. the downfall of spreading your time accross so many toons. currently sitting at 215 sp. Point being having a cr of 131 doesn't mean that you "should" have unnecessarily grinded out 500 duo's.
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  10. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    I could see not having all r&d or something like that but something as simple as 500 duo/solo/alerts? Mise well 4get trying for 25k gathered lol
  11. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    'That beam in your eye' lol ok.

    No it has nothing to do with b/c I did it. But why not get the easy feats before max cr?
  12. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    I have just as much right as you to comment no? Since you feel u have the right to comment I'll continue.
  13. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    there are much simpler less time consuming feats that i see that you don't have. such as take 100/250 turrets offline in pvp. that takes like 10minutes total to do and can be done at level 9. I fail to see why anyone "should" have grinded 500 duos on 1 toon to be at 131. mind you i have over 300 on like 5 toons. just have yet to get to 500.
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  14. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Some players think the devs can do no wrong, it was a bug that sub bosses didn't count towards the bad luck loot drops in the new raids, and it was actually players in that thread blaming players for using replays (not the poster you replied to), even tho the content was clearly glitched, and they had every right to be upset
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  15. RockNFire Level 30

    You are such a hypocrite...you post in other threads on how you hate peeps that try to control and order how people should play the game and yet you are doing the very same thing in this thread.

    Your not commenting....your trolling.
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  16. Backseid Devoted Player

    I've never really played around with those... erm... websites? The things people use to look up toons to see stats n stuff.

    I'd like to see that "most" people have that feat. 500 duos? Lol. I can't imagine many. That's nother a feat anyone gets through normal gameplay. You have to actively go after that feat.

    ****, I've been running those Bottle Duos for over 4 years (off n on) and only just now have one left for the feat. I'm saving it for when most of my league is on to pop. Lol
  17. Backseid Devoted Player

    Wow, I know most people would/are disagreeing with you but, are you even remotely serious?

    5000 Reapers, yes. 500 Duos, Gathering & Crafting? No.

    Those feats are in no way, at all, worth the time to grind out on purpose. Lol. Even if the gave a full SP. SP have never, and likely will never, mean much past 100. I just don't see these feats being chased anymore. They have become completely outdated in usefulness.

    Edit: Didn't realize I quoted you twice. Didn't meant to pick on ya ;)
  18. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    how am I trying to control ppl? I simply made a simple comment and ppl got up in arms over it. You included.
  19. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    gather and crafting are well worth the feats. Sure they start out as 10 point feats but they go up to 25 and 50 pointers. Now for these solo/duo/alert feats they shouldnt be more then 10 point feats as they all 3 can be done in a single day.
  20. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Love your sig.

    Those Badman sketches crack me up. ;) ;) ;)
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