T7 duos don't count?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by bagofboom, Aug 16, 2015.

  1. bagofboom Committed Player

    Working on the feat for 500 duos and everyday I run the 3 t7 duos and everyday I only get credit for 1. It's typically Zameron that gives me credit but not always. I've purposefully stopped running other duos very often just to test the fact that I'm not receiving credit for them (t7s).
    Am I missing something? Is there a reason I'm only getting credit for one of the three? When I run lower tier stuff I get credit towards the feat. It's annoying. Any help would be appreciated.
    USPS4, Hero, 131 Ice Dps/Tank. (If any of that matters)
    Long Live DCUO!!
  2. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    so there's how many other duo's you could be running in like 2-3 minutes?

    your 131 you should have this feat already JS.
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  3. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Happens with nearly all new content. Alert/duo/solo feats do not count until someone realizes it and brings it to the developers' attention. Sometimes it even gets fixed within a week or two of someone doing so. You should submit it to the bug tracker:

    DC Universe Online Dashboard - Daybreak Community Issue Tracker
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  4. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    im 131 and i dont have the solo feat :(
    but i do have 203 sp so im not worried about it
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  5. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    This happens with nearly every new DLC/Episode, but you blame the player? Honestly, people should blame Daybreak first, developers second, and players last. It's the company's fault resources are low (despite them promising us more resources when they took over). It's the developers' fault for not anticipating this bug given how many episodes it was reported in the past for the exact same behavior. Sure, most players already have those feats by now, but not everyone likes duos/solos and play alerts/raids instead.
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  6. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    whaaaaaaat? those were easy AF to get lol

    you dont even needa get loot from them for them to count :p

    for the duo 1s I ran the 3 battle for earth duo's for a entire day / or until the feat popped.

    and then solo's I ran all solo's and then started over from T1.

    I will also added as I did the B4E duo's i was also doing the viral pods feats and whatnot because those are feats you'll end up needing to do later as well.

    but grats though I see why you arent to worried about the solo feat at 203sp. Me I still need like 26-27sp before Im where you are (I think lol)
  7. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    yes I blame the player, because I had those feats at T4 going into T5, here the OP is CR131 and still doesn't have it. Him/her + many many others.

    Hell he might be like appoc above he may have 203+sp and not really need the feat he's just bringing it to the devs attention idk lol

    but I know theres aloooot of ppl at end game who "need" these type of feats sitting at his CR.
  8. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    i dont have the bfe duo feats ether
    or salvage
    or crafting
    i dont have all the colletions ether lol any thing u have to grind i dont have :p
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  9. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Maybe they didn't get the feat because the tier 5, tier 6, and now tier 7 duos/alerts didn't count due to the same type of bug?

    With this game, I wouldn't be surprised. I see this bug reported too often to blame the player for it. First Trigon's Prison didn't count toward the alert feat, then the Amazon Fury duos didn't count toward the duos feat, and I believe the iconic anomalies/visions also had some issues toward the solo feat for a time, too.
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  10. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    I think you over-estimate on how long and easy it is to get max CR.
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  11. Sbel Devoted Player

    The Resource Recovery duo seems to give credit to the "complete x challenges" feat, for some reason. Not sure about the other ones.
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  12. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    Im almost done with gathered, 23.2k I think, finished salvaged already, almost 7500 crafted items (think at 6700 or something)

    and yea Im not done with collections either :p

    but duo's alerts and solos are easy to get maybe a hour or 2 for each 500 feat going in with a buddy.
  13. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    nope I know how easy it is, but still what it tells me is ppl see it as this:

    CR > SP

    when they cant / dont wanna stop grinding gear to get feats.
  14. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    i never really cared to much about feat hunting enof to get um im just lazy
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  15. Sbel Devoted Player

    You're silly. :rolleyes:
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  16. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    nope, Im serious its annoying b/c he/she isnt the 1st person who has made threads on this subject.

    Im srry but if you are going into T6 + then these feats should of been done lol
  17. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    yea same here well here lately anyways. I use to grind like crazy til I got down to feats that I have to rely on 7 other ppl to get the feat.

    and yea there's to many *** players on USPS villain side that /tell trying to get in on feat runs and then do nothing but scoreboard chase and more importantly dont have mics to communicate.
  18. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Again pointing to an issue with new content being buggy when related to the 500 solos/duos/alerts feats. Maybe someone ran the Amazon Fury duos or the Trigon's Prison duos 400 times and due to those not counting toward the feat for the first few weeks, they didn't get the 500 feat.
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  19. X-zero Loyal Player

    I haven't been paying attention lately but my guess is CZ isn't giving you any credit. The LH normally gives you duo credit. RR gives you credit towards a feat that is very useful just not duos.
  20. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I noticed it a long time ago, and created a submission about a week and a half ago:
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