stat clamp

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dior_XT, Mar 27, 2024.

  1. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    I totally agree, the clamp was a mistake and the game was way better before we had artifacts and allies. I remember when we all struggled to get the highest gear. It didn't come easy. Some raids took hours to try to get purple gear to drop. We all worked towards getting feats because skill points and gear made us stronger. Now everything is about money and milking the system.
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  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I be creeping on the forum lately. But why do people always say this? When new rules or laws are created, we don't retroactively punish those who may have broken the rule/law prior to being implemented.

    If you truly believe that feats need to be wiped, then vouch for it...

    If not accept you got grandfathered in and continue on....

    This is just complaining for the sake of it because either solution you wouldn't like. Nobody is gonna want their feats wiped, but also feats shouldn't be (unless they are designed to be) hand outs for progression. If you think so, then the SP needs to be decoupled from feats.
  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Not clamping this game from tier 5 was a mistake, letting this problem sit in the face of the game for years on end until you cant ignore the issue anymore and the fix comes down looking like a sledgehammer rather then a few well placed taps from a mallet. The clamp was needed and I still 1000% stand by that statement.

    You want game breaking stats? Plenty of single player games to play, asking the Devs to make their game look like a bunch of interns designed it so you get your god power fantasy fix is a non starter.

  4. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    You want an outlet to demonstrate your toggle switch skill dominance? Go play Dark Souls.

    And my God power fantasy is the precise reason I chose to play a SUPER HERO video game in the first place.
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  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Then you are playing the wrong video game, Its an MMO first. They have to account for ALL of our experiences. Play Arkham, where nobody cares how godlike you are, and you can steamroll your way in the late game.

    Why do you want this in a multiplayer game, where you want anyone at endgame to adversely affect everyone's experience trickling down?
  6. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    1) )No... That's like saying that a person who defends himself just wants to murder because the end result is a dead guy.

    Motive is everything.

    2) YOU GATHER WRONG. It's okay to have a wrong opinion about something... but, when corrected, it's just inane to repeat it.

    3) And there is a place where you can put the word "clamor"...

    4) ONCE AGAIN.... No one wants to just kill bosses in 3-5 seconds....We wouldn't play the game if we did.
    Once again... It is about PROGRESSION... and growing beyond years old content.
  7. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    There have been far too many FFXIV players on here saying that it's not the same.....
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  8. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Different players have different purposes for playing the game. Even still, pre-clamp, far out leveling content and then going back and playing it resulted in what? Killing bosses in a few seconds. So yeah, different means, same end.
  9. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    So then I guess not only would the CR of the character who got the feat need to be known but so would the CR of everyone on the group when it was obtained.

    Looks like this desire to wipe feats is getting convoluted.

    That's true, there have been exploits in the past and I dislike that players were often rewarded by doing them. It would be nice if ill gotten gains were removed. But if seems like the developers don't have that information readily accessible, so I think that punishing the entire community for the decisions of a few players in a poor choice.
  10. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Repeating being wrong.... still makes you wrong.
  11. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Psssh. I haven't been wrong since the 90's
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  12. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    It's today...
    So... You're even wrong about that. :p
  13. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    That's as false of an equivalent as it gets. Unless you're talking about someone who purposely wanders through back alleys in Compton at 3AM "hoping" to get jumped so they can lethally "defend" themselves or something like that.

    Different means. Same end. Still not wrong.

    This argument only applies to old content, correct? And what was the result of going in to said old content with all your "earned" stats?

    (correct answers: yes; invincible tanks and 3-5s boss kill DPSing)
  14. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player


    Which, btw.... pssttt.... Makes you still wrong.
  15. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    That's the point.... We're not talking about somebody like that.... Just the act of self-defense itself.

    It's still you just attributing a motive that doesn't exist... because "Different means. Same end."

    Still wrong.
  16. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Hmm, perhaps they could use the time stamps to determine that as well (1st to aquire on account and when). Isn't too complicated, everything is on record. 3 months leeway periods.

    Time stamps show this, see above.

    But the real question is... Would you have an issue with it?

    See above. The point is those that have an issue with how people get feats now, for some reason have an issue if the ones they obtained outside of reletive content get removed.

    It's not going to happen, and shouldn't (oh the uprising that would cause), so I'm not going to vouch for hypothetical discussions. But it is indeed hypocritical to say the least. That was the point.
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  17. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Lol it might not be you with the gatekeeping, but others will complain as such, yet have no proper arguments when the tables are turned.

    So the real question is... Would you have an issue with it?

    Except I'm not an "anti-clamper", I just like to discuss hypothetical possibilities of targeted adjustments and/or an option
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  18. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Yeah, this is blatantly obvious and it's quite sad people can't see it. Either that, or they are in denial or living the "ignorance is bliss" lifestyle. To each their own I suppose.
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  19. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    It is be much more complicated considering that not everyone is at max CR when new content drops, so someone leveling up (fresh player, or an alt) could have gotten feats within the appropriate CR for raids before the clamp was active, but not with any high CR players "carrying" the group.

    In order for this to be considered the developers would need to know:
    • The CR of the player when the feat was earned
    • The CR of everyone else in the group when the feat was earned
    • If the group was pre-made or if it was formed via random queue
    I would be surprised of that information was readily available.
    But, if it were, and one could determine players who cheesed the feats vs players who didn't. And for players who were just trying to play the game but a high CR player randomed queued in with them and one shot everything. Which would be outside of their control and thus would be "punished" for something they didn't necessarily want.
    It's all pretty convoluted imo.
    But, if all this could be determined and people are not needlessly harmed, then why not.
  20. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Listen, I'm not trying to get it to actually happen. The question is if you would have a problem with it. No science necessary.

    That said, CR doesn't matter. When you click a feat it shows when you unlocked it. That timestamp within 3 episodes of release times is proof enough.

    Read the reply above yours. The timestamp will show when the feat was unlocked, and the system can easily see which character on your account was the first to unlock it (your main, no doubt).

    Edit: You said "why not", so that shows you are not the same type of gatekeeper as the others.