Skill points are a pain!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lightnings Revenge, Apr 4, 2021.

  1. ColdFuzion Well-Known Player

    You fail to see my point - If you have first hand knowledge of the feat and tactics you dictate direction of the group. So, the group is formed before you enter the instance and explain what you expect of them.

    I have dealt with many personalities i.e they heard this or they know this way but being a feat farmer for over 10 years they always thank me over /tell for helping them.
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  2. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Rent sp? LOL you guys are too much. Just play the darn game. People complain about arts being pay to win, but then they want to buy skill points LOL
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  3. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    but where's the pride in your toon? where's the fun or sense of accomplishment?
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  4. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Why do any work when you can just whip out your wallet and voila...skill points for ZERO effort?!!? Of course people will point out Time Capsules. we want to take already bad and make things worse??? o_O

    If this many people see value in skill points and actually want them, why not get together with other people in the same boat and get them??? All I hear is excuses...if they put half the effort they put in making excuses and putting forth crappy ideas like buying skill points, they would be half-way there to completing these feats.
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  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    This is true. But yeah, if it's not a 'feat' run, no one is obliged to do what needs to be done. Always better to make a group for anything where you need a feat, especially one that a single person can kill by NOT doing something or DOING something, like the 'don't talk to mera' feat in the last boss of SS. However, I've been in several runs with random queues where people WILL do the thing needed as long as A) it doesn't add much time (20 sec as you say...not a big deal) and it's not asked for 1 second before it's needed. I always try to mention any feats I want as soon as I can (like during the 1 min of cutscene some raids have). I know a lot of the time people will ask just right at the time a feat is due, sometimes too late...and that's on them. Ask at the beginning and it's normally way easier to get everyone to go along OR sometimes those not wanting to do a 'feat' run will leave...good on them.

    Had this in DM the other day. Someone asked for 'Murder of robins' feat which actually takes 0 extra time as long as the tank (me) was doing things right. Person asked for feat, another person said..."meh...feat" then left. We started the cards and then opened the instance (new guy was locked out) the feat easy piezie. Best of all, the 8th guy that came in needed both Aced it and Murder and got both just by queing in....bonus for him.

    I always like when people ask for 'C' grades in HQ, even though we've already posted up 40-50 points on the test. Yeah, cause you didn't have 2 min of cutscenes and chat to put that out there beforehand.
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  6. Solarbound Committed Player

    I'll agree that the feat system needs a bit of reworking. But, to outright buy the feats from those DLCs? No, just no.
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  7. Isif Committed Player

    Just spitballing some ideas for those that didn't have the benefit of being here from Day 1 or have endless hours to invest in being "viable." The community already allows for new players to skip ahead to endgame. Why not allow for renting SP? More SP should not hurt anyone. It would not be giving away feats. Renting would allow people to feat hunt at a later date or decide that 500 (arbitrary number) SP is not all that beneficial.
    I accept that some people would all together just boost. Money into the game is not a negative thing, and new players not being kneecapped is not a negative thing. It would be something that someone could use temporarily. Most people will ignore bad players anyway.
  8. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Im kind of one of those players. If I'm queuing I just want to run the content, not spend 45 minutes in a 15 alert getting feats I dont need. If people ask at the beginning before we start, 90% of the time I'll help. But when people just drop it in chat at the last second during the fight, forget it. LFG works. You just can't expect to have everything fall into place instantly. Some feats you might shout for a bit, then move on to another one and try again the next day. But you will always be able to find a group. The people saying they can't just aren't patient enough.
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  9. Revelatiøn Active Player

    while to do, ask to rent the og auras or the latest equipment or other things to rent .. just play the game! and do your sp when you can .. the 500 sp are easily attainable .. Imagine the disgust of all the players who made all the sps in the game .. the playing time passed to reach all the sps .. you want ease by paying ..
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  10. Thunderstrikke Well-Known Player

    My different idea (as someone who has 530+ skill points and is not looking for a "freebie"):
    - PVP, and episode and seasonal related feats more than 3 years old, should be granted at 50%. That way, new players get something, and if they want to still go back and feat hunt, they get the other 50% for actually completing it. Still getting something for nothing, but it is significantly less value than actually doing the feat. And new players still have to do the base / non-episode feats to learn the game.

    All that said, skill points become more de-valued by the day; they no longer care about playing time, just $ spent on artifacts, so I'm not expecting a "skill points matter" update coming anytime soon. Unless the developers change things up, you really only NEED 200ish skill point to compete (crits + 100 pts in base stat), and 400ish to be above average (max out base stat). The rest is just window dressing (sure, it's nice to have 100+ points in a secondary stat or two, but not needed).
  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Id do you better, grant the commonly finished feats for a dead tier.
  12. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    If you really want to spend the money so bad, why not just pay someone to play the game for you? :rolleyes:
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  13. Isif Committed Player

    Honestly, auras and cosmetics should just be in the Marketplace. I'm talking about performance enhancement that is not permanent until you officially earn it. The key is that "rentable" SP is cut off when you quit paying. Kind of like paying your base bills. This is not an attempt to give away any prized feats. You would still have to "play the game" to get the feats. Maybe my hypothetical number is too high but 500 is just an example.
    The vets should never feel threatened over this because the newcomers would be capped at a boosted 400-500SP. Some people have had 10+years to acheive some of these feats. I just think it is unrealistic to put the weight of learning mechanics, playing the broker, buying TCs, levelling artifacts, and learning roles in a short time is conducive to having people stick around. This is perfect environment for goldsellers to thrive in and prey on those wanting SPs gated by broker and TC purchases.
    Anyway, there should be better options for the newer players to advance because they may not have 10 years to invest in playing.
  14. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Honestly the answer to players complaining about lack of SP is join a good League. I've been in helpful and active Leagues who take the time to help other members achieve those feats. I've seen members get like 8 to 10 SP a day just running old content with other League members or friends so whenever I see players with 200 or less complain about not having Skill Points but are they really running as much as they can? Here's the thing you have to COMMUNICATE either with a mic or type out chat, PARTICIPATE with your League if they ask for help or if they ask if you need help then speak up and join and you need to LISTEN to others I've seen plenty of feats runs ruined because certain players would rather pew pew their way ruining it for others instead of doing mechanics. If you can't do those three simple things maybe DCUO isn't the game for you. Not sure how I'd feel about buying SP cause I got my 500+ SP doing those three simple things so everyone else can too.
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  15. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Wait, so are we suggesting that we find a way to buy more SP? Like we do not have enough pay to win formats that are already in place? We already have that in TCs and artifacts. No thanks. The game is already toxic enough because of the ability to stay beyond the paywall.

    My suggestion is to find a group, there are already several people in this thread, and fill out the rest with your league, or LFG, and grind them like the rest of us did before the pay to win options became available.
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    I don't think anyone should ever have a way to buy SP, it's bad enough they're in the CR booster, the issue should resolve itself largely when people can queue old content on their own, then they're responsible for their own failures or successes in terms of getting the feats.

    If you need friends to help you get feats, then start making friends or join a league, you are not going to help yourself by simply crying about it and asking for a handout.

    Also piece of advice if you do join a league it's usually better if you stick around and make friends, joining leagues in the hope of feat carries then just leaving when you don't get that actually gives you a bad reputation, believe it or not but most leagues do actually take note of people that become "league hoppers" ;)
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  17. Shalayah Committed Player

    Exactly. Just shout in LFG. Hell even if you join a feat grinding league. People aren’t gonna mind helping you get feats that they already have....
  18. Lightnings Revenge Committed Player

    Well, Its different when you are running the dlc when it first comes out because you get in the without ease. But to have to run outdated content on a back to back basis isn't fun.
  19. Lightnings Revenge Committed Player

    Not at all...
    Well not newer ep's would we able to buy sp for it would be to catch players up like someone else in this thread said "New, Returning, and causal players" If you choose to buy arts and not level them up the right way then that's your choice. and if people would agree on marks and cr relevancy we wouldn't need to buy so much and have issues on getting the almost a decade old feats.
  20. Berza Committed Player

    As I said, you can easily find people to run with. But If you don't like running old content in a back to back basis, maybe this is not the type of game you are looking for. It's the usual way to farm currency, both marks and cash. Are you aware that you need to run the same 9 seasonal events every year? The exact same missions. Every. Single. Year. Welcome to DCUO.
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