Please add new Difficulty Level: Easy

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sammy, Sep 16, 2021.

  1. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I generally have zero issues with normal content. I’m not actually the one who made this thread. I just think it’d be nice for others. I’d take advantage myself regarding a few outliers but mostly, I wouldn’t play it.
  2. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Not in general, but there are some exceptions.
  3. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    When we already have <Event> and <Regular> and they are asking for something else called Easy what could be possible infer otherwise?
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  4. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Event isn’t permanent though. If it was, maybe it’d scratch OP’s itch.
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    No offense, and not to downplay the difficulty having one (or more) of those things would add, but I'd wager MOST of the playerbase does not have those afflictions. So to use that as a guidepost is not really fair to the majority of the players. If a building has a wheelchair access, that's helps someone. That doesn't make the stairs bad or 'too difficult' for most entrants. The wheelchair ramp on this game is having a good league or friends list and using LFG. And I know you said you use LFG and might have trouble making friends, but leagues are recruiting all the time (I'd guess even in the EU) and if you are unable to be on mic, most will take you as a 'keyboard only' seem to type just fine in here and we are all strangers.....some 'stranger' than others.;)

    Good luck though.
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  6. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I want to reiterate that this was NOT my thread. In fact, if you look at my initial response, it wasn’t so different from the people I’m now arguing with. I just hate it when people mock or strawman others who aren’t on their level.
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  7. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    This. It's fun when video games make their content inclusive (DCUO makes a good job doing this, I think) but you have to be realistic. If you're missing both arms or you're physically handicapped, you can't blame a video game company for not making their game inclusive to your individual situation and yours only. They try their best to accommodate everyone but realistically they can't cater to everyone's individual needs.
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  8. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

  9. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    It shouldn't be any harder to accomplish than what yall are asking for in your "make harder elites" threads. Just leave the event versions up, they are already made. Should be less work tbh.
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  10. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    I think you're reaching a little here.
  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I wasn't saying that it was. Just saying your 'does he have...' question wouldn't make a difference if the answer was yes or no. If someone had an issue that made things more difficult for them, ideally they would use one of those avenues to even things out. Unless the game was marketed as catering to people with said afflictions (video games for the blind?), then left them in the dust with updates and changes. If anything in this game, the opposite is true overall, even if we've had a sharp uptick in difficulty the last few weeks due to the clamps.
  12. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    I think your answer is contained within the original post, "I can't tell what's going on, and then I die". I think the game could use a pointer to your combat log, with a short explanation on how to read it and how the settings work. If you literally can't tell what's killing you, it can feel hard to improve.

    Everyone would rather get better at the game. For many people the inner workings of this game are totally opaque, they don't know how to read or parse a log, how to set channels, or how to even read the way an artifact progresses. Without tutorials to show people simple things like spec'ing crits first, it can be very daunting trying to figure out what you're doing right and wrong.

    Personally, I explore. I look at all the settings and menu options and and I test every one of my abilities. If I don't know or understand something, I turn to google or youtube. Personally, I don't find it hard to search for "dcuo in-depth guide" and binge some of your content, but nothing in the game directs you to these resources.

    So, some people wind up unable to tell what's going on, and then they die. I agree 100% that leveling up your game is always going to be more rewarding than lowering the bar, but I also know that some people need ramps not stairs, and certainly aren't ready for gymnastics.
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  13. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    My point there was that not everyone has the same experience. If something is easy for you, that doesn’t mean it’s easy for me, or vice versa. I’m not actually saying DCUO should make raids for blind people or whatever. My initial reaction to OP was to offer help, without judgment because I know things can seem overwhelming for people. Like I said, the game isn’t THAT easy. There’s definitely potential to struggle.
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  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate multiple personalities is your problem....:eek:
    Sorry...just had to...
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  15. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    I agree the game should do a better job at explaining its systems and intricacies. Since it doesn't, I think it falls into the hands of player to explore and do research. I mean most MMOs don't really explain everything in detail, you learn through playing, exploring and curiosity. Unfortunately, a lot of the people here don't feel like doing that extra step to advance. Again, the resources a readily available, the game being 10 years old offer a pretty large library of external resources to help you progress and get better. I mean you kind of answered and gave the solution to OP's and some other people here's problems.

    Nothing good comes out of always having someone hold your hand, it's detrimental to your progression.
  16. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    I understand your reply but they didn't do any of that, they went straight from dying to asking for content to be made even easier so that they wouldn't die. They could have inquired about everything you stated in this response but they chose the opposite approach as in to give up. Which is why I asked why didn't they try to do anything you outlined. The OP could have said what it was that they couldn't tell what was happening and then they died.

    Sometimes I get to a 4 way stop with 4 cars at once or a round-a-bount and can't tell what is going on but it doesn't mean I am just going to park my car and never drive again until they make the rules of the road "easy" to understand
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  17. OnlyNomad The One Above All


    Ah! Entitlement...
  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    That wasn't the point I was making....I was just teasing over a typo (joking...not really teasing). Trying to lighten the mood. I'm guessing one of those ME's was supposed to be a 'you' or 'them'. No need to escalate.
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  19. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Well, for starters, the other possibility is what they actually said (without you insinuating an extreme).
    They said they know we have event version but thats only here while episode is current.
    You could also try NOT trying to infer anything other than what the OP typed, how bout that?
    Its ok for the elitists to cry for harder content than what already cant be completed by most but not ok for those tryin to learn to want something easier?

    I think its all already too easy which is why i offered to help if i could. What an approach that is, to try an help……..
    Na, what good is help when we can instead infer motive and extremes to misrepresent what they said….. smh
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  20. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    That’s what I get for trying to multi-task… :p I’ve corrected it but man, that’s embarrassing.
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