Next on Test: Episode 24 + GU60

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, May 5, 2016.

  1. Apollodarkblade21 Well-Known Player

    I'm on the fix the game side. Not just bugs but take the time to fix the powers find a way to make sp matter or get rid of it completely. Just an overhaul of the game in general that way when content is released it actually means something instead of "here's your monthly dose of shut up soup" while the game crumbles just look at the server problems that have gone on way to long the mailbox breaking and the k.o. Screen that was messed up. Everyone has seen how bad this game is getting and something needs to be done.

    Yes I know the game had a few hiccups here and there before but since they switch to monthly the problems pile up because they don't have time to fix anything.
  2. ewee New Player

    Im having problems getting on dc universe today havent been able to get on for about 5 hours now
  3. KEN_Oracle_of_Delphi Well-Known Player

    What do you mean make "sp matter" ? Everytime you get a skill point your stats increase... So what is it that you want ? Some kind of special recognition, or maybe even double the stat increase ?
    • Like x 1
  4. Apollodarkblade21 Well-Known Player

    I personally think the stat boost from sp should be greater than or equal to the stat boost you get from gear based solely on the fact you have to grind for sp you have to get the right group that'll focus on those feats and it takes a lot more time and energy. With gear you just run through content and hand select what you want. They eliminated the grinding of solo duo and alerts for marks to buy the best gear just spend rb on the raids that drop what you want. But there are just to many gear hunters who refuse to grind feats so of course they can't get content out fast enough.

    You rework sp to where you need it as much if not more than gear to beat content as it comes out. Almost every other mmo I have played requires you to level up skills or magic to stand a chance but in this game has become so casual you just have to login to win.
    • Like x 2
  5. neo01 New Player

    perso les bugs c est pas mon probleme ni mon travail a chacun ses competences la ou ca devient mon problem c est que j ai 4 abo pour ma famille je depense donc au minimum 50 euros par mois pour me faire deco du jeu et attendre indiffiniment des dlc qui ne sortent pas bref on se fais bien ch..... sur dcuo faudrait vraiment que les equipes se sortent les doigts des f....
  6. ssJoniFoXss Committed Player

    I'm not a x-box player and I don't care about issues they get there..
    But I hope devs u got a new team for the x-box console cuz as I see it now u even didn't release the monthly contact as should...
    And this is the tiny issues we get today in game.
    I'm tired to wait for all those major issues.
    Pvp need to be fix...
    Sp need to be change...
    Power need to be balance...
    Difficult of game need to be hard...
  7. Thousand New Player

    Do you have an estimated time when the worlds will be back up today
  8. GristlyEli New Player

    Well ssJoniFoXss the dificulty on reading your post is set to nightmare.
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  9. EmorejDCUO New Player


    When EP24 is coming ? He is 2 week late ...
    • Like x 1
  10. HarleyBiker142 Well-Known Player

    Can anyone translate this. If I was home on land I could but being stuck out at sea....143 kips is just to slow trying to find a good translator page.

  11. ssJoniFoXss Committed Player

    im sorry bro, try my best, ill try harder
  12. Krossssss Well-Known Player

    So when ep.24 comes out for premium users it'll be June?
    Hope water is coming out soon as well as the fourth color palette. ;)
  13. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    Episode 24/GU 60 is due tomorrow, Thursday, 05/19.
  14. CTCFirebird Active Player

    Down for maintenance after an update.
  15. Alibaba New Player

    can we get the time when the game is up and ready to go? i bet there is somene else like me who has nothing planed for the day and just wanna play DCUO xDD