Next on Test: Episode 24 + GU60

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, May 5, 2016.

  1. JDK Exo Rus New Player

    Now we can see new item and in the test server, and in the normal. Your team make new gear, and added into test server(and plans for making new gear too), but how we will make new gear, with new style, if we cant take from vendor new Scraps?
    Sorry about my English Language...
  2. firerob Level 30

    hello, when the new dlc ? WILL new weapons ? and I have 261 sp and the new dlc and unlocking weapons tosas , there lgo again later ???
  3. CTCFirebird Active Player

    I'm not, but it would be cool to see it!

    DCUO down for Maintenance... I KNEW IT!!!
  4. Phearo Doom New Player

    Mepps! I teamed up with you on legends...... Been playing this game since release, had another account etc, never been banned etc, anyway to my point, i watched the the lastest web video you guys did, dont really have any questions, what i do have however is oooddles of time and dedication, not only spent but to invest, im 25, not young at all, anyway id like to become involved (Not as a player) but some one whos spent years and years gaming, with a keen eye for detail, i have countless ideas on your product not to sound pretensiouse lol, but id love to work with the team (Based in uk) but yeah let me know would love to get involved deeper. Atomi Arko
  5. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    The new gear is lvl 148. Yay!
  6. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    Yeah, but it doesn't matter because you can't buy it anyway.
  7. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    That's great and all. Mepps, maybe look through all of these posts. I know we need new content monthly, but there are some must haves that truly need addressed. Electric and Nature powers and pvp. They all need some major love. You really need to get pvp fixed. People are getting tired of see all the pve content and fixes. Only thing done to pvp as of late was to bring down weapon damage with no testing. No one thought of the healing.
    • Like x 1
  8. HarleyBiker142 Well-Known Player

    Well now I might have enough time on next tests to help out...getting laid off...oi and gas....I'm a work finally came to an end....talked around and word is no jobs available until 2017.
  9. arcfussion Well-Known Player

    Hope you find work soon Harleybiker, at least you know it will be before they fix this game. Lol
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  10. garrick New Player

    Does anyone know the stats for the prec 8.3 base mods?
  11. KlausKilowatt Committed Player

    Hello Mepps.
    Kind of a small potatoes request here but if you get a chance could you please update the GU60 notes to reflect the current changes as posted by Spord? Thank you kindly sir.

    Previous changes no longer applicable:
    • Celestial
    o Starting a weapon attack combo will now stop your Advanced Mechanic damage
    • Rage
    o Starting a weapon attack combo will now stop your Advanced Mechanic damage
  12. CTCFirebird Active Player

    Is there gonna be a walk-in for the 160s CR? I also think that the past Tiers should be walk-ins as well.
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  13. Mike EUPC Well-Known Player

    There are synthetic mods VII in this new tier??
    Second: Grodd to legends this forgotten :(
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  14. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    So we're looking at about Tuesday, 05/24. Thank GOD.
  15. Dark Matter80 Active Player

    Being totally serious here! Can I request my IP address be banned permanently anywhere on these forums? I know I could delete toons and the game. (Which I've did before) but I came back. Now I'm lay with a broken ankle! Literally have nothing better to do. I'm tired of this game!! The bugs that will never be fixed, the same refurbished content upon a new episode being released, GU's that do more damage than they fix, etc etc. I could go on for half a day. Simply put - deleting the game won't do it, as I know I'll come back after deletion, as most other games are turd! Really wanna put an end to this game once and for all.

    I've spent thousands upon thousands on it. And I think I've had an epiphany type moment, and realised wtf I've been doing. So... Going back to the first section of this message. Anyone?...
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  16. ssJoniFoXss Committed Player

    in the end of the day... the monthly update... is isnt.... monthly...
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  17. KlausKilowatt Committed Player

    Of course we get monthly content. We get it like clockwork every forty to fifty days...wait a minute here...
    We'll I guess it still takes place during a month... I guess that's why it's called monthly content.

    That reminds me I'm due for my yearly Dr appointment that I get every five years. ;)
  18. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    This makes me laugh so much. On one hand there are tons of players screaming that the devs need to fix bugs urgently and stop with the monthly content, and another group demanding the next batch of episodes like clockwork. Has anyone ever decided just to kick back, relax, and actually just have fun playing?
    • Like x 1
  19. ssJoniFoXss Committed Player

    Most important thing we need in game is to fix a lot of issues we have ..
    But when devs tell u stuff like this "monthly episode " and then this isn't go well...
    So u start to ask your self few questions...
    Even the simple monthly update they can't release... Like should... Like they SAID....
    And u need to remember... Those monthly place are just 10% of the game...
    Still today game isn't balance... Still today we defer from major issues...
    So those "ppl" we talk about bug.... Are the same ppl who see those mistakes!!!!
    I don't care they release dlc every 3 month... But they work on pvp , power like should!! , sp update, weapon... And fix some ugly bug that here from day one!!
  20. ssJoniFoXss Committed Player

    So stop laughing and open your eyes...