New Booster Bundle!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Dec 19, 2019.

  1. The Con Dedicated Player

    Yeah... I'm not saying that by only opening 8 boxes that you should have received the blue metallic material

    I mean, even if it's even odds for each:
    • Futuristic Drone Accessory Box!
    • Red Metallic Material
    • Blue Metallic Material
    • Gleaming Purple Aura
    • Gleaming Yellow Aura
    • Gleaming Red Aura
    • Gleaming Green Aura
    • Gleaming White Aura
    It's still a bit iffy.
    But... The fact that 6 out of 8 were Gleaming Yellow Auras is a good sign that something is foul in Denmark.
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  2. Solarbound Committed Player

    Are you sure? Because YOU look pretty broken in this moment. How about you stop being petty and work on fixing your 200 SP instead? You've got a lot of work to do.
  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Not sure what y’all are talking about. But your sense of superiority is showing. You may very well be trying to do good by the community but all I can gather from your recent text is that you think your point of view matters more than anyone else’s and everyone should listen to you.
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  4. Solarbound Committed Player

    The fact that you're not sure of what we're talking about, is every reason why you should've ignored our dispute altogether. You didn't have to mix yourself into this at all. Yet, if that's what you gathered, you haven't dug deep enough of what's really happening between myself and that other individual. I'll tell you this much, I absolutely will not tolerate elitist attitudes being directed towards me in these forums. So, what you're witnessing from me is a strongly opinionated individual in defense from such action. But, yes, I indeed want better for our DCUO community. I'm not going to be afraid to speak my mind on what needs to be said of the state of this game. I can be very civil with everyone here, man. Just leave that elitist nonsense out of the door, learn how to speak to people, and we're fine.
  5. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    I don't believe it is even. The drone is described as being rare, so I'd say there is a scale that goes from "stupidly rare" down to "sickeningly common", with the auras being in the latter category. :(

    I bought two, and got a red metallic material (which was actually what I was hoping for), and a gleaming yellow aura (which I promptly sold for a couple of million).
  6. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You yourself have an attitude and go from 0 to 100 right away. Your own sig says “I pity the sheep”. I don’t care to dig deeper. I quoted you because you are talking in a public forum. And nothing you said to this point is in favor of the community
    • Like x 1
  7. Solarbound Committed Player

    As I already explained to you, I can be civil with everyone. Don't come at me with attitude and you won't get that from me. That's fair principle, right? Okay, then. And, you don't have to dig deeper. You didn't even have to acknowledge my personal situation. Which, leaves no real point with this engagement. As far as my sig, it's just a reflection of how I feel certain perceptions need to change to improve the direction of this game. We're in dire need of that, whether you realize it or not. And, I've said nothing in favor of the community? Did I not say that I want better for our DCUO community? Community, plural. That includes you, me, and everyone else. Even, if we're unable to see eye to eye in the moment.
  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I doubt that you want better for the community since you consistently insult others here.
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  9. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I'm guessing lambchop is still at it?

    I have him on ignore now. Know what's better than getting the last word?

    Not having to listen to the guy who insists on getting the last word....
  10. Solarbound Committed Player

    Lorax, I'll spare you in this moment. I've been a member of this community since February 2011. Just one month after the game's official release. So, I've experienced DCUO in it's greatest days and I miss them tremendously. We are so far gone from what originally made this game so great for EVERYONE who has been a part of this. And, it's sad to see it in the shambles that it's in now. Why would you not think that I wouldn't want better? Because of minor confrontation? Please, I can get over that easy.

    All I want as I'm in these forums is for DCUO to be brought back to a state that makes us all feel like we're re-living it's days of glory. Yet, there's so much in the way of that and I'm just so fed up. Things need to change, but too many accept the excuses. That has to stop. Nearly 9 years, how much longer are we supposed to wait? Our community deserves better. Especially, when considering the money we've invested as a collective. I just can't sit by acting as if things are okay, playing pretend being someone's yes-man. No, not me. So, I have no problem saying what people are afraid to say here.
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  11. Solarbound Committed Player

    Smart decision, goodbye.
  12. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    How is that comment not elitist? You’ve been around from the beginning so what you want matters more than what others want. You want the game to be like how it was before. You miss the old game. If you hate the game so much than you can always quit you know. The game has issues yes. But this whole thread is about the games terrible sales. You go anywhere on the forums and you have people talking about the bugs and issues. Yet you only care about the issues that you want to talk about.
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  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Do that. Exactly that.
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  14. Solarbound Committed Player

    You're being over-analytical, Deity. The mention of my tenure was not for "showing superiority." It was a point made only to express how deeply rooted I am within experiencing the game's greatest days. I was only providing clarity on where I'm coming from based on the message I replied to. And, you're right. This thread is about the terrible sales. See, if you dug deeper as I suggested to you, you would see that my initial post spoke exactly on just that. The other individual I referred to dragged issues from an entirely different thread into here, steering that attention away. That's never okay. I'm not the bad guy here you're believing me to be. I didn't provoke this situation. As I already said, I was speaking in defense. Just stop with the assumptions and let this go.
  15. Solarbound Committed Player

    I mean, you're the one who keeps following me around in these forums. Are you sure you're over it as you like every comment that opposes me? That's adorable.
  16. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    I REALLY wish I saw this thread prior to buying Booster Bundles Yesterday. It's kind of a bummer to expect over $10 worth of convenience items, as advertised, and then not get that. I bought 6 bundles, all had a Gleaming Aura. I kept one of my three Green Gleaming auras for my Lantern Character and sold the rest. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get too much for them. I think the Red Gleaming is still in the broker, but the 2 Greens, Yellow and purple only got me about 20-30 million. I'm not going to gripe about not getting the cool little Robot I wanted, because that's the name of the game, but my biggest complaint is seeing what the items are worth. I don't see much happening about this, so I'm just not spending more on Booster Bundles.
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  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I do wish they were required to publish the odds somewhere (I think this is some sort of law somewhere...but maybe not in Virtual situations)...something like "Drone Accessory-- 1 in 100" or whatever...If I had to guess I'd say it was something like this.
    Drone Accessory (or whatever the big ticket is that BB), 1 in 100
    Blue/Red Metallic (again, whatever the 2nd tier items are), 1 in 25
    Red/Green Aura (whatever the most attractive of the common items are), 1 in 10
    Purple/White/Yellow aura (again the 'scrap' common items), 1 in 2

    At least this is my experience with opening BBs. TCs would we WAY worse odds for the top items.

    I do think that Apple tried or is trying to get some thing like this on downloadable moblile apps they service...not sure if it will extend to PC/Console type games. Didn't do a lot of research, but here's an article talking about it from early last year.

    I'm guessing that if the odds were divulged some would still buy like crazy, but some like me who MIGHT actually buy one (not this round anyway), would not because I'd not be willing to spend the kind of money to increase my odds a significant amount.

  18. Hraesvelg Always Right

    The main problem with posting odds of something like this is that there is a severe innumeracy problem among the general population. No, just because something is a 1 in 100 shot doesn't mean if you open 100 you will get one. No, it doesn't matter how many you open, each box is it's own chance...the ways to misunderstand statistics go on forever and ever and ever.
  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Agreed, but seeing that something is 1 in 10 vs 1 in 1,000 kind of gives you a dose of reality in your chances of getting something you want. I'd guess the TC items are more the 1 in 10,000 variety. Yes...some will open 3 boxes and get 3 of the high odd items....others might open 1000 and get none. I'd hope when presented with the odds some of the foolish might just hold back their donation forcing DBG to re-visit the odds table.

  20. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    And that’s exactly why they will never do it lol