Mental One Shots

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by PortgasD, May 21, 2015.

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  1. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    I thought it was rather obvious.
    Mental one shot = problem.
    Lower the ability to one shot = problem gone.
    Or just give mass terror a charge up time so it can be lunged before the damage hit.
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  2. XxRudgerxX Well-Known Player

    Yes. Make every move vulnerable or reduce the damage.
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  3. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    So where does the damage that you are removing from mass terror go? You just want to nerf mass terror and that's it? When other powers can kill their opponents just as fast, and sometimes faster?
  4. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    It is rather obvious you don't dwell much into the PvP section other then to defend your own power but pretty much all other powers have already been addressed.
    Due to Mental getting the most recent update it is being addressed now.

    Again using Red Herring is not going to help you in any way shape or form.
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  5. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    Just crying nerfs isn't gonna help yours aswell
  6. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    You know, except for the numerous times lowering the damage or altering the vulnerability has been brought up.

    Consequently the exact thing you're doing now (bumping the thread up and not posting facts to back up claims) is what lead to the watcher getting nerfed (thank zod). So thanks for the consistent thread bumps.
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  7. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    Oh because yall have been posting all the facts, right?
    AND no, "26k!!!! HURRR DURRR", isn't a fact
  8. PortgasD Well-Known Player


    While I am surprised that you are actually defending mental, if you read the original post I suggest two "fixes" that I have seen tossed around here in the forums that would help to bring Mental in line without specifically signaling it out and nerfing it.

    Please try to read the original post so we can stay on topic and advance the discussion. Thanks!
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  9. MMM Active Player

    Can you tell me why gadgets EMP doesn't hit hard as mass terror even though they follow a similar "mechanic"? Don't be silly now and admit mental and other powers need to be fixed.
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  10. PortgasD Well-Known Player

    Agreed! I think most of the AMs are out of whack in PvP, but Mental is just overkill. I've learned to deal with most of the foolery in arenas to enjoy PvP ( but Mental is just blatantly out of line IMO.
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  11. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I see you haven't been reading really any of the posts people have bothered typing up regarding the risk/reward aspects of it. Thanks for the enlightening post riddled with facts that's given me a new outlook on the situation though.
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  12. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    Oh so a thread about "putting a damage cap" on Mental isn't a nerf thread, ok.
  13. PortgasD Well-Known Player

    The issue at hand was that you said no one offered any legit suggestions....but clearly in the original post I contributed two! Aaand a damage cap would apply to all powers, hence a fair compromise in my opinion.

    Lets focus on that, rather than you misreading/failing to read the original post!
  14. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    Ahh, so you're original post obviously wasn't pointed towards mental. you should probably change the title then.
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  15. PortgasD Well-Known Player

    Uhh....I think you and I are done!

    I think this thread has run its course, hopefully the devs take notice and offer some type of solution...perhaps a dev can start up the Season 4 thread as a discussion...and moderate it as well lol.
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  16. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    Thanks for bowing out. See ya
  17. LivingDeath New Player

    Im not here to defend any power or cry nerf for any other power. What i am here for is to hopefully bring some sense into this tread.

    Lets start with mental since this is apperently the issue here. Yes Mass Terror can hit 20k, no one is trying to debate that. The people crying nerf make it seems like its unstoppable, and the people defend it make it seems just that easy to stop. The sumple truth is, it takes mental a minimal of 5 second and 4 second if not counting ressonace to actually get that big burst. The people crying nerf say mental can bring you to 20% or less health in one immunity, but same can be said about many other powers.

    Lets touch up on nature and mahorly the wolf form. In pvp the wolf form can deal just as much or more damage then mental in the same amout of time. Wolf has savage>vine>briar burst, followed by roar burst and serpent call burst. And if you manage to survice the 5 dots will make sure to finish you off. Lets not even talk about the primal uppercut doing more dmage then mass terror in less the time.

    Lets talk about Hard Light now.anyone who dont know hardlight in pvp shouldnt be saying any other powe is OP. Hard Light can destroy you in one counter window faster than any other dps in pvp. With almost no counter windows. Need i really say more about HL.

    Now the all mighty Rage. Rage can do the same dmage masterror can do but at a faster pace. Rage can decimate its opponent in one counter. Outrage>Revange>Evicirating chains {best finisher in the game may i add}.

    Celestial is a beast when done properly. Anyome who disagrees does not know the true potential. RcW>ScH>PcDL, will mow down myltiple ppl.

    There are many other power like ice and fire as a tank, but my point here is many power have the capability to destroy an opponent in one counter window. Mental is just the new power added to that list people just need to adapt and learn the new mechanics of the new kid on the block.
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  18. XxRudgerxX Well-Known Player

    But most other powers can be interrupted in a doable fashion, rage can be blocked, Celestial simply needs to be lunged after one power, and all mental's vulnerable to is something that can be denied by immunities.

    I know the true potential, and the fact is that it's vulnerable to lunge after the first combo. If they get more than two combos off successfully, then they deserve the damage, because unlike mental, it's actually possible to interrupt.
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  19. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Close. The first vulnerability can be blocked out. After that the damage is pretty much hitting regardless. You can be interrupted after that though.
  20. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    I started a parser thread showing exactly what mental is capable of in any given circumstances, I haven't shied away from the fact mental is leaving a path of destruction, I even suggested removing the refresh from MT should you get interrupted so you can't just pop a breakout and get right back on it without having to recast resonance. There's still no explanation on why I don't get counter immunity when I BB with MT or ML meaning I'm at an exceptional risk in any given circumstance. Btw, resonance is a power expense with no return mechanism, all the amps and the finisher have a power return, a hearty one I might add. All I believe I've ever said or implied is that it's nice to be able to compete with the powers that have been a thorn in everyone's side for a while now.

    I can post my latest parser and you can see how mental works in 8v8, you wouldn't believe what can be done in 20.1 seconds.
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