Members Only Special Summer Sale!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Dexella, May 21, 2015.

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  1. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    What happened to the 50% sales. That's what we're used to. I'm not going to spend money on something for 20%. 50% is when I would spend money on stuff I didn't even need and buy in bulk.
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  2. Circe New Player

    Is anyone really buying those old styles in the Marketplace? Among other things in there. You know what happens in the real world when things don't sell? Their prices get cut.

    This is why they look stingy in this. So much of the Marketplace items aren't desirable or new, yet they stay the same price for years now? It just doesn't make sense.
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  3. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Are they trying to kill off the small transaction model and push subs? They've de-bundled items so it costs more to buy them separately. Same with content. They've decreased sales. In some cases, they've made sales members only. Are they trying to send the message: "you'll either be nickel-and-dime'd or you can subscribe." Next thing you know you'll have more obtrusive and frequent nag screens and glowing coins everywhere to click on.
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  4. Mighty Hyperion Committed Player

    20% why not 80 or 100% come one lol (greedy peeps all-around)
    I'm glad to see any sale at all and appreciate it. I'll buy whatever I need at an even lower price (even if slightly lower).
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  5. Ramonater New Player

    Wasn't worth it at 10%. STILL not worth it at 20%. 50% or nothing for me. Thank you
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  6. tukuan Devoted Player

    There's an odd bit of circular logic here. Obviously if you want them to be discounted it's because you want to buy them so ipso facto they must be desirable? If no one wants them, then a discount would be a moot point.

    That said it's really not the issue here since this sale if for the entire MP not just the styles. So a deeper discount would also mean a greater loss of potential revenue on items that still are in the red from a development perspective.
  7. KN1TE Dedicated Player

    There hasn't been a 50 percent off sale in almost a year. This 20 percent Sale sucks! They have been lessening the discount or nearly no discount. Stuff should b 50 or more off already. Especially since no1 will play mainly broken content that they can't get marks for anymore.
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  8. KN1TE Dedicated Player

    I agree. Normally the sale is 50% off old crap anyways. Old dlc, old base stuff...
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  9. KN1TE Dedicated Player

    Applause. Can I like this 100 times myself! True.
  10. John Brawler Committed Player

    yeah, cause a 20% off sale is really making membership worth it... not. said it once, say it again, want more people to sub MAKE LEGENDARY WORTH IT! if i have a choice of a sub that's not worth it or being nickle and dimed i'll take option 3 and go to a new game.
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  11. Bendmetal Dedicated Player

    I agree with Circe, many people indulge their money in this game. A sale (imo) would be like a thank you to the players for supporting the game and allowing them to acquire items they want at a cheaper price. This sale however, is an insult to premiums and legendaries (subjective) who support the game, I mean 20% off for members only? 20% is weak, it's not that enticing of a deal compared to the 50% sales we had before.

    Couple this with the fact that the game is making existing content even more expensive (Example: DLC's are no longer in bundles, if you add up the current prices of what DLC's offered before, you'll be surprised. This is especially true for last laugh) I'm feeling the Devs are becoming too greedy.

    Heck I believe that the monthly content release is just another update dedicated to filling up the devs pockets. Think about it, they might charge the monthly content at a high cost (currently the content right now is $10, so I'm betting on them planning to charge more by releasing them separately. Would be a devious move...but with the current sting of updates I have no reason to believe otherwise).
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  12. John Brawler Committed Player

    it'll probably be 5 bucks per "episode" so it'll be 15 bucks for the same amount of content as old dlcs which were 10 and of course you still have to wait 3 months for the whole thing, but hey, we get a small slice per month instead of a full product when it's ready. woohoo.
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  13. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    whens the 50% sale?
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  14. Cursed Khagan Well-Known Player

    So I'm saving another $1 on my purchases? My goodness – what an amazing sale! :rolleyes:

    Plus, there's nothing really worth buying other than replay badges and total recovery kits at this point. It's been years since any new (style) items were added.
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  15. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    you will take what we give you and like it...greed is killing this game. I am finding it harder and harder to like this game. time to move on soon. next DLC will tell.
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  16. rimvader Well-Known Player

    WITH REAL MONEY I HAVE BOUGHT FAKE MONEY TO BUY VIRTUAL ITEMS, WHILE PAYING TO PLAY A "FREE" GAME.:mad: I look for deals with real items too(exp, Trivago)! I'm not a hard core player and I still spend a couple hundred a year on this game alone. If there was only 2 million players spending like me they(DCUO) would be good, but there a lot of players spending tons more than me. They will be OK!
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  17. rimvader Well-Known Player

    This update stops high cr from receiving Marks in lower dlc's/episodes. Which make buying them almost useless and helping low cr's to level a rewardless chore. And Gates and PB was unplayable, make 70cr to 86cr a rough grind. One of my leagues that was very active has slow down a few players on lately. I have access, but why grind for no marks?
  18. GRElectircX New Player

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  19. Freezestyle New Player

    The fact that these are virtual items is the point. It does not cost Daybreak money to produce recovery kits. There are no people working in sweatshops to churn out replay badges. We are paying real money but there is no overhead since these are not "real" goods.

    They aren't losing money. As stated by other posters, people simply won't buy virtual things at the current (or 20% off sale) price. The community is willingly acknowledging "We won't buy Monopoly money at full price but we are willing to buy that worthless money at half the price." It's not losing money, it's making money on worthless items, if the price is right.
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  20. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    eh as a consumer ... you should always try to get the most out of your bucks...;)
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