Make All Content Mark Relevant 100% of Time

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PVP360, May 21, 2015.

  1. Cypher Well-Known Player

    The only way it's Less of a Reward, is if they kept the COST the same, and removed the ability to earn the marks needed.
    They went to a single mark system, and not your earning potential is based on where you sit with content ability.
    The Achievement is the same, the gameplay is the same, and I doubt they are losing so many subs, and new people are taking their place.

    I'm still getting 100% of the product I pay for, so I don't know where you went to Math School, but you should get a refund.
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  2. Cypher Well-Known Player

    So, 25, 125, and 625 marks were what made/broke your ability to play the game is what you're saying? And based on Tier costs, you still couldn't buy the HIGHEST tier stuff, because it had it's own mark.
    I payed rent by converting my high tier mark down to Triumph .. I ran older content to help other players, just like I do today.
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  3. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    Because you totally just HAD to have those 5 marks from Tier 1 and 10 marks (I think) from Tier 2. In Tier 3 the issue risen is that T6 are annihilating everything which means you just made more players who expected to be carried and not know jack sh** in Tier 6 to the point you kick them from the group then they come to the forums complaining they got kicked because x reason.

    Then you have the other side of players who got annoyed with being carried, not experiencing anything, and sucking the fun out of the content by turning it into an interactive YouTube, sometimes to the point they just move on to another game and DC loses potential revenue because of it.

    You know that healer who can't heal worth anything in L/W or Necropolis? He probably got carried through a buttload of content where everything straight up died and no one needed to be healed through anything (minus one shots).

    How about the controller who doesn't know how to throw power or debuff then burns off his power? Same thing seeing as 1 weapon combo wasted everything in your way (excluding light cause the whole power is a glorified weapon) so the healer didn't need to expend power to heal and that dps didn't need power to do anything.

    You know that tank who dies easily and doesn't know how aggro works or pointlessly blows off his power and just stands there blocking while everything eventually ignores him? You can blame T6 in lower content for that as well because you can't tank an enemy that died 2 seconds after preparing.

    And then the crappy dps are because someone dual queued, ran dps, and wasted everything so he doesn't see how well his "burn" is either.

    And then these now crappy players are "carried" to T5 and 6 where what should've been learned WAY back in Tier 1 (alongside Tier 0 but hey, lv 70s-100s in Bludhaven and Gorilla Island as well) is now put to the extreme test of "do your job and succeed" or "suck at your job and fail miserably", guess which one will happen more often to those carried players. Like "blocking" is never learned, or what the red skull means and where you should be for it.

    Granted that it can still happen now unfortunately, having less carrying in lesser content means people learn what they should about the game (like the split in Power Core helps if you run A/B to an extent now), which means people they interact with more positively means they have more fun as a whole, which coerces them to throw money into the game to expand on that enjoyment they get out of playing the game as intended, which means more potential subs/revenue for the game to continue on.

    Rather than the sad-sacks who think of this game as a second job where everything "needs to be done asap" and anyone who doesn't live up to [your] expectations is pretty much an invisible wall to you, the game is catering for the LONG TERM ENJOYMENT and HEALTH, not the whiny little brats who come and cry to "mommy and daddy" (Spytle and Mepps) that their new expensive toy they just got 5 minutes ago is boring now and they want another expensive toy or they'll hold their breath and turn purple (drop a sub if they don't pick up replays to gear chase cause they burned out too fast).
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  4. PVP360 New Player

    You have never played 100% of the game because you only run solo content...
    Your opinion has no weight because you dont run Alerts and Raids...According to your post you only run solos...
  5. PVP360 New Player

    I definitely agree with your "Carry" issues...OMG...The Terrible Troll and Horrendous Healer.....

    But this direction they took is not and will not stop or curtail that....they are still going to find a shortcut...they will just pay to dps or tank with an op power then switch or something drastic...either way the state of the game has crippled most lower tier alerts and raids.

    I do go down to help lower tier players...but how can I when the content isnt even playable due to op ads One shotting them...

    That doesnt teach them anything...except maybe not to play the game anymore..
  6. Biester New Player

    Name 1? Easy, FFXIV. There are like 10 battle classes that you can level up all with one character. Each class has cross-class abilities that can be used by other classes so leveling up all 10 is very beneficial. So even though you may have your tank class at max level, you may need a certain cross-class ability from a dps class to help you be a better tank so content that is irrelevant to your tank class is extremely relevant to your dps class.

    The only time all content will become irrelevant is when you have all 10 battle classes at max level (which is pretty much impossible). If you manage to achieve this impossible feat, then there are also like 10 crafting and gathering classes to level up.

    With a huge expansion coming next month that includes 3 new battle classes and adding more abilities to existing battle classes, all content will be relevant for at least one of the 13 classes. Not to mention all of the extra things there are to do besides leveling such as the Triple Triad card game, chocobo racing, chocobo breeding and raising, league houses to expand and decorate, hunts to participate in, and much more.

    I'm not trying to be an advocate for FFXIV, you said to name one so I did and gave you examples of how it keeps all content relevant from start to finish. ^^All this beats the hell out of 12 pieces of relevant content per month and actually costs less than the DCUO subscription.
  7. PVP360 New Player

    Agreed....the guy just doesnt really know what he is talking about...

    What is even worse is Cypher is trying to equate the prior mark system the new one and he is getting 100% of the game when the conversion table is on the forum...and he says my math is to mention he only runs solo content
  8. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    On USPC, you have to wait hours to PuG into a T5 or lower content. I see many low level around, asking questions, but they are lost and many drop the game, because the community is everything but helpful and the game doesn't offer enough instructions. After the short tutorial that is the Brainiac ship, they are thrown to the wolves. When it's time to choose their role, they have no idea of what a role is supposed to do, because the mail that comes along with the first role ring at level 10 gives a very brief explanation about it.

    I am convinced that if the devs would dedicate some time to develop a decent tutorial, we would retain many more players.

    Said that, since i doubt anyone will ever develop a tutorial and considering that the great majority of people on line is playing mostly T7 while the remaining minority is crying for help to play the lower tiers, I'd suggest to extend the reward to any content. I am quite sure that the T7 players would be happy even just by getting 2 marks for a T2 raid and, I bet, we would see more people playing the old content, making happy both newcomers and old players.

    Starting a new character and leveling up to the top CR, as it is now, it's frustrating even for an expert player. I would like to create an Earth tank, for instance, but there is no way that I am going through the hour-long queues again, meaning that I am not going to buy the replay badges to buy the feats.
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  9. Apollodarkblade21 Well-Known Player

    My main problem with this is I bought the episode packs to keep up on rent without having to sub every month while waiting for new content not even a week later they drop the news that those will no longer drop marks cause of my cr so I wasted money for useless content.
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  10. OldmanJoe New Player

    The reason they will never do such a thing! ........................... There is no money in it!..........................
    And if they did do it, charging for the tutorial, how many people would just up and leave a game asking you to pay to learn it!
  11. PVP360 New Player

    I agree..but the cost for development would need to be recouped some how...

    The queue times are ridiculous....Its pretty much holted low tier raids and alerts...and think awarding some marks for running lower content would definitely be a good starting point to restarting the game....
  12. PVP360 New Player

    No I think a lot of people would appreciate a real tutorial
  13. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    You must think for the long term benefits of such a thing: teaching players how to play means making the game more accessible and less confusing and would ultimately convince the newcomers to stay and, eventually, subscribe. It wouldn't be a fruitless investment.
  14. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Relevant was a poor choice of words for them to have used to describe something being at your challenge level.
    To you, it seems, the only reason to be running non-challenging content is for marks.
    So why do you need those marks? Let's list the possible expenditures:
    1. Mainframe
    2. New gear
    3. Old sets of gear
    4. Rare styles
    5. Tokens of merit
    6. Vendor items such as plans, renown, etc
    1. They reduced the cost of boosts, and extended their expiration.
    2. You shouldn't be running old non challenging content for the newest gear
    3. They reduced the cost of old sets of gear styles, put it in a vendor tied to your cr
    4. Rare styles should have significant cost. You can still run content hoping they'll drop. But, at least they made this available. And now, it is no longer restricted by mark type.
    5. Tokens can still be purchased with marks of valor. Yeah, you're in a bit of a pickle, but there are no mark locks on PvP, and you get participation rewards. This is the one I would complain about if I didn't already have it.
    6. Supposedly, they tweaked the prices of these items to help. I wouldn't know too much about it.
    More than half of the above is for styles and feats ... which you say aren't beneficial. So, what is it you need these marks for that you'll consider content non-existent unless it awards marks?
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  15. OldmanJoe New Player

    On a side note, I would like anyone to list any MMO ever making old content that is irrelevant and worthless for you to run 4-5 times harder....... I loved the fact that in WoW if you were 10 levels above NPCs they would NOT even attack you...... and in a game based on "SUPERS" that kind of thing should be totally present, what idiot in their right mind would attack someone who can flick you dead!

  16. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    Many players think that way. I think they lost of sight the true meaning of "playing" and it's kinda sad if people consider the reward in a game more important than the fun, nevertheless, since that's the community that we have, it's pointless trying to change their philosophy (I tried so many times :( ). The only thing that the devs can do is to give them what they want. It's their job to keep the customers satisfied and I see many aren't.
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  17. PVP360 New Player

    You left out the most important number...but I will help you out with it...

    The real #1


  18. OldmanJoe New Player

    I have played for over 4 years now! And my Legendary sub has expired for the first time in that long! But they have never thought long term, because any long term thoughts would take into consideration long term players, in other words they would respect their "Veteran" players and if this game is known for anything, it is the complete lack of care or respect for Veterans!
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  19. PVP360 New Player


    Now that I think of this a little deeper....this is almost and exact repeat of what they did to pvp....
    As a matter of fact it is.....


    Stat Flatting: Boost Stats but Decrease the "Increment" of Improvement over prior gear.
    PVP Updat: Boost Stats, Remove Role Gear so all gear is the same. (All gear has same stats. Decrease the "Increment" of Improvement over prior gear).

    Holy sht...they just did the same thing to PVE...THEY JUST RENAMED IT STATE FLATTENING. lame is that...
    The only thing they did different was they didnt nerf powers,,,but same result by buffing npc defense and damage...
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  20. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    I have the impression that Daybreak is instead relying more on the old customers, rather than trying to get new ones. They develop things that interests only the end game players, leaving the old sessions as they are.

    For instance, they never talked of adding more stuff to do in the open cities, that would benefit both old and new players; they still didn't consider to create a tutorial nor an official guide; they give precedence to the bugs that affect the end-game content...

    It seems to me that veterans players are the only ones that they are trying to satisfy, even though unsuccessfully.

    edit: I bet they will never introduce the T7 looting system in the lower tiers.