Just a few things to get off my chest regarding Stat Clamp and The state of the game for new players

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FluffyCloud99, Jan 11, 2023.

  1. Emoney Dedicated Player

    The reason Dimensional ink/ Daybreak uses the End user term is because it is directly referring to conduct within their service. This game is afterall free to play and not everyone pays. Also not everyone who has a membership, paid for the membership. Example, minors who had their parents pay for the membership. The minor is the end user, the parent is a customer.

    However, any purchase, whether subscription or marketplace makes that individual a customer, period.

    Also, taxes, are levied on purchases made by a customer within the United States.

    This is so beyond silly. Can we get back to the stat clamp now?
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  2. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I absolutely agree, this tangent is beyond ridiculous.

    As far as getting back to the Clamp, I have nothing to contribute. Play it or do not play it. Each of us are free to choose.
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Ngl I snickered
  4. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I stand by my statement. Laugh at me if you want.
  5. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Yet I never actually complained about the clamp, just the population issues. You still missed my whole point entirely. It wasn't even supposed to be an "argument". Simply freedom of speech. Sorry if I worded it wrong by saying customers can vent all they want? Relax.
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    i was snickering about the change in subject to legal-ese. Not you silly goose :p
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  7. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Wasn't the point at all. I told you that numerous times. And the "lmfao" was only included because I copied and pasted some of the message from another thread. Either way, if you can't handle it, cry me a river.
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  8. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I think that was the point. Sometimes the voices shouting alone is enough to make a difference, without any response needed. Look at protests irl, not all of them have the person responsible saying anything at all, but they know they were at least heard.
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  9. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Thank you, this is exactly what I was trying to say in the first place, before someone blew it completely out or proportion.
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Whoa....this is quite the revelation. As I am also not a paying customer and never have been, I need to file a police report for all these false charges from 'Daybreak games' in my discover and Paypal histories.

    I think they've 'stolen' 1000's of dollars from me over the years....seeing as if I were not a paying customer...I didn't 'pay' anything.

    I think what you mean to say is you are not an 'owner' in MMOs. We have no rights to 'owning' what we've paid for....they can pull whatever they want whenever they want. This is true....but to say we are not paying customers...well you might want to revisit your name choices and add a 'non' in there after 'much'.

    Otherwise...."Hello FBI....I've been robbed!!":eek:
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  11. Proxystar #Perception

    Hello FBI...... I've been robbed!!

    FBI - omg who robbed you Mr Reinheld?!?!

    "Dimensional Ink/Daybreak! They stole my ******* stats!!!"

    Beep, Beep, Beep



    ""HELLO.... Goddamnit"
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  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I was more talking about the fact that IF I were not paying them....they apparently stole my money over MANY charges through the years....but yeah, now that you bring it up....So once I am done with the CC fraud division....I'll transfer to Cyber Crimes.

    "Cyber crimes!!!....WheReS mY StaTS!!!"
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Lol, yea I was just joking :D
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  14. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Hey Alexa
    How do you delete a thread. Asking for a friend.

    In all seriousness though, while i did talk about the clamp, that was only part of the thread. Once someone mentions the clamp it just creates a breeding ground of pure chaos, "he said she said" and "my opinion is better than yours" bs.
    Agree to disagree and move on. Some like the clamp, others dont. If someone says something you dont like, Ignore them. No need to get cut throat about it or go on a different tangent about said things.

    As for the whole "paying customer" stuff. Dunno where the hell that came from and who thinks they are not a paying customer to a game they pay money too for a product is beyond me.

    Im fairly sure the DCUO discord would welcome you to talk in there about stuff instead of on threads like this lol

    Anyways. I created a mess it seems, lets just move on. It hurts my brain to see some in the community actively go after each other because 1 opinion about a game is not the same as their own
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  15. Proxystar #Perception

    I appreciate the sentiment of your intent, but the reality is debate is going to occur when you make a public post .

    People are going to post contrary views which will inevitably lead to further discussion and at times argument, as long as it typically stays civil there's no problem with any of it.

    Expecting others to not do so is a quest for an echo chamber which is neither realistic nor healthy.
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  16. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Oh by all means, Do debate. Just keep it civil and accept the fact people wont have the same opinions. No need to get aggressive, angry or calling people names based on their opinions
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  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Im not saying youre a bad player for wanting a unclamped version. Hell i support having a unclamped version.

    But the rewards for it is what we are arguing about.

    I am not a fan of this games achievement system. I have around 200 skill points, Im far from elite, i just wanna login, run some raids, watch my character look badass, and chat it up with my ingame friends. Im not chomping at the bit for achievements but its nice to get a style achievement for a set i finished.

    But i do think this game achievement system which is a big draw to this game shouldn't have its integrity compromised.
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  18. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    And I don't think that you're a bad person...

    A few things to unpack:

    This post has nothing to do with anything said in my reply. It's merely a suggestion as to why devs don't usually respond in threads like these... and why one shouldn't really use that as a sign that they agree with them.

    There is a seeming assumption on your part that others are the "'wrong' people".

    And, finally... Some see the clamp as the achievement system having its integrity compromised - albeit, well intentioned by the dev team. It's what altered the system.

    Some see it as a wrong step.
    Some see it as a game-breaker.
    Some see it as something that needs to be tolerated.

    Some see it as a good step.
    Some see it as an opportunity/way to make themselves look superior by:
    1) Having fewer other people getting those achievements that they already hold
    2) By exploiting the new progression system that now relies more on time and/or money rather than mere gear building
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