I had an idea...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AquiloFury, Mar 11, 2019.

  1. Raphael Gaspar New Player

    I understand the point of view, but I do not think it's a good idea, you have to look at the general situation, if the option to spend cash is only for the broker, the game economy will be monopolized, everything will become more expensive than it already is , players who open many capsules will centralize the cash source, this would not be fair to the community.
  2. not_again Dedicated Player

    The economy in this game way too broken for any changes. Instead of removing every way for people to generate in game cash other then the broker, the solution here is to wipe all the cash from everyone and start the economy over. No one gets to keep anything a complete wipe out and everyone starts at $0. Until then there should not be any hinderance of mailing money or trading money from player to player especially from alts.
  3. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    Complete wipes just piss people off and they quit. I've seen other games do complete roll backs. Its not a pretty sight.
    DCUO has already done that with GU 47. They rolled back unlimited MoT to a capped 100 MoV.
    That killed the PC server.
    DCUO also rolled money back before.
    That was from from the PC money exploit. The only problem there was that they gave notice and told everyone that they could keep 100k on all toons. The people that exploited the money broke down all their cash into 100k in-game e-mails and put all the cash into the mail and on alts.
  4. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    That has already happened.
    I can go into the broker and manipulate it right now if I want too but I chose not to do that.

    What the broker needs is to secure the in game currency to where it can only be utilized in the broker and other vendors within the game and then open the broker up to premium players based on what the premium players have paid for.

    That would not only stabilize the broker.
    It would lower the in-game broker prices because more players would have access.
  5. Raphael Gaspar New Player

    Wipe cash? Are you crazy? the game has lost a lot of players in the last few years, many players have made cash by opening time capsules or using replays badges, selling resets or resetting themselves often to drop valuable things such as op collections, think a little before saying these things.
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  6. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I will add. As far as selling resets goes.

    The devs need to add that to the broker as well. If players want to sell resets. The players could go to the broker and list them.
    It would make selling rests in game a lot faster and simpler. This would also stop the scamming of other players with resets.

    In the end. It would make everything in game more secure & stable.
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  7. Raphael Gaspar New Player

    the main point is not the reset to be sold in the broker or not, until it would be a good idea, but the fact is that many people have already spent a lot of money with replays and time capsules, removing cash from the game would be total disrespect with the consumer. I do not have all the answers to all the problems of the game, but this would definitely end the game, I have played dcuo for 7 years, the problem is that we live in the nutella generation, children complain about everything, do not have the judgment to evaluate a logic situation.
  8. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I didn't say remove in game currency. I am agreeing with the OP. The in game currency needs to be closed off from the gold bot farmers and any other outside sources that can manipulate the market with real money.

    I've played since 2011 and have earned more than my fair share in game as well. But, I also understand the the broker and the in game economy needs regulation just like any other markets in the real world.

    Making it so that in game currency can only be used on the broker, in vendors and traded between characters on the same account would not kill the game. It would give the in game economy the needed regulation and keep outside sources from manipulating the broker. It would help get these outside sources out of the game because it would make it not worth their time. They would move on towards other games that are easier to exploit.
  9. not_again Dedicated Player

    Not wipe cash? Are you crazy? The game has lost a lot of players way more players the last few years for the following reasons. The in game economy from players spending real money such as opening time capsules and using and selling replays have drove prices to astronomical amounts. This has put a damper on progression as people without a bunch of in game cash or expendable real life money fall behind. Please think a little before posting these things! It would also get rid of gold sellers which is what the OP is talking about.
  10. HalfromTynon Well-Known Player

    Weird thought here:

    Make in game cash account bound.
    Make items bought from the broker and vendors account bound.

    That way, peeps can still put their unwanted stuffs on the broker... but gold sellers wouldn't be able to do anything with their gold, and couldn't buy stuff to give away.

    The above idea would upset some of the f2p peeps, and the premium peeps, but would eliminate the gold sellers.

  11. Gromm865s Active Player

    I really enjoy sending random cash to streamers I find on twitch through the mail and I know they enjoy receiving it. Just ignore the gold sellers and leave the cash the way it is. People made and kept billions from the TC glitch, if people want to spend money to buy ingame cash let them, who does it really hurt?
  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Said like a person who is sitting on about $4.87 in game. No thanks. I earned every penny of the money I have in game and if they outright take it away that might be the straw that breaks the camels back for a lot of users (me included). Especially seeing as they did NOT take it away from those who were known to have gotten them the wrong way.

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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Again...nope. Besides the fact that you are removing a benefits I pay for as a sub, you will probably impact Stabilizer sales since there will be no reason to 'farm' items if you can't sell them easily. I'm fine with removing cash from mail if another method is available to move it around, as that does not pull any of my benefits as a DCUO subscriber. Just doing that would be at least a partial inconvenience to the gold sellers as now they would have to meet in person for trade vs mailing it.

    The change they put into chat was a decent deterrent and cut the spamming down greatly. They should be able to tighten the reigns on that more or fix the relog loophole so the impact to real users, especially subs...would be minimal. Removing the ability to move cash around or trade items is a direct impact to the subscribing users. The chat restrictions were an impact to F2P and Premium users....I'd say go back and impact them a bit more vs going after the users who primarily support the game. How about F2P only gets Tell and Group/League chat(might already be this)? Premium can only blast 1 'shout/trade/lfg' every 3 min, max 3 in an hour? As long as they can make it stick through a logoff/logon, it would greatly impact the gold spammers. Sure that's a pain, but it would be a pain mainly for the gold sellers/F2p/Premiums. And before I'm accused of not caring about Premiums, I run 4 Premium accounts and would also be affected.

  14. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Coming from my background, I do not believe that you are right. Daybreak made a significant effort to remove Gold Spammers by making it impossible to do so until you gained at least Premium Membership. And it has, largely, worked. I see one in the Watchtower, and one in the Hall of Doom.

    That's a considerable - no - EPIC reduction in the prevalence of gold spammers.

    Picking up the accounts that make it through the net are down to you - report and screenshot. Or stop complaining.
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  15. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Oh brother... you are going to have to back that the **** up with facts.
  16. Dene Devoted Player

    I busted my behind to get my cash at where it is - the devs would never do this, the backlash would be extreme

    This stupid notion that all that are rich in DCUO either cheated or spent HUGE amounts of real cash is pure Jealousy by those who do not seem to be able to hold more than 100k
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  17. Dene Devoted Player

    They never will do it.. if they did though, i'd be gone too.. for the exact reason you stated.
  18. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    Facts??? The facts are right on front of you.

    We have two choices.

    The person that applied that fix was a complete moron and they should not be working for DCUO in the first place.


    They were paying the complainers lip service in order to get them to shut up while purposely leaving the back door open.

    I know better than believing number one. I give the devs more credit than that.

    Unless you think the DCUO devs are a bunch of idiots that cannot set the parameters right for being able to send chats. Then you have to understand that number two is what happened as well.
    It would take 5 minutes to reset those chat parameters and they were told about that one the very first day.

    Plausible deniability?????? No, I think not. I call BS on that.
    That back door would have already been fixed if it was not intended.
  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    because if you manage to get lucky and I will put a lot of emphasis on LUCK, you can sell a collection on the broker for obscene amounts. The amount of money you have is no longer determined of how much work you put in, what important how much money you sink into the GAMBLEBOXES

    In which case I'd like to remind you that they're PAID, TIMED, RNG EXCLUSIVE ITEMS WITH NO INGAME METHOD OF AQUISITION all of which will super inflate prices

    DCUO used to feel la carte now it just feels like a mobile economy