I had an idea...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AquiloFury, Mar 11, 2019.

  1. AquiloFury Committed Player

    I was talking to my wife on my way home from work this morning about a great many things...and she brought up how IMVU had shut down third party "cred" sellers and it got me thinking....

    First and foremost...this is just an idea and if it's been mentioned before... I apologize. So, to the relevant part of that convo, apparently you used to be able to send credits to other people in that IMVU thing...and that's what they stopped to shut down the third party sellers. So I was thinking....what if the devs stopped our ability to send in game cash via mail?

    I know, I know.. "But I use the mail to funnel money from my alts to my main!!! Are you mad?!?!". My suggestion for that is to add a feature to our shared banks for that exact purpose. The only people we can give money to is ourselves... And buying from the broker of course... But there would have to be an exception so the broker could still function normally.

    Example: I cannot send money in game to anyone....but I can still purchase and sell from the broker because it's an automated process handled by the system.

    The gold sellers would have no way of distributing in game cash anymore... No more spam in our chats...we can still funnel our own money and use the broker. It's a win for everyone who has seen enough of those dang gold sellers in our chats..
    I will be the first to admit, I don't know if this will work technically, but it seems like a good idea to me.

    Thoughts? Constructive critisms? Additional ideas? Or just want me to shut up? Join the convo below! Thanks for your time.
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  2. Dene Devoted Player

    It is a great idea.. a few have brought it up before & I think it would be an amazing QOL

    My only issue is, I help friends by sending cash to them.. but I guess I could just buy them presents instead lol
  3. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    I been wanting a shared money slot in the shared bank for a while now. It be great for my alts, no more waiting for long emails from myself

    And not necessarily. Trading money is still an option unfortunately. That would be hard to get rid of due to trading and friends/league mates buying/paying you for an item or for helping out etc
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  4. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I think that is a great idea.
  5. AquiloFury Committed Player

    You make a valid point, I'm not sure on how to get around that one lol. On one hand, yes it is a way to distribute still. On the other, it could be a risky move on their part? Although I guess not because whoever is still using them wouldn't wanna get caught either, and would probably not report them at the risk of their own account getting banned.
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  6. Eve YouTuber

    Someone mentioning IMVU I must comment. I played this game for 10+ years lol.
    That's a great idea and I'm all up for it to be implant in the game.
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  7. Crimson Veil Dedicated Player

    you would have to modify or shut down person to person trading as well...

    I'm not a fan of loosing my own conveniences to combat an annoying bit of chat spam
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  8. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    I do not think giving up the option for players to move money from one of their toons to the other is a viable "fix". It is a inconvenience that I imagine most do not want to have to deal with. Talk about making the game even more unfriendly to alts. Just ignore the gold seller spam.
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  9. HalfromTynon Well-Known Player

    I am not a gold seller. But i'll pretend to be one here:

    I see dcuo is trying to shut down cash sharing. No mailing cash, no person to person trading cash. Well, time to update my website:

    Want in game cash for $$$... just follow the simple steps below for a **** ton of in game cash for a low low price.
    1) Post any item for an amount of in game cash you want on the broker.
    2) Tell me the exact name and amount of your item.
    3) I'll buy it from the broker, you win.

    For example, if you want 10 million cash... just do the following:
    Go to Metropolis, beat up a random thug. Whatever trash item they drop, put it on the broker for 10 million (plus your broker fee). Email me the name of the item you posted. I'll buy it from the broker, you win.

    With that being said, it's been done in other games. The astral diamond auction house in Neverwinter, for example. Gold sellers aren't as stupid as some of you make them out to be. They have more ways around hinderances, than devs are willing to put up. Every little hinderance ***** over the players far more than the gold sellers.
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  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    That is a great idea and it has been suggested before.
  11. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer


    The best way to stop the sellers is to stop botzh sellers and buyers. No one is safe from a ban caused by cash trading and I hope it will be known soon.
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  12. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Problem is you can't know if it is a legitimate trade of cash between two players or if it is a gold selling transaction. If they removed our ability to send money via mail or direct trade I would not hesitate for a second to move money between my characters or to friends using the broker if need be.
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  13. Mazahs Loyal Player

    Ever thought maybe the devs were making $$$ off these?
    I know I have and even others in these forums have suggested the same.
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  14. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I believe so,.and not just this game. When I played Final Fantasy. There were gold sellers advertising in their chat very early on. Not sure when they started on DCUO, but with no confirmations that they aren't. One would have to assume they are.
  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'd be down with removing the mail money option as long as the money slot in the shared bank became a thing. However if it's just to combat gold sellers, I doubt it would have much impact. Like others have said, you can funnel it through the broker, or come up with some method of doing it. In the meantime it would have a pretty decent impact on out of broker trades as well as the ability to give money to friends or leaguemates.

    Might be cutting off your nose to spite your face.

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  16. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Let's see first off .... What about sending cash to myself? I have a pile of ALT and if they just code it so Cash can not be sent for one alt to another... they will tick off a bunch of players. Sorry but if I am paying a month subscription (which I am) all of a sudden I can't send a couple million to an ALT that I want to buy something off the broker?

    Next up and Dene brought this part up........... So I can go to the Broker and hand over any amount of cash I want to BUY stuff off another player.. including ones I have never even met but all of a sudden I am not permitted to help out a friend of league mate and send them some cash they need for WHATEVER?

    At the very least for this idea to even be considered then the shared bank needs to be adjusted so a player can stick cash...just cash not Marks of any kind... in there for any of their alts to grab and use.

    Jade said it.. I'd been hoping that would happen for a while now since I could stick cash in there and switch alts and have the money as soon as I logged in..... NOW? It takes a while for the email to get there.

    People keep coming up with new ways to deal with the issue and to be honest I don't think anything would be completely successful. Hey our chat is already messed up a bit thanks to that.. A couple night ago some one asked a question while I was in Gotham. Even while I was typing the explanation I was thinking .. "is all this going to go in one post on shout?" The answer was no and I had to send a second message to give all the necessary information. And despite that new restriction as of TODAY we still have gold spammer in shout, in game. Did they need to find a new way to do things? YES Did it take long?? Umm No they were back broadcasting in less than one day.

    Look... That period where we had 2 or 3 different Spammer group making chat a total nightmare as they tried to get businesss has ended.. I don't care for Spammers any more than the next guy but instead of making the entire game even more difficult for everyone how about just do like I do. Report them, put them on ignore and move on. Hey when I don't have time for part 1 and 2 I just do part 3..... Don't pay attention to them since I don't want or need their services and play the game.
  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Broker: 1 (Trash Item) / $100000000

    Who's going to buy it that ISNT a RMT bot..
  18. AquiloFury Committed Player

    You all make valid points here, there is no real way to combat the gold sellers. I still like the idea of the shared bank money feature so we do not have to wait for mail to come in when funneling money from our alts. It was never the intent to take away our ability to give ourselves money from alts. Furthermore, I know if actions were taken to combat them in this way...they would find a way around it, similar to how they work around the ftp and premium messaging limits. I suppose that the best way is to ignore them. Thanks again everyone!
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  19. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    Yea I too would like to see a shared bank money option, it be a nice QoL to see in the future
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  20. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    If the gold sellers tried to use the broker to funnel money to players through the broker they would be taking a huge chance.

    The gold sellers take the chance of someone that it is not intended for buying the item. I've seen it happen and I am sure that I have bought something that was intended for someone else.

    Also, I will add that if gold sellers started trying to sell trash items for millions that would be easy for the devs to make flags for and find.
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