Harley's Bomber out soon ?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by YinChakra, Aug 3, 2016.

  1. Kuno Loyal Player

    So the jacket has a Joker stamp on the back of the chest style (jacket) or that's the back style?
    Because it has the Joker stamp, the diamods and so on I'm not interested. This is for Harley (the overrated) characters only.
    Would be cool to have inspired styles that still got a basic look so we can mix and match out of a Harley concept.
    Too bad we didn't get accesorie free Bombshell hairstyles... same reason with all those accesories clipped in the hairstyle.
    Anyways I will buy it to support more MP style packs. Shorts and boots are cool.
    Great job art team.
  2. Jak-Man Committed Player

    With the release of the BS Harley Quinn style, I have fallen in love with this game all over again. I will resume my monthly subs tomorrow. I will take back ALMOST all the nasty things I've said.

    Devs..... Thank you very much.
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  3. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Now that's what I'm talking about!
  4. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    whats the male version look like?
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  5. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    nevermind see the 1 above of Mepps
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  6. light FX Steadfast Player

    Ya know i was wrong about this. My bad. Disregard what i said completely. But i did try the male boots with jeans and u see no socks but the flaps of the boots that are flipped over clip thru the jeans and it doesnt look right at all.
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  7. light FX Steadfast Player

    Mepps any plans to do a harley style from the movie? I know people are mixed on that movie style but i like it. I also saw some ask about movie posters for suicide squad like the BvS ones. Any plans to do those again or no?
  8. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Kumo u can always put a backpiece on to cover the joker
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  9. Pults Loyal Player

    Next up, sandals WITH SOCKS!! :O :O :O

    And yes, I agree. Two of best looking boots in-game have socks outside of pants, which is a shame.
  10. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    The waist style clips real bad for male characters and so does the Deadshot style too almost not worth the money for the marketplace set and almost not worth the time for the pvp set.