Game Update 33 on Test!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rumour, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    The progression damage caused by the T5 raid difficulty will likely have resulted in the fewest amount of people progressing from one DLC to the next. Even with the Trigon DLC, there are issues with the MoR cost of gear that's basically one item level higher than the T5 gear, costing the exact same (no reduction like Norsemen crafting featured), and is asking people to remod as well.

    Not enough people are biting. With the assumption that WotL will require CR 99 to enter (i'd say 88 would be more reasonable if it's gear is 90), I don't see many people stepping foot into the new content compared to all prior DLC releases.

    After the above changes, though last minute, it has the chance to greatly aid people in getting up to speed to access the new content. Would be horrible if what appears to be the best looking DLC yet isn't populated by a sensibly large chunk of players.
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  2. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    The addition of armories does not change or negate what we are ACTUALLY paying for with our monthly subscriptions. You STILL get access to all of your in-game currency, you STILL get access to ALL DLCs (which can include early access to DLCs before official marketplace release), you STILL get unlimited chat privileges (everyone forgets that these come with restrictions for F2P & Premiums), you STILL get Loyalty Points/Station Cash, you STILL get Replay Badges (whether you choose to use them or not). That's what you get for your monthly subscription dollars. Nowhere does it say that you get marketplace items with a subscription. Since we all know that we need a minimum of 2 armories in order to use them as intended, the fact that they're giving us 1 to start off with is a gift. How you feel, how others are feeling does not change the FACT that we are actually not entitled to marketplace items like armories, just because we subscribe. That's the ugly truth that no one likes or wants to acknowledge. The armories are a convenience or luxury item, not an essential item to win (if it were, then none of us would be as far as we are without them...and even so, you having 2-3-4 armories won't help you top the scoreboard or beat the Paradox Tyrant).

    Also, let's be real honest here...if all subscribers were given 2 armories instead of one, what are the odds that the MAJORITY of them would purchase additional armories??? The answer is the odds would be against SOE...because human nature being what it is, no one would go spending extra money on top of their subscription if they can find a way to avoid it, especially for those with many alts (and yes, some would buy more, but again, the majority currently crying "not fair" would hold on to their money tight for as long as possible). We all want to save as much money as possible while getting the most we can for what we are spending...but SOE has every right to expect remuneration for the extras they provide.
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  3. General Zod 10000 Post Club

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  4. Deafhealz New Player it a reason this had to be on the test server longer then ONE WEEK....It's coming up on two and let me guess because of the holidays it's a chance we won't be seeing it this tue? Just curious what's with the delay....
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  5. El El Committed Player

    It is OP at the moment i agree,but the nerf they did on test server is just not acceptable.
    The hold triange hit 900 on one handed or something,now the dual wield hit 1500 to 3000.
    I dont call this balance
  6. DrewCheech New Player

    So let me make sure I have this right. In PVE, we are going to be able to PURCHASE mods from vendors, instead of having to spend half my life farming exos? Or am I just imagining things?
  7. El El Committed Player

    Yes but only the straight coloured ones like blue,red and yellow.
    You still need to farm to create green,orange and purple.
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  8. Vexedbit Well-Known Player

    Correct. But they will be only single stat mods (no Precision & Might, Might & Power, etc.), no expert mods, and you will not be able to recover them for bytes. Other than that they will provide the same stat and CR boost as normal mods.
  9. Gunny New Player

    HELL YEAH, 100cr requirement for CR 90 vendor gear? No reason to complain now.
  10. Poetic Play Committed Player

    I honestly see no reason it should have been on Test for more than a week after playing it... I think just because Holidays came up that is why it's on still, since the notice on forums says they will NOT be updating Test server at all during the Holidays.

    Which is fine, they are with their families so it's understandable to anyone who spends time with family on Holidays.
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  11. DrewCheech New Player

    That's still huge man, awesome news :)
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  12. 139 Masks Dedicated Player

    I clearly expect this answer from you.
    It doesn't shock me at all.

    Armories are like bases. Subscribers should be able to get full utility out of Armories the same as bases.
    I know that you are going to go with whatever the DEVs have to say.

    You can use your logic to belittle me, but does not mean that I am not upset with the behavior. It is not irrational to feel that I'm getting a bad deal - it is a fact.
    I am a subscriber. I'm not playing F2P at this point. I'm not asking for multiple Armories for F2P players. I am upset that the DEVs expect subscribers that are supporting the game consistently on a monthly basis to have to pay per character to be able to use the Armories for their intended purpose.

    I'm not saying that I think that we need more than two per character. I am saying that it is pretty clear that the intended function of the Armories clearly requires 2 - one to change into a different build and one to change back to the original build.

    The worst part is to expect me to purchase an additional armory per character in order to use this functionality when having a subscription allows you to have nearly 3 times as many characters as a premium member. This easily puts 3 times the cost burden on someone that is paying a monthly subscription to support the game.

    So let's make that clear. This game isn't F2P to subscribers.
    Can you at least agree on that point? Or are you going to say it is still a F2p game regardless if a player is subscribing to it or not?
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  13. 139 Masks Dedicated Player

    I am still supporting the game and paying for development with my monthly subscription payment - which I am paying for in advance.
    If they only gave you part of the War of Light DLC when it came out and required you to pay to unlock the other half per character, would you be alright with that?

    They wouldn't be taking away from you anything that is already part of the subscription. They would just be changing how that DLC would be released to subscribers.

    As a subscriber, I'm paying for full access to the functionality of the game. Armories clearly require 2 to be usable as intended. I am not out of line to expect to get full access to the game for my subscription price.
    2 Armories per character is full access the armory system.
    I am not complaining about charging per additional armory per character after the number that are required to use the armories as intended - and that is clearly two.

    I agree. If you gave 2 armories per characters to subscribers then it would be unlikely that they would buy more armories.
    And why?
    Because it is clear that you need 2 armories to use the armory system as intended.

    And to make it clear again. As a subscriber, I'm paying to have full access to the game.
    Full access to the armory system is having at least the number that is intended for use - which, again, is clearly 2 armories.
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  14. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    its amazing the devs can't pull off more with the whole ten dollars a month you spend to subscribe to this game.

    when you're done let me know so we can pull up the limo for you and i'll try to hold back the paparazzi.
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  15. 139 Masks Dedicated Player


    Thank you. I know its quite remarkable that I am able to play the game as intended by simply paying the monthly subscription fee. The subscription information clearly says that it gives you full access to the game, and I am quite fine with that level of game access.

    You are assuming that I don't pay for additional replay badges or other market place items, but you are quite correct. It is not necessary for me to purchase additional items to play the game because a subscription to the game grants you full access to the game.

    I see you feel it necessary to insult and/or belittle people in order to prove someone else's view is invalid.
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  16. DanXVII Committed Player

    No matter how much sarcasm you use, he's still 100% right.
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  17. shadwfyre New Player

    No he isn't. They don't have to give you ANY armories for being a subscriber.
    In fact, they should put them in the marketplace and make everyone buy them if they want to use them.
    This a F2P game based on micro-transactions with a subscription system still attached.
    The F2P part is the most important, as without it, the game would have went under. That is 100% right.
  18. Derio 15000 Post Club

    CR requirement is mostly rumored at 97, because then you only need atlantean gear plus mods which is highly reasonable. You dont want it at 88CR because then people might as well skip origin crisis and sons of trigon.
  19. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Yeah 85/86 gear with mods is acceptable. Needing 87 or 88 isn't fair since it's not guaranteed for everyone.
  20. Mick Nugget New Player

    The armories will be affordable. I bought myself a portable workstation during the last sale. Been wanting one since I first saw someone using one almost a year ago. Now, anytime I need to scrap some gear or instamod a new drop I just got I whip it out and do my thing. Do other subscribing members who didn't shell out for the convenience I'm getting have the right to get jelly about it? Of course they do. I was jelly for a year till I finally coughed up the cashola to get mine. You have a right to claim that one portable workstation or two armories is an entitlement till you're blue in the face, but that's only gonna mean you gotta watch us all quick changing in your face cuz you expected the devs to give you two for free and no dev in their right mind would capitulate to that lolz...
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