Controller: The Role

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by TheDark, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. SrirachaMayn Well-Known Player

    hm...thanks for the reply. i find the heals from wop are hardly noticeable. while i understand that getting less but larger ticks fills up bars quicker, the end outcome is roughly the same as far as overall power out. most 4's and 5's matches that run 2 heals always run at least 1 elec healer and the primary healer is often times sorc. i didnt take into account that wop has an elec pi buuuut...i dunno if i buy that being a big reason for using it quite yet. again thanks, ill post in the pvp forums about it one of these days lol.
  2. Absolix Loyal Player

    Right now Nature healers are currently by far the strongest healers in PvP, and since HoT stacking is no longer an issue for the Pheramones PI many teams run dual Insect Form Nature healers, especially since Savage Growth/Metabolism/Harvest/Blossom can be pulled off for burst healing from a full power bar and still leave them with more than half their power.

    Also, in PvP's roleless gear you have higher Resto and Vit even outside of the trol and healer roles, so the healing and power out of WoP is a little stronger than normal when not in the corresponding roles.
  3. Ghostof91 New Player

    Great job on this.+1
  4. TheDark Devoted Player

    I won't be able to finish this up anytime soon for reasons. I did want to throw in info on an elite mod I mentioned in my Gadget thread a week or 2 ago. It basically lets you get away with not carrying any PoT powers.

    Edit*** There have been issues where some members who are knocked out then revived, or are out of line of sigh, are not able to receive PoT from any of your powers while wearing affinity mod. They just have to wait until the 19 second PoT cycle refreshes. It won't always be 20 seconds for the wait. It will vary depending on where your PoT timer is. So it can be anywhere from 4 to 20 seconds. To overcome this, have power supercharges, supply drops, or Vit trinket buffed Instant Power heals ready. Especially for healers.

    For instances where players are dying often, you can remove one elite affinity piece for a normal piece of Controller gear. Then just put in your PoT power (Sticky or Taser). If you carry your PoT power while wearing the affinity Type D mod, the mod registers your PoT power as part of the affinity bonus. So even if you throw PoT from Sticky Bomb, the player you just revived, or walked into line of sight, won't get PoT until the cycle restarts.

    If there's a theme on your Controller you have, this gives you more freedom. Even the Iconic power trigger PoT. So you could use Sonic Cry for Black Canary themes, Batarangs (which I wish had farther range), or Heat Vision for Cyclops themed toons.
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  5. TheDark Devoted Player

    I added videos from my other thread to the first page.

    I redid my videos to add text.
  6. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    I hate that mod. It just makes controlling too easy....... Lol.
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  7. TheDark Devoted Player

    Yea. There are too many players who don't take keeping PoT up seriously. I figure this would come in handy for them but then I'm like, are these the type of players who would pursue Elite gear in the first place?

    My favorite thing about it isn't even the auto PoT, it's just the fact that we can have an extra useful power to Control with. As Gadgets, I can have the defense debuff, Decoy (for tanking), and the damage debuff (something that is becoming more useful with these dramatic damage buffs on bosses). That's along with my supercharge, Distract and Defib.

    Kind of makes me wish they could just let us assign out own PoT power. It doesn't even have to be an Auto PoT. Just something so I can choose what powers will benefit me in more than just 1 way for a specific instance/boss fight.
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  8. dr strangeonline Loyal Player


    Ya it does makes using AM's in support stance more accessible. Or if they don't want to use that form of CC in a specific section.

    I'm just old I guess. I like me some Sticky Bomb!!! In all seriousness its a cool mod with some benefits. I just wish more players learned how PoT is supposed to work.....
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  9. Grim Bane New Player

    Hey all, first wanna say thank to "TheDark" for making this thread, i recently picked up the game couple weeks ago and been learning as i go basically. I have a few toons iv leveld up to 30 primarly to learn games and find powers i like before i start advancing further.

    I have been looking at roles now and the controller role has really peaked my interest. So far im liking gadgets and light but i was curious i know iv seen some threads and info on "battle trolling" which really got me wanting to try this. I know i got alot to work on far as sp and skill wise and learning to do but it seems like a concept id really like.

    My question for you guys is what would be the most optimal you think for loadout far as Gadgets goes to do this and weapon to use? Same goes for light if any are welll versed on it. I have read light seems have the edge far as battle trolling due to can combo not costing power. I know first and foremost my duties is my role/ POT up constantly and give power where needed , along with defense debuff and dmg debuff (healer in certain situations seems), but would also be nice to slip in some dmg in there too to help group since most seem have power back mechanics.

    Guess second is how should one gear/mod for the mix of battle troller and order of spec skill points to best maximize my roll and the dmg. I know in some of the gadgets thread and light thread there hits nad miss info on this guess came here to kind of get a all together info on it since got limmited time on forums (sneaking off and on during work >:). )

    I appreciate any who reply and again ty TheDark for laying out the controllers dutys, abilties and , all other info. Granted don't think im anywhere near getting double POT down but im working on it lol.
  10. TheDark Devoted Player

    Just call me Dark. With Gadgets, most of your damage is going to come from your weapon attacks if you do an offensive Controller build. So you need a Weapon and Weapon Combo that allows you to deal high damage in a short amount of time. You'll also want a weapon combo that can build your hit combo meter up fast to Good, Incredible, and Superhuman (all varies on needs) in groups that require more power. You'll restore more power to yourself. You'll give that power to the players who need it with Defib. You can go back to your stronger weapon attack combo's. Some players are really good with power, so with them it won't matter that much if you use a slower weapon like 2H.

    Every debuff, and PoT you through does damage by default. Gadgets Advance Mechanic doesn't allow you to really deal high damage as a Controller. Weapon damage along with Pet damage would be better. Pet damage from Robot Sidekick would work. You just pay for the power cost to summon it, and the rest of its attacks are free. Robot Sidekick does way more damage than Gadgets Wall-E/BB8/R2D2, or whatever you want to name the Turret.

    Here's what I responded to someone a few weeks ago.

    For the record, Intimidation's DoT with BD & EMP/PDart is still broken in Controller stance.

    I don't know how Light's AM works. So if you don't get response here, you'll have to ask in the Light thread.

    Wear Controller gear. If it's an alert/raid that isn't difficult and you're breezing through it with no power issues, you can swap in some DPS gear. Like weapon or rings since they'll have damage stats that can be modded.

    As for the modding, the Vitalization that comes with gear you purchase at level is always going to be sufficient. So dual mod with Vit & Precision with Gadgets. Most likely the same with Light. There's various ways to go about it. You could also mod straight Precision on some controller pieces. You want some of your utility slots to either be Vit trinkets if you're doing that, or damage trinkets if you're wearing full controller gear.

    Years ago we spoke about how 20 PoT ticks was when you start to see a slight noticeable increase in power out. With all these power healing tools you can get away with a higher amount. Ultimately, you can't keep a spammer powered with max vit. The game doesn't allow you too. You'd need other ways to power players and for that reason you can get away with offensive stat modding. For more damage, you need a high Combat Rating. Combat Rating primarily determines how damage you will inflict. Stats come far second.

    Learn Double Ticking as soon as you can. You'll need it for spamming groups and it's the best power healing trick within blue bar healing mechanics. Juggling that and doing damage/other duties will require alot of your attention. You need to be able to multi-task.
  11. TheDark Devoted Player

    Part 2 Coming soon
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  12. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    The movement power super charges don't work correctly in pvp. This is one of the reason word of power is used. The reason it is over used is easy. Damage. It is probably the hardest hitting iconic power right now, in pvp. I'm not sure when it start hitting like it does, but that is the real reason why. Not the heals or the power. It's purely for the damage. I don't record or I would post an example.
  13. The peoples Badguy Committed Player

    The Bad One says he is The Dark's biggest fan. Thank you for all your helpful post over the years. You truly are a gadgets master.
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  14. ZachLeoX Level 30

    Hey if anyone can help me out on my situation it would be much appreciated. Since everyone demands on using a solo controller for DWF it seems foolish after seeing what happened to me through the whole raid as a controler. I was doing good keeping everyone's power full or near full and after about a minute I noticed my power bar getting drained much faster as well as the healer's. About halfway through I realized it was the restrictor drones draining power from me as well as other members. I was double ticking almost the whole time and hitting power back after every 2nd WM to try to keep power flowing. Though this wasn’t helping that much considering power was getting drained no matter how many soders or supercharges I use. So my question is, is there anything I'm doing wrong or that I should do differently? After running this raid I felt that I was bad but also thought that this raid needed 2 controllers due to the drones. Any comments would help alot.
  15. TheDark Devoted Player

    Most of the bosses perform a power drain ability. It's called Zeta Burst and on Stompa I think it's called Zeta Blaze. You'll see them perform a stomp and it sends out a green and/or yellow pulse animation. I think on mantis the animation is yellow and spreads from the floor. If you see a stomp animation in DWF, it's usually connected to a power drain even on Darkseid. These attacks are spaced out per boss so after you see the stomp animation is when it's a good time to pop a power heal like a soder or super.

    I've solo trolled reg & elite with bosses who drain. You're going to feel the strain due to that mechanic and even some players spamming but because of how the power healing mechanics in the game are limited (double ticking is the only way you can hit all 8 members for example but it can only happen every 20 seconds), you have to use other tools. Not just Double ticking, personal regen, soders and your supercharges.

    Trinket usage.
    For that raid I use 3 vit trinkets to boost my vit for regen & power out for defib/pot/supers. The pet vit trinket from the summer seasonal (which is live right now) called chanter's sunken rune (boost vit by 246) & he gives you back minor power. He disappears at the halfway mark on the trinket cooldown which is a minute into it. The total cooldown is 2 minutes.

    Then the normal vit trinket from recent content called Commander's Nanowire Gadget. It boosts vit by 972 for 20 seconds which is really the one that matters. Cooldown is 2 minutes too.

    At the halfway mark I pop one of those 2 to make sure I have some sort of vit buff up. None of them share the same cool down.

    Then I use the central city transformation trinket called Enforcer's Compartment. The CC one has a cooldown of 5 minutes & 17 seconds or something. The buff lasts for 40 seconds plus you can pop a 4 man shield with it. It boosts vit by 240. When you see electric energy on your character, that means the trinket is ready to be used again.

    Supply Drops & Power supercharges
    People who don't understand how power healing works are the ones that strictly blame the Controller. Granted most of the time it is the Controller's fault for not knowing what to use. Even so power healing in this game is limited by one player because it's suppose to be difficult to produce. So that's where taking control of other people's supply drops and power supercharges comes in handy. There are 8 players total in the raid group. Of that 8 maybe only 2 can actually drop a supply drop on the group. With power supercharges, tank's can carry that.

    When the group is low on power, especially healers, it's the Controller and Healer's responsibility to open their mouth to say they need a power supercharge for the healer, or tank. The supply drop has to be dropped on the healer not the troll (or near the tank). The controller can regen faster than anyone else and if it's clear for the supply drop then they can go get it. But the whole point is to get power to the healer asap. If the group is competent they should know to reserve supply drops for power, and not for damage, with power drain mechanics like that. What I did/do is I try to see before hand who has a supply drop ready. I tell them to pop only when we need it. Unless we don't need it and it's ok to use for the damage boost.

    Similar with power supercharges. Atleast 1 or 2 players can run with one. Just tell them to pop it when you're in a period where you have nothing. Powering a raid with mechanics like that requires power healing come from more than 1 player but they don't have to be in Controller role to do that. There's definitely going to be a strain even using all this but less severe as just powering a team by yourself. If the team has good burn, that's less time under stress for power healing.
  16. TheDark Devoted Player

    Debuffs, Stats for Trolls, Skill Points, R&D Modding

    Control Effects, Breakout Profiles, Immunity, NPC Ranks