Celestial Powerset Guide/Discussion

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Kristyana, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. blklightning New Player

    I'd buy tickets to that show!
  2. SnakeEyes606 New Player

    Spord you realling out done yourself this time...I really loved Quantum on my controller and I switched my lightning healer to Celestial and I love It.!!! Its Awesome I mean ive had a blast putting up good heals and being second on the leader board:D
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  3. mgkaenzo Committed Player

    I have a little question, does corrupted benediction also have a 24sec cooldown or does it have the same cooldown as malediction if no how can you know when his cooldown is ended.
  4. Kristyana New Player

    Combo'd powers do not have cooldowns - they rely on the cooldown of the first power.
  5. Amazon Committed Player

    Can anyone recommend a good healer loadout using the cursed side? I'm experimenting as a villain but want to hear other opinions :)
  6. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Divine light is definitely worth it for the healing that it does. The move I was talking about was retribution or w/e it's called, it can apply purify much better than divine light, which they have to walk through.
  7. Ala Rebelde New Player

    One question to the Celestial users: if two or more Damage Dealers are Celestial the Damage is overwriten between them?
  8. akaivy Dedicated Player

    I'd like to know the same for healers. Does Celestial heals override another healing power's HOT or another celestial healer's HOT?

    I also have 2 more questions. I'm not a new healer. I have a nature healer and a sorcery healer, both T5, but this is very different from either of those, so forgive me if my questions sound like noob questions.

    1. I never saw the heart icon come up indicated HOT as I do with nature and sorcery. Is this normal or was I doing something wrong? I'm used to casting the HOT power. I ran some solos and 2 duos and never saw the heart come up.

    2. I have been reading the test thread and am so grateful that this guide was started. I am probably making all this either too complicated or too simple. But looking at the loadouts here and the description of how they are used, I think a light just came on and I need to know if my epiphany is real or just lack of sleep has made me crazy. This combo thing - does that mean if you use the combo you do not have the comboed power in your loadout? For example: If I have Blessing in my loadout, cast it and tap melee, hold melee do I then cast Cleansed Death Mark without having to have Cleansed Death Mark in my loadout? (As long as I have purchased Death Mark from the power tree, of course.)

    I will give you time to finish laughing at my stupidity before answering :)
  9. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    My loadout has one element that can overwrite, that's malediction. I could drop it if someone else is using it the same way I do (i combo in to benediction to buff me and 3 others).

    My other powers have no real overwriting issues.
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  10. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Hahaha.... J/k. But yes you can combo into moves not on your loadout as long as you have it purchased with power points.
  11. Roomba Dedicated Player

    I did a nexus run, trigon alert (got speed feat), and some FOS runs last night as dps. Very positive results.

    I changed my loadout to

    Blessed (7): Smite, Admonish, Benediction, DL, Retribution, WotP, and Anoint
    Cursed (6): Haunt, Blight, Malediction, Plague, Wither, CS
    Iconic (2): DPS iconics

    In nexus my loadout and playstyle was very similar to what Kaiser had posted in his video, except I was using anoint obviously instead of dark pact. This was especially beneficial as the other 2 dps were HL.

    In Nexus I was #1 dps while being exceedingly power efficient, much like Kaiser showed in his video. I outgeared the other 2 dps (Im 98, they were 96) a bit, so it's hard for me to stay if I was up to snuff with the other pros.

    I do not like jump clipping with defile. I'm not against jump clipping, hell I dealt with HL for cryin out loud. It's just not fitting how I want to play celestial. Maybe that'll change in the future, but for now I'm doing fine without it.

    In the alert and the lower tiered raids I just ran with:
    Retribution, Smite, Admonish, CS, Malediction for ST//Plague for trash and aoe, and Anoint

    I basically stayed in melee range to everything. I would start off with PcDL, then spam AcB, CScWP, RcW. I'd only recast plague if the mobs were spread (which they often were since we weren't running w a tank). This ends up being even more power efficient while putting out incredible numbers. I was well ahead of the HL dps that I used to be neck and neck with. I would have expected the opposite since our stuff takes awhile and HL is very bursty. I kept the Retribution and Smite on there for fights where it was impractical to stay in melee range due to knock backs etc. I'm considering trying this loadout in Nexus on some of the more stationary fights (first fight, steam powered Batman, robot ambush, last fight).

    I have been sticking with pure Prec mods, since I'm already set that way from HL. I won't make the switch to prec/might on reds until I see some convincing evidence otherwise.

    Long story short I think I'm going to stick with this build for awhile. It gives me some great dps, utility, and buffs. I do not miss having a shield. I am used to not having a super charge so that doesn't bug me either. I like having my iconics back.
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  12. Ala Rebelde New Player

    Thx for the reply JEEBIE, can you tell me your current loadout for Celestial? (You help me a lot with my Ice Dps Loadout from the guides :))
  13. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Right now I'm running Malediction, Death mark, Dark Pact, Smite, Retribution, Defile.

    Doing S-cH/R-cW as a base, but then if I have power I can do R-cW/Def-jump/range tap
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  14. akaivy Dedicated Player

    Ok. Wow. Thank you. That is just freaking amazing. But now i need to rethink my whole outlook and loadout. I might even have room for a damage only move!

    Still wondering about the missing heart though that lets people know I've got HOT going on. Is that missing from this power set? I know I had some form of HOT because I could see the ticks.
  15. Elusian Crowd Control

    To quote myself:

    I used Blessing, Renew, Admonish, Consume Soul, Divine Light, Life Drain

    As I'm not mainly healing, forgive me on some obvious mistakes :oops:
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  16. mgkaenzo Committed Player

    That mean you can be 100% of the fight buffed because malediction has a cooldown lower than 12sec and same for the shield because death mark has a cooldown of something like 3 sec.
  17. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    kinda, Malediction has a 1s lag before it's cooldown starts so basically you have the buff for 12/13s, still pretty sweet :D and it's for 3 others in group as well.
  18. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    My theory is that Sorcery converts will love it. I can see hardcore Nature and Electric having more difficulty in adapting.

    Edit: just saw Kris's reply.
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  19. Cadens Dedicated Player

    I used the same loadout last night, and I came away very impressed with this power. Its honestly the most fun of any power set I have played. The burst heals this can produce are insane, as well as some of the best HoTs in the game.
  20. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    I think Retribution is a valid healing tool. Combo it with Wither to spread the Purification.