Briefings and investigations

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ZEUSofGODS, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. The Horn'd One Well-Known Player

    So far, I'm missing (Heroes side only);

    Hope for the Hopeless #1
    STAR Labs Mist Project #2
    Rage of War #1
    Tales of the Sinestro Corps #4 & #5.
  2. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    I'm sorry but after much searching with scanners and discussing with villains who did the same, it appears as if Rage #1 is only in the villain 8-man op in Mogo and Rage #3 is only in the hero 8-man op in Ranx. I'm sure this is an oversight by the devs, but you guys should really take a look at it.
  3. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    Oops, ignore my last post. Glad you guys are on top of it.
  4. The Horn'd One Well-Known Player

    Got #2 for STAR Labs Mist Recovery today, thanks to fixing my graphics settings & doing another sweep. Reward is the "Vest of Hope" chest piece. No need to remind me if this was already mentioned.

    I'm told the Rage of War #1 briefing is glitched, so I will wait until the patch.
  5. Sannio Developer

    I looked into the location of this brief and found that the villain version was in an inaccessible location. I moved it, and that fix should go live with an upcoming hotfix.
    • Like x 4
  6. Deltaheat Well-Known Player

    Thank You!:D
  7. Seismicfesr Dedicated Player

    So where is the Tales of Sinestro corp number 5 at for villains?
  8. Vederyn New Player

  9. The Horn'd One Well-Known Player

    According to the announcement, it should have been moved slightly but in the same spot, just more accessible.

    I got the last Rage of War brief set I needed, right where it's supposed to be (in Strike Team, above the doorway into the room where Arkillo is).

    All that's left for me is Hope for the Hopeless #1 & Tales of the Sinestro Corps #5. These are in the 8-man raid Assault & Battery, confirm?
  10. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    and whats the final reward?
  11. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    mogos recount and hank henshaws recount
  12. Parker Level 30

    Someone said that hank henshaws account was behind the blue pillar in Ranx in the raid. But I have already collected it, and and it's not henshaw's account. Has anyone see it?
  13. The Horn'd One Well-Known Player

    I mean their location.
  14. The Horn'd One Well-Known Player

    Never mind. I got the last briefing & Investigation I needed. If it hasn't been already posted, the reward for the Tales of the Sinestro Corps briefings set, on the Heroes side, is a Face mask that makes you look like Hank Henshaw. "Visage of the Grandmaster" I think it's called.
  15. ZEUSofGODS Dedicated Player

    I don't remember the locations... But I can confirm that they are available.. I have all the briefings and investigations... In the raid are several...
  16. The Horn'd One Well-Known Player

    Yes. The last Briefing & Investigation are in the final part of the 8-man raid, Assault & Battery. The Briefing is just 2 rooms away from the last room, in the corner, on the right as you enter. The Investigation is just behind the console where Sinestro stands in the last room. It's possible to slip past him (stay to the outer edge, far right) & get the last Investigation without setting him off.

    Good luck.
  17. LokiYaBoy803 New Player

    Where's the 1st one for hope of the hopeless investigation
    • Like x 1
  18. Toshknight Loyal Player

    as a villian where is the 1/4 for Hope for the hopeless
  19. Rasta Committed Player

    This should help you out.
  20. Angel Ivonne New Player

    Anyone know where is the Tales of sinestro corps #3?~