stat clamp

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dior_XT, Mar 27, 2024.

  1. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    At this point, I got one foot out the door and I dropped my membership. I'm logging in and running my stabilizer event, logging out. When new DLC comes I login, I do my dailies, I log out. I used to love going back and running old stuff and soloing what I could, or helping people level, it was fun. The stat clamp ruined the game for me and I'm not the only one who feels this way, i have talked with many other players in game and on dc websites and other than a few loudmouths on these forums everyone i talk to hates the clamp.
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  2. Owlman 2 Well-Known Player

    The unskilled loners do not make up the majority of this great game and the rest of us should not be held hostage to meet the demands of the few who barley contribute.
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  3. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    You sure about that?

    There are a LOT of solo players and there will be a lot more when the clamp ends. The only ones being held hostage are the ones pretending to be "friends" as a means for running content.

    Guessing by your less than endearing approach of the forums, maybe you're afraid of becoming a loner when people no longer need you for what you can do for them?
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  4. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    No... You gathered wrong.

    We're arguing to keep the progression in strength that we earned... becoming stronger.. and stronger than old foes....

    No cheating.... like hacking the code.... EEEEAAAAARRRNED by playing and progessing. You know.... THE ORIGINAL PURPOSE OF PLAYING THE GAME.

    And do me a favor... and turn back your Pretentiousness dial back one notch.
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  5. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

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  6. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    "Cheesed" the feats? You mean obtained them normally unclamped? Easy. The feats show if they were obtained before clamp release date or not.
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  7. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    100% same. And the only players I EVER seen with the opposing view, are the "get good" elitists that don't want players to "catch up" to their SP that they got prior to the clamp. This was always evidenced after bringing up an option, they immediately bring up feats, yet have a problem if all feats were wiped retroactively to the clamps release. Imagine that?
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  8. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Me? You already know I don't need any clamped feats or have any reason to run old content or Omnibus. But that's not the point. They want others to "get good" when they already got the feats easy, so why not remove the ones they got before the clamp? Levels the playing field. Problem? Then don't complain about players wanting an option or obtain them how most of them did.
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  9. TanyaTheEvilll New Player

    I would like the game to go back before artifacts and allies existed. Back when Gear and Skill Points were what gave us our power. The clamp is one of the worst things that came to this game. I understand that this game has monetize everything and that is the reason for artifacts, allies and Stat clamp. I should be able to kill a npc at level cr 200 if I am at level cr 430
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  10. TanyaTheEvilll New Player

    I would like the game to go back before artifacts and allies existed. Back when Gear and Skill Points were what gave us our power. The clamp is one of the worst things that came to this ga.I understand that this game has monetize everything and that is the reason for artifacts, allies and Stat clamp. I should be able to kill a nice at level cr 200 if I am at level cr 430
  11. Great Architect Loyal Player

    So I would lose all of the Feats I got at-Level from before Episode 41?
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  12. ItsMeAgain Well-Known Player

    The players that want the clamp removed far out weight the ones who want it, but seeing how DCUO is, they will listen more to the little group of whiners who defend it instead of the majority who want it gone. I guarantee if it were placed into a player poll, it would show.
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  13. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    But that doesn't mean the characters got them while within intended CR range or not. Unless it also lists their CR at the time of attaining said feats
  14. Dior_XT Level 30

    can you guys name another successful mmo where there is a stat clamp ?
  15. CGEMINI Committed Player

    Nope. I think they all allowing your full stats. They have nerfs sometimes but never hindering you how dc is doing in lower content. They are damn near 1 shotting things too like in Warframe and look how successful that game is. Idk any other mmos I forgot I quickly thought of Warframe. They do have limitations on certain stuff like standing. Maybe they could implement that limitation but it’s already done with the 5 minute loot lock. The only reason I see y’all wanting to go back to other content to complete these feats quicker which is great.
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  16. Dior_XT Level 30

    thats what i was thinking. look at WoW, Warframe, FF14, ESO, Black Desert, Star Wars
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  17. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Some people cheesed the Feats, even at Level. There were some exploits like abusing Quantum Tunnelling, going out of bounds to become untargettable, trapping a Boss behind pillars (or a wall of Repair Bots), and various other unsavoury methods that have been used in the past.
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  18. Plowed In Loyal Player

    ESO: “One Tamriel removes Alliance restrictions and will automatically level your characters to match the difficulty of the content wherever you are in the world.”

    …automatically level your characters to match the difficulty of the content…

    aka you are scaled to the content…

    Their version of stat clamp.

    FFXIV: Yep, they have what’s called “level sync” and again, it clamps your stats in older content…their forums have had the same conversations as here, with just about the same arguments.
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  19. Multiverse Creator League

    Doesn't matter what you CR was..... odds are others in the group were high CR.

    Which was one of the main argument for the Clamp.....
    the EEViLLL High CR in the group that would one shot everything.
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  20. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Beautiful thing about warframe as a endgame player, you can play against level 1 to level 9,999 enemies and solo it or play with a group. i'm so ready for motorcycles in that game.

    Warframe actually promote you to be a overpowered bad a**
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