Make All Content Mark Relevant 100% of Time

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PVP360, May 21, 2015.

  1. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Your comment is correct but I don't see how it relates to my comment about the marks.
  2. PVP360 New Player

    And I guarantee you have not taken those 12 characters thru all tiers in any of the t2-t5 alerts or raids after gu47 because practically all those are mostly broken, unplayable, and non queuing...
  3. PVP360 New Player

    its a response to a reply
  4. Solmes202 Loyal Player

  5. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Going it alone was my choice. I got tired of the "you must be THIS tall to ride the ride" mentality exhibited by some players LONG ago and removed myself from it. I have better things to do with my leisure time activities than to deal with that nonsense.

    Besides, I have yet to see or hear of a rule that says you MUST play with others in an MMO, especially when there's missions designed for solo gameplay and many instances that separate you from other players entirely. ;)

    But all that is beside the point. As a player of the game it does involve me. As experiments with the stat flattening and CR differential, I've taken a low 100 CR player through the Outer Caverns alone and had no issues running it. I took a 95 CR character into the T1 challenges and obliterated them (took down Harley before she could even start her scripted spin/hammer pounding attacks). That content is inconsequential. It'd be a joke to get Marks out of running that stuff at higher tiers.

    So please, convince me that I need to get Marks from a T1 challenge that I can take care of in less than three minutes (and that's with taking down all the enemies in the instance).
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  6. PVP360 New Player

    try to solo gates and get back to me
  7. Biester New Player

    If 12 pieces of content is enough for you then I am happy for you. For me, it's not. The DC universe is quite large, this update made it very small. Throw in the fact that every dlc is more of the same formula of just running a few instances trying to collect more gear endlessly. With no evolution, the game has grown pretty stale, even moreso with this update.

    Let me reiterate, GU 47 wasn't the only factor in leaving the game. Neglecting support roles, a never-ending dps revamp cycle that makes certain powersets op, having nothing to do except collecting more gear and grinding feats (sp are still lackluster), an imbalanced wm system that has every dps using 2h or dw while all support roles are using brawling, laughable raid mechanics, only getting to participate in Elite content twice a month unless you use rbs, the fact that rbs are the life-blood of this game, and now the fact that 90% of the game has now been labeled "irrelevant" by the devs.

    Am I self-contradicting still? I'm glad you still enjoy the game but now that I have realized that my money can buy me so much more with other mmos,DCUO is a waste of money. Lmao at 12 pieces of relevant content, Super Mario Bros gave me more than that. "I've spent over $1000 on this game" isn't enough to make me continue to spend more money on a second-rate mmo anymore. Enjoy the game, though, if it is still fun for you.

    Just about the only thing that would get me to resubscribe right now is if the devs announced that they are doing a support role revamp. Let's face it, after neglecting to do so for 4+ years now, I think it's safe to assume that my money will never again be spent on DCUO. Happy gaming!!
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  8. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    But the lower tier players where complaining so much about higher tier player ruining there fun just by smashing things. Devs listen and know ppl are mad?
  9. Duragon Committed Player

    Yea dude. We got what we wanted with the 1.5 to 2 DLC relevancy and mark content, now these guys want the whole thing back. ><. The entire game back would be too much. Like I said, you'd have lowbie players with 110 or 115 toons that have no idea how the mechanics work, how to play their roles or how to act on an MMO. The adjustment they made on Thursday was right on. Dead on. The community was doing cartwells. This request comes out of left field. Sorry guys.
  10. Biester New Player

    ^^add to this, sp from obtaining feats aren't really a reward by theirselves since they are all but worthless.
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  11. OldmanJoe New Player

    Seriously? In a game build around Leagues with League halls........even if you are not part of one, well you kind of always are, as all your solo missions and challenges are done under the MAIN LEAGUES IE: Justice League/ Legion of Doom! And last time they overhauled the entire game it was to cater to soloists like you, and it caused the biggest player loss pre:GU47 and that is why they introduced League Halls with buffs and everything to try and bring a sense of teamwork and comradery back to the game! If you want to play solo in a game based around and about teamwork and cooperation, fine do it..... but honestly your opinion shouldn't count for squat as you are playing with selfish intent, me, me, me... and how you should be able to have and get everything others have earned for free!

    On top of all this the lack of mark giving content was an obvious play by the devs: slowing gear progression to a snails pace, but they don't mind you gearing up and ripping through the content just so long as you pay them $$$$$
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  12. PVP360 New Player

    There loss...and much more to come if they dont change the current apathy
  13. PVP360 New Player

    I am in agreement with you....

    I have no clue how anyone can think the current state is ok...I get it some people dont want to run with others..maybe bad experience...
    but it does not excuse what has been don here by devs...The game is built around team work and cooperation among multiple players.
    They have essentially placed a wedge in that feature.....
  14. Dene Devoted Player

    name 1 MMO that is 1. successful along with 2. Makes every single piece of content relevant

    This is my First and only MMO - yet even i know the disaster of trying to make all content relevant - the amount of work, the time, the complaints of of being bored and wanting new stuff, players do not have time to play every single piece of content.

    And to clarify - every bit of content is relevant to someone at some time, not all for the same player but all content is being played.. isn't that what progression in a game like this is all about ?

    If you really look at the content have you gotten all the feats and styles for all the "irrelevant" content? Very few have and therefore you still need to run it to get those. It makes it relevant, maybe not how you want it to be but it is.

    If I subscribe to a newspaper.. i would not then complain at theend of the month that I want my money back because the old papers have old news - that is akin to your logic

    Lastly (and sorry for the long post) - your argument could be applied to every single mark system this game has ever had - gu47 did not make this a new thing
  15. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    The update did not shrink the existing content. It did not change the amount of new content coming out, either.
    You can participate in all content as many times as you want without replay badges, so long as you qualify to enter.

    While I agree with some of what you said, changing the reward system does not change the size, scope, or ability to participate.
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  16. OldmanJoe New Player

    Yep! And yet that was also just another decision made by the Devs to take away something older players had spent insane amounts of time and effort to achieve! And once again just to cater to selfish soloists and noobs! The soloists who only care about themselves, so what need do they have to learn a role, especially one only required when grouping with others, and the noobs rarely if ever continue playing the game past 30-54cr anyways<----- there is another thread go check the numbers! So the majority of all these changes, what player base do they effect the most? That's right the Veteran and End game level players (the people paying the bills) we get the biggest slaps in the face, losing relevancy and usefulness of things we have earned like "Stats"/"SP"/"Mods" all replace by things that are bought rather than earned!

    And yes they did just widen the content relevancy for top tier/cr players but after what? A thousand threads in the forums and hundreds of players cancelling their subs..........Players should not have to go to such lengths just to be heard, nor should we have been "slapped in the face" in such an obvious "money grabbing" manner in the first place!
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  17. Biester New Player

    What are you talking about? Of couse this update shrank existing content. It has now been labeled as "irrelevant", meaning there is no benefit for running it. Styles and feats? Since when were those beneficial? No, it doesn't change the amount of content coming but it certainly ensures that the new content will eventually become irrelevant along with the rest of the game.

    Your argument over Elite content is irrelevant. I can participate in Elite content if I unlock it but I can't receive anything unless I use rbs or wait until next week. Why would anyone run Elite content while loot-locked? 50% of the time, Elite content is also irrelevant since you can only benefit from it 2 weeks out of the month.
  18. Cypher Well-Known Player

    Please explain how running T1-T4 content to help people level, was ONLY ran for marks? It wasn't. Still isn't the case. Will never be the case.
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  19. PVP360 New Player


    You cant be serious...are you a dev pretending to be a user?

    Progression is earning something and seeing "SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT"

    Content is not being played.......RE-READ...The T1-T6 Raids and Alerts are broken...especially GATES.. 125cr's are getting
    "ONE SHOTTED"...

    And you take things out of context..

    1. I dont subscribe to newspapers..that went out in the 90's
    2. The current mark system has shut down queues for t1-t5 for alerts, and raids...something that has never happen before implementation of GU47....
    3. What are you talking about....All the content was Mark Relevant prior to GU47
  20. PVP360 New Player

    I dont know what your talking about...but my entire league ran lower content for marks prior to GU47