[Suggestion] SOE fix the debris insanity already - please?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FBVanu, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. Aldaris

    Does anyone have any stats as to how often debris leads to deaths? Because this just seems like extra complication for something that rarely happens in my experience.
  2. Tyrant103

    Too bad for you, SOE are more focused about cosmetics and implants which they should be! (sarcasm)
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  3. FBVanu

    I see players dying to debris every time I play.. ..keep an eye out on vehicle play.. some smart players don't even bother to put C-4 on the hood of their Harasser, they just have to come straight at your tank, you blow them up, and their debris kills your tank.
    If you watch tank battles you can see it all over the place..

    I get blown up by debris in my Lightning, Vanguard and Prowler.. when I chase an enemy vehicle, I can ram them, but I can't drive into their debris...? I can ram a Harasser, the Harasser will take damage.. but when I blow it up and I can't veer out of the way or stop in time, I run into the blown up parts.. I die instantly.. or get hit by one of its tires.. instant death..
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  4. Maelthra

    A flaming chunk of pure nanites is one of the most destructive forces in the known universe. It's perfectly logical that a single chunk could take out half a TR or NC armor column. Especially with that Vanu technology!
  5. Klypto

    The first 4 were in the same day. I gave up on making videos on it. It has killed me hundreds of times non-stop. It's horrible. I hate it. I hate the fact that they have not fixed it a year later. And it is the #1 of many reasons why I hardly tank at all.



    Kevin Moyer was in fact not set on fire at SOE Live and I do not hate him.
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  6. Aldaris

    And I don't see them every time I play. As I said, it's completely anecdotal without some stats.
  7. Foxirus

    Not only does it cause players grief, It also causes increased server stress. The server has to track those now useless objects ingame.
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  8. FBVanu

    I'd just like to know why SOE refuses to change anything about the debris.. ??
  9. Tanelorn

    2 years and debris is still the most potent weapon in the game
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  10. Bindlestiff

    So be modelled with proper physics then?

    We can abandon all hope, we'll get this just as soon as accelerating up a small incline in an MBT sends us forwards as expected, not backwards.
  11. FBVanu

    need to bump this up, even if most of us don't think SOE will get on the problem any time soon,
    let's keep it front and center, maybe, just maybe, we might get some attention to this.
  12. Thurwell

    Another ridiculous thing about debris is it does not inherit the momentum of a destroyed vehicle. This is easiest to see in the air, where one aircraft is chasing another. If the front one explodes...the debris suddenly stops in midair and forces the pursuing aircraft to fly through it. So after every kill you get to roll a pair of dice to see if the dead pilot gets a free kill.
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  13. Aldaris

    Because there's far more important things to be changing/improving/fixing, or they think it's better as it is.
  14. ajma

    The solution could be slightly prettier explosions with faction colored nanite particles flying into the air. Done.
  15. FBVanu

    Nice idea.. as long as those nanites don't instagib anything or anyone.. I'm all for it.
    Maybe even give us faction specific colored plume of smoke.. small mushroom cloud when a vehicle blows up

    as long as they stop giving free certs/xp to dead players, 'cause their debris hit something...
  16. [HH]Mered4

    1. Debris are really freakin' cool.
    2. Debris have some insane ragdoll issues with some Sunderers going from 0 km/h to backflip instantly.

    Which one do you think is the actual problem?
  17. FBVanu

    bumping this.. I want to keep pushing this issue
  18. Kidou

    I once killed a harrasser and was fairly low to the ground, I breaked to nearly a full stop and barely tapped the debris...

  19. K2k4

    OMG can you imagine an entire platoon carpetbombing an area via suicide Gebris rain!? That would be EPIC!
  20. FBVanu

    We should be able to fill a Galaxy with 100+ tires.. and then rain that debris down on an enemy armor zerg...

    Anti Vehicle turrets should become debris catapults... the domino effect .. tire kills first Sunderer, Sunderer flips into the air, destroys tank, tank debris blows up 2 Harassers.. harasser debris tires roll into the next Sunderer and tank, and on and on it goes.... a chain reaction with the potential to get 100+ kills from one shot.... the amazing physics of Planetside 2...

    no, sorry, this is not funny... :(