People need to stop sitting in spawn rooms

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hypnoticcc, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. FocusLight

    If the base is under attack, leave the spawn and find them. Kill them. Kick em' out. There are only two scenarios that can transpire when you do this.

    A) The odds are good enough to effectively perform the above-mentioned defense, keep doing it, alone or as part of a team, you are helping either way.

    B) The spawn becomes camped. Hard. You can't leave because the 3v1, 4v1 or worse odds keep you nicely confined. Press DELETE and go to the next base over, set up a nice kill-box. Put the guys who just camped you in said kill-box.

    These are your only real options. Sitting in the spawn, window-licking during either scenario is unacceptable - if A, then your non-contribution is part of the reason scenario B came about to begin with. If B, you are wasting your time and are still helping to make your team lose - while you waste valuable time the enemy will be moving forces into the next base over getting ready. If they cap the point(s) instantly after the last base was capped because there were no defenders there to stop them from taking control that easily, then you have already failed and odds are, you will be sitting in the spawn for the duration of this base's loss as well - once again, being a non-contributor and a detriment to your team.

    In short, if and whenever possible, exit spawn. If it is not possible to exit spawn, the battle is over and you go to the next base.
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  2. Zar

    kinda took what i said out of context but alright ill address this as well no i don't think 50 people should be waiting in tanks maybe a platoon worth to finish the cap but tbh if you are traped in the spawn room you're team failed to defend you lost move on to different base and mount a defense or counter attack. but please try and justify you and your teams bad play but saying its not fair they cornered us in our spawn room cause we were massive cowards who care about kdr and just wanted free points by all means.
  3. TheBlindFreak

    The only thing I'm expecting to change is the number of headshots I have with my BASR. ;)
  4. RobotNinja

    I'm not trying to justify anything. I'm saying play the game how you want to play it. What you said is, "if you are traped in the spawn room" (traped like a rate?) then "you lost move on." Then you go on to say anyone who stays inside the spawn room is massive coward who just cares about kdr and wants free points.

    Tell me what exactly is the massive zerg horde, that's a daily/hourly/minutely(?) occurrence in every faction on every server setting up new warpgates outside of small outpost spawnrooms doing? Free points perhaps? Or are they earning those points with the sweat off their brow and the skill fostered from years of experience playing Commander Keen by having 20 tanks immediately instagib anyone who sticks a toe outside a shield door? Tell me how great the players are with hundreds of hours of doing nothing but sitting in a liberator bombing spawnrooms but never daring to steer anywhere close to an enemy bullet if a base isn't already locked down.

    The point is everyone wants to point fingers at everyone else for being "lame" but at the same time everyone wants to jealously guard their own particular brand of lameness.
  5. Timithos

    Ok. But now generators can't be hacked without lattice connection. So let's bring this, and every other possible layer of base defense/attack BACK into the game.
  6. PapaMojo

    I stay in the spawn room because I know it slows the zerg down. If one person can make 50 people wait around hoping I'll poke my head out so they can get a cert, that's 50 people who aren't moving down to the next base. Note: I'll be deploying out at 30 seconds to cap....but if you guys wanna sit around and watch me hang out in the spawn building, it's your time.

    Seriously, yes, if you're spawn camped hard, either leave, or get the other 20 or so guys around you to rush out in one direction. You don't have a mic? Fine, use /reg to talk to your local people. But you can't expect attackers to put themselves at a disadvantage and the way they win is making sure defenders aren't running around.
  7. CptFirelord

    You mean like what they had in PS1? Hmm.. I wonder..
  8. Zar

    doors remember doors! those amazing things that both sides could shoot through when they opened and you could set ambushes cause you couldn't just see through them. devs of ps2 never took a history class.. or know what it means.
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  9. Timithos

    The root of this issue is not how players behave in the spawn rooms, but how the spawn rooms are poorly designed, and are anti-defender/pro-attacker. The real discussion should be about base design.

    Facility ownership should provide advantages to the defender. A facility defender should be able to conquer an outnumbering force. A fishbowl sitting out in full view is not an advantage to say the least.

    We are still suffering from the damage that esports has done to our base design in making them little more then paintball/air soft arenas of obstacles equally advantageous to both sides.

    Esamir and Hossin base design are now a step in the right direction, but only a step.
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  10. CptFirelord

    Yeah and let's be honest: If they could program moving (and working!) doors into PS1, hell, if CRAPTIC could program moving doors (albeit buggy) into STO, then these Devs should've been able to do it here.
  11. Phaze

    I don't find it to be much of a problem in relatively even population fights.

    Most of the time, a faction sits in their spawn because they are camped and outnumbered 2:1.
  12. Kumaro

    Well that's the problem you see they will stick around till the cap is complete. So it actually is the other way around. You stick around and the next base has less defenders. And once you finally spawn there the enemy is already on your doorstep. Using transports. And you defenders haven't had the time or people to set up a proper defence. And things fall apart and voila attacker takes enough bases to overextend them selfs and rinse and repeat you do the same thing back to them.

    Now what did i mention about insanity. Because this game reeks of it.
  13. FocusLight

    Not really. Remember that base captures grant score. No matter how many may move on to the next base because the spawn is completely empty and the base defenders have moved on, to the last man, to the next base, plenty will still stick around for the score, and/or ensuring that the base is properly capped.

    Having anyone at all stay behind to 'slow the zerg down' is not going to do to much, sadly. The base timer itself does your proposed job far more effectively.

    Ofc on the flip-side of things if everyone moved out of the base except for say, 10 guys, and those 10 mounted constant assaults out the spawn, that would be far more tempting bait to keep more people present. But that would neither be fun for the 10 guys nor effective, while you do keep larger numbers of enemies in place - to get the exp for the kills and to maintain a hold on the base - there would still be plenty that would move on trying to blitz the next base. End of the day it would still be more efficient for the defenders to have another 10 guys on the next base over ready with whatever weapons are needed to dismantle the zerging forces.
  14. RobotNinja

    Bam! Exactly!

    If you want to control what pubs and everyone else in the game does, then make an outfit and invite all the pubs. If you get steamrolled at one outpost and then the zerg hive mind just moves on to the next one 500m away, the majority of the time there's going to be a repeat of the exact same thing unless you get a zerg horde to match.

    The game favors attackers and penalizes defenders. Most of the top scoring players in this game don't even bother sitting around defending small outposts.
  15. Andy79

    how about connecting the spawnroom functionality with the control point, make flipping it take 30 seconds (add alarmlights and siren to bases that indicate a CP takeover, the a bit of blinking and changing the font color to white is a bit tame imo for something that important) , but once it flips the spawnroom becomes inactive (talking about small bases here, I know you can kill respawn at big facilities)