How'd they sell it to you?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RevJimJonez, Oct 3, 2020.

  1. RevJimJonez

    These queue times! How'd they just drop that on the player base and the game keep going? I'm a returning player, been gone a couple of years or so, came back and went to join a fight and was told I was number 103 in the queue with an expected wait time to deploy onto a sunderer of 37 minutes and 34 seconds (with the timer just randomly adjusting UPWARD every couple of seconds).

    How does anyone get in and play now? The game was always kinda grindy as it is, much less to spend the short play times you have waiting in this Sanctuary zone or VR training. If I'm missing something here feel free to enlighten me, otherwise I'm not seeing the appeal of a dated game with addition of whacky queue times... although it didn't go unnoticed that you could skip to a 5 minute and 12 second wait if I decided to shell out a little cash to DB.
  2. Zagareth

    Queue times were never been so long as lately. Usually there were not more than 10 to 15 people in front, but it seems to explode since last patch.
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