I have been playing this game since the beta. honestly at this point, when a harrasser shows up armed with a vulcan, everyone might as well park their tanks because they are all dead. With these most recent changes, essentially all main battle tanks are sitting ducks. Their guns do less, they have lost maneuverability (if you didn't mean to change turn speeds, etc.... figure out what did). It does not matter which main battle tank goes up against a harrasser/vulcan combo, it will lose. It will not just barely lose... it is pretty much a slaughter if the vulcan operator can aim. I have watched this over and over... it has gotten increasingly worse... and now it is pretty impossible to deal with a harrasser/vulcan combo unless there are several tanks together... even then at least one of them will die. the speed and dps of a vulcan equipped harrasser is unparalleled for other factions. You can start spewing numbers, but honestly in game this is how it works: Harrasser comes screaming into view, the tanks gets off two shots into the harrasser which starts to smoke as the vulcan now kills the tank before the main gun can fire a third shot. The tank will always lose in this kind of confrontation... I drive magrider's a lot so I will use that as an example. I have certed out main cannons for my magrider. Against a harrasser/vulcan combo my supernova fpc can get off two shots before a vulcan kills me... two shots wont kill the harrasser...so this is impossible to win. The ONLY advantage a magrider had was it's maneuverability, which is gimped (mag no longer turns well). It takes a vulcan mounted on a harrasser approx. 7 seconds to kill a magrider... yet the damage by my main anti tank round is greatly reduced? This morning I shot a reaver with an anti tank round from a magrider main gun and they just fly away?? really? Are you simply trying to eliminate tanks from this game? You essentially have eliminated the need usefullness of main battle tanks. You can say well it requires coordination... but what do the other factions have that comes even remotely close to the dps of a harrasser/vulcan combo? NOTHING... Coordination cannot compensate for weapons that dps you dead in one third the time it takes your weapons to do the same. When they show up, almost everything dies... the VS aphilion is a joke compared to a vulcan. it takes an aphilion 3 to 5 times as long to kill another tank compared to a vulcan. lastly... as a BR 108.... there is NOTHING in your vr training continent of interest to me... NOTHING! please stop sending me to VR training when I start this game... if you don't have room on a continent... open another one up! geez! If you you can't open continents up and keep players loading into actual live fighting continents and instead prefer to just stick us on a dead continent... is this your way of telling us to go elsewhere? Sending high BR's to vr training is doing nothing but pissing people off...
Magrider turn speed in impacted by rival chassis, and vehicle mouse sensitivity. Raise it, or you wont' be able to turn. However, it makes vertical aiming a bit too jerky. Gotta find a median and cope with it.
Since SOE was in charge the various Devs have been afraid to put the Vulcan in its place. I don't understand. So few shootets make use of public test servers but this one dev team makes such non non sense decisions. Just outright divorced from reality with some of these changes
[QUOTEMagrider turn speed in impacted by rival chassis, and vehicle mouse sensitivity. Raise it, or you wont' be able to turn. However, it makes vertical aiming a bit too jerky. Gotta find a median and cope with it. ][/QUOTE] no I have both chassis certed out... it does not matter, they have nerfed the magrider's "nimble maneuverability"... this was the mag's only strength, it is out armored and out gunned by the other tanks. It's ability to out maneuver other vehicles gave it an edge in some situations. That has been removed however... a lightning is more maneuverable.....
Anytime now someone will tell you you've never driven a V+H and what you've seen is not what you saw as what you saw never happens!
Keybind look left and right for your Magrider, get a decent gunner and you should have no problem with Vulcan harassers 1on1 (unless its a zerg, but then everyone dies to a zerg). Before the patch Magriders would kill me instantly on my Harasser, 1 ap round and 1 Saron clip and bye bye, Im trying to figure out how you die to Vulcan that needs 6.5 seconds of shooting you in the rear (all the time) at point blank range or 18 seconds at the sides when you can kill him in one reload of your AP gun (if you have Saron gunner included, if you are playing solo than its not much you can do).
So you're a Vulcan/Harasser driver and you're telling someone how to play a Mag...and how they're bad at it? GG....? Listen, there were some nasty nerfs slated for the Vulcan in the PTS versions of this patch. I guess they never made it in because they were worried about the overwhelming amount of people needing their win buttons. The issue with the Vulcan is multi-faceted. 1. High-RPM weapons are easier to trace with...which fits extremely well with the Harasser. 2. DPS may equate on paper, but its spread across hundreds of rounds instead of 3 or 4. Miss once with other weapons and it's like missing hundreds of rounds on a Vulcan. Vulcan is far more forgiving to people who can't aim as well. 3. Tanks are slow, Harassers are fast. Even if you had evenly matched weaponry, the tank is automatically at a disadvantage based solely on mobility. They need to actually implement the changes they had in the patch notes. Most importantly, the maximum distance before damage drop and the amount of damage drop. Go read PTS notes...
Vulcan has always been a monster - the only time that it wasn't the most popular secondary on the Harasser was when the Gatekeeper came along, and that was even better ! Since the last GK nerf (not played the latest version too much, seems more Mjolnir-esque), everyone went back to Vulcans. Oh and since the Sunderer angle nerf, that too cannot defend itself against a face-hugging Harasser. When we could check out the oracle stats, TR harasser numbers exceeded the NC and VS combined. I doubt this has changed. Thing is - people have complained about it for a very very long time - but guess what - nothing has changed and the situation has only gotten worse.
That's sooo wrong. I drive Harasser on all 3 factions and Aphelion is the best right now imo. It has very similar ttk to Vulcan but at mid-range it gets better than Vulcan. Sorry but looks like you're not very good at using the Magrider, your Magrider weapon stats are mostly in the bottom 20% of all players which explains why you're getting murdered by Harassers. Magriders with bad situational awareness, reaction time or aim are easy kills, that's true. http://ps2.fisu.pw/player/?name=zathrus&show=weapons As i already said, try actually using a Vulcan Harasser not just shoot at immobile VR dummies that don't fight back and you will see that it's not overpowered, you're simply outskilled.