Hard to explain this emotion...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lunayce, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. MikeHonchoYou

    Lunayce. I am sorry this has happened to you.
    Not about your Epeen but about you and your social dependence on planetside.
    I was and probably still am in your position. I have spent way too much time in this game and mostly for all the wrong reasons.
    Its fair to say that its cost me time with friends a relationship as well as time and money.
    I am getting myself back on the strait and narrow now.

    As one of the guys i mainly play with in game it has been a pleasure to meet and know you (if you could ever compare knowing someone in here as apposed to real life). CallmeBob, Fantomas, Hairspray, Corked, MarkAPaulette, Jorticle If it wasnt for these guys and yourself i probably would have stopped playing this game a long time ago, or atleast not as aggresively. The reality is as much i would like to fly across the ditch and shake hands in real life man to man and have a beer kind of deal this is not real life and i think you have seen that now. If you want to stay in touch with us or come back and play later on more CASUALLY once you get your priorities right that would be cool.

    However, if you did not, i would both respect and understand that. Thankyou for all the good times over the last year and a half and i wish you well.

    Cheers mate,
  2. Fantomas

    Sorry to hear that Lunayce. That objective was important for you and we all need objectives when we've been BR 100 for a while. I am glad I met you. When I talk to real life friends I always tell them how I like the fact that I just play with mature and good people that also know how to play the game. No pro gamer attitude but still a need to be good and get better. While this is not real life I remember a lot of players I have met online and have a lot of good memories and that's a good thing. Just desintox yourself for a while and then play again you will see if you missed it or not.
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  3. tigerchips

    If your playing the game for stats, you're playing it for the wrong reasons. Why anyone would spend vast amounts of money on FTP games is beyond me. £60 is normal price for retail game, so really you ought not be spending more than £60 in a year, considering this game is updated regularly.
  4. ZBrannigan

    i'm not, lost mine 3 or 4 times now............. don't give a **** ;)
  5. stalkish

    Whats the weather like up there on your pedestal?

    Trying not to be rude here but all this reads as is - ''I dont enjoy a particular activity as much as you do, so you should feel bad about it''.
    I mean seriously, you cant actualy believe what you've written? That all BR100s have 0 life outside of planetside and are somehow addicted to killing stuff in game. Thats just ridiculous, some people play for maybe an hour or 2 a day after their kids have gone to bed, cant exactly go out and do ''real life'' stuff with the kids in bed so they relax and sink into a computer game, its no diff than sinking into a good book, or relaxing infront of the TV. If this person gets 100 kills every time they log on getting BR 100 would be no problem at all. Heck when i was progressing ranks i didnt even look at what i was on, didnt care when i reached 100, still dont...

    Also, why does a 'real life achievement' not include completing or excelling at a computer game? To some people it is an achievement and is what their hobby is. I think personaly, and try not to be offended by this, but i think you need help. Accepting other people for who they are and what they partake in is a part of normal adult life, as the saying goes - each to their own, you seem to have problems doing this. I will agree that the skill level involved in computer games is well below whats required of a competent pianist, or a professional darts player, but that doesnt make it any less worthwhile to spend time doing, if thats what you enjoy doing.

    All that being said, i think the reason people are getting frustrated is they loose track of why they are here and start doing things they dislike, i.e grinding to get aurax weapons. If they simply played for fun and relaxation and gained achievements naturaly theyd care a whole lot less when inevitable stuff like this happens. I dont even look at my directives page at all, but if some people want to focus on it then thats perfectly understandable.
  6. ZBrannigan

    sounds like the OP never really played for fun and relaxation in the first place, never mind 'lost track of why'.
  7. tigerchips

    I've read the post over again instead of speed reading...

    ...oh that, yeah, i don't have a life either, ditto.

    In fact, the only thing keeping me sane is playing games. It's just like a hobby, well, it is a hobby. I was diagnosed with Aspergers a while back, and you think you have problems? :)

    Asperger syndrome is distinguished by a pattern of symptoms rather than a single symptom. It is characterized by qualitative impairment in social interaction, by stereotyped and restricted patterns of behavior, activities and interests (for me, planetside 2), and by no clinically significant delay in cognitive development or general delay in language (IQ usually higher than normal). Intense preoccupation with a narrow subject, one-sided verbosity, restricted prosody, and physical clumsiness are typical of the condition, but are not required for diagnosis.

    A lack of demonstrated empathy has a significant impact on aspects of communal living for persons with Asperger syndrome. Individuals with AS experience difficulties in basic elements of social interaction (reason why i don't have mic on Teamspeak), which may include a failure to develop friendships or to seek shared enjoyments or achievements with others (for example, showing others objects of interest), a lack of social or emotional reciprocity (social "games" give-and-take mechanic), and impaired nonverbal behaviors in areas such as eye contact, facial expression, posture, and gesture. Individuals with Aspergers also have an impaired theory of mind which makes it difficult to understand the thoughts, feelings, and intentions of other people and how that relates to oneself. They have a hard time picking up on unwritten social rules involuntarily that neurotypicals (people without Aspergers) would perceive as obvious.

    People with AS may not be as withdrawn around others compared to those with other, more debilitating forms of autism; they approach others, even if awkwardly. For example, a person with AS may engage in a one-sided, long-winded speech about a favorite topic, while misunderstanding or not recognizing the listener's feelings or reactions, such as a wish to change the topic of talk or end the interaction. This social awkwardness has been called "active but odd". This failure to react appropriately to social interaction may appear as disregard for other people's feelings, and may come across as insensitive. However, not all individuals with AS will approach others. Some of them may even display selective mutism, speaking not at all to most people and excessively to specific people (not because of arrogance). Some may choose only to talk to people they like (get on well with, or maybe the other person has same hobby).
  8. Reclaimer77

    I don't play this game for Directives. If you notice my stats, I don't even try to Auraxium this weapon or that. However I would like to one day complete a Directive through the course of my normal gameplay. I would be lying if I said I didn't care about earning a new weapon or whatever.

    The idea that if you care about Directives progress, you MUST be a "grinding for shinies WoW player" is just insulting and small-minded. Directives and trying to win the "ongoing war" are not mutually exclusive, so stop making it seem like stats ruin gameplay.

    Do you know what happens to MMO's without achievements and clear character progression goals? They shrivel up and die. I can post a nice list of them for you if you wish. Players get bored, servers get empty, causing more people to quit etc etc. Sounds familiar?

    The developers have spent VERY little development time enhancing the Meta game of Planetside 2, and has instead focused on getting you to buy this weapon, that new weapon, and buy these weapons so you can farm the new "Directives" weapons etc etc. Directives are at least new content that give people a reason to log in every day. Think about that.

    I just found your post to be condescending and even though you threw in a token acknowledgement to the OP's feelings, it's clear you just don't care that someone's stats got wiped because they don't matter to you personally.
  9. Hairspray

    Seems Lunayce is not the only one fed up with the resets http://stats.dasanfall.com/ps2/news/

    SOE Fix this or at least put a band-aid on it.

    50SHADESOFPURPLE I'm taking a vacation from PlanetSide

    Posts: 505

    Root Admin

    [DA] DasAnfall I'm taking an indefinite vacation after last night, which is a story in itself and a lovely little bride and groom atop my wedding cake of disaster history with this game and its community.

    If you follow my stream you know I have been working on the infiltrator directives since it was released (I'm a huge achievement *****, if you haven't noticed by the site's achievements). I managed to get to 780/800 sniper kills and 600/800 with the scout rifle and my progress was all reset to 0, effectively wasting around 20 hours of time, which given the current state of Emerald was anything but easy as an infiltrator. It's not necessarily a long objective and I could farm it again, but the fact that this happened at this tier of progression is extremely upsetting. I was basically done.

    I have submitted a ticket in the hope that SOE actually realizes the game does not function as intended, and the lovely support person compensated me by giving me a 1-day experience boost. To the average player they may see this as a great form of compensation. To players like me who have characters that have effectively reached BR 100 3 times over, it's just antagonizing.

    All ******** aside I think its best that I just not play this game for the time being. I don't want to sound vain but my lack of activity here may concern a few of you. I am known for answering questions quickly but I probably won't in the coming weeks. I am also probably going to try to find someone to take over the site, but we'll see.

    I'll see you all on Unreal 4 and WoW Warlords.

    edited by 50SHADESOFPURPLE on Aug 27, 2014 6:26 PM
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  10. SacredRay

    Reading stuff like this is just sad. Human beings are meant to be the most tenacious and spontaneous species on the planet. How the hell can anyone get addicted to a game? Yeah on most nights I play about an hour of PS2, but I'm playing with REAL LIFE friends who I meet up with on the weekend and get up to social stuff anyway. I've known these guys since I was 11 and I wouldn't be playing this game if they didn't. And if I'm meeting a girl, no way in hell am I going to lose out on @ss just for a game.

  11. Wecomeinpeace

    Quite franky, you assume a lot of **** lol.

    Where did i say that if someone cares about directives he is a "grinding for shinies WoW player"? That's right i didn't. I said that is what this game is PROMOTING now, hunting for shinies. I never ONCE said stats ruin gameplay, i just don't see how putting the EMPHASIS on those is going to help the lacking "ongoing war" part of this game. And i don't see how a MMOFPS is required to have achievement hunting in order to survive, once again you are assuming things here. PS1 did just fine without those (It had lots and lots of other problems, sure, but ppl didn't leave PS1 due to the lack of achievements).

    I mean you even say it yourself:
    "The developers have spent VERY little development time enhancing the Meta game of Planetside 2, and has instead focused on getting you to buy this weapon, that new weapon, and buy these weapons so you can farm the new "Directives" weapons etc etc."

    Also once again, just because i don't like the emphasis on stats and achievements does not mean i cannot understand the OP or feel sympathy for him/her. You just ASSUME that was just a "token acknowledgement".

    Tl;dr: Just because I don't care about stats and achievements doesn't mean i don't care about people caring about those, and just because i think that it is fluff stuff that isn't bringing this game forward doesn't mean i look down on people who like to do achievement stuff. You are just drawing unwarranted conclusions and proceed to call me "small minded" and "insulting". Now THAT's condescending. Which is why i started my reply with "You assume a lot of ****".
  12. CallMeBob

    I was looking forward to you being the first to get the white camo but you're right, this is how you really win this damn game, final directive unlocked.

    In two or so years from now, none of us would have kept in touch anyway (which is the same as real life for me) and if it counts for anything, you DID have an impact on my life in one aspect.

    Sucks to see you leave but it's a reasonable outcome, gonna be hard finding a new Lunayce. cheers.
  13. Corked

    It's difficult to find good teammates in any game. Truly intelligent, fun, friendly people are hard to come by because they have the potential to get everything they want out of life. They are the 10% of the population that matters and their time is worth more than ours. Occasionally circumstances conspire and I meet these people; I play with them whenever I'm able, because I know it won't be long before they change their circumstances and move on to better things.

    Anyway, that's why I encourage alcoholism, depression, and unemployment among my online friends wherever possible, because clearly there's something holding them back if they're playing Planetside at 4AM with me.

    Thanks, Lunayce.