Faction Switching and Money Spent...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OminousZ, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. OminousZ

    Is there a way to transfer what was purchased with real money to another faction? I think i know the answer to this question, but I'm hoping there's one little clause or rule out there that will allow me to do so. Because starting all over is with a new faction is hard enough and expensive. Any thoughts?
  2. Scorponok

    unless its NS weapons you bought with real cash they will not follow to a new faction unless its the same faction you bought them on. like if you bought a NC LMG you will only get that LMG again if you make a NC charater...if you make a TR you do not get a LMG..
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  3. OminousZ

    I figured, thanks. Thought i'd give it a try and ask, maybe i'd get lucky. But it's understandable because different factions have different items. Oh well....
  4. Scorponok

    yea if you look at the store items info under the picture it will say NC/TR or VS faction only depend on wich faction you buy it for..unless its vehicle weapons most of them are not ES weapons except some.
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