[Dilemma]Wait... Is this game for me?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Joexer, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. BlueSkies

    Again, thats just value that the outfit places on KDR, not any true value of the metric itself.
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  2. CorporationUSA

    You could say that about anything that isn't a basic necessity for survival.

    I should be more clear. If an outfit considers certain minimum stats to be essential for recruitment, then that is intrinsic. If someone considers joining such an outfit to be essential, then that would be intrinsic as well.
  3. BlueSkies

    Well... you can do anything you like. Doesn't matter what anyone thinks really... :confused:

    Point being, you're going to assault/defend a cap point. You can either take a guy with a 15.0 KDR or a 2.0 KDR. Going off of KDR alone... you'd want the 15.0. Unfortunately for you, it turns out he got a 15.0 KDR for cheesing with a banshee pre-nerf while the 2.0 guy sits his **** on points, rezzes, repairs, resupplies, or anything else like that. Turns out the 2.0 KDR probably would have been more useful. KDR when comparing more than one player to another is just ****** measurement. It doesn't tell you anything useful.

    SPM is slightly more useful as it does record activities other than just kills/deaths but it too is subject to cheesing/its impossible to objectively reward all behaviours that are beneficial to your side.
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  4. Joexer

    I never thought about it in these ways. I guess I'll take a break(but ill log in for my certs) and stay here on forumside a bit. Thank you all for this honestly enlightening motivation. Ill see you all around. :')
  5. NoctD

    You make me feel bad for sending some AP Lightning rounds into you the other day. Hope to see you back soon - a break is always good, I've done so myself.
  6. bubbacon

    Try these Vids out...

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  7. CorporationUSA

    I agree that stats aren't necessarily a measurement of skill, but that doesn't mean some people don't see them that way. I was just giving a scenario where stats would be of some intrinsic value.

    The whole system is definitely exploitable, and to make things even worse, time spent in the VR trainer hurts SPM as well.

    I think that's not a bad idea. I took a forced break a while ago when the game was broken by an update, and it was then I was able to get a better idea of what I wanted to get out of the game.
  8. thenewbie

    Too many people in their little competitive bubble have forgotten this rule of video gaming.

    Don't forget this, or you'll just end up rage quitting every game you play.
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  9. GoyoElGringo

    I like how people say this, as if the standards for "fun" are defined. Maybe some people find that the most fun lies in the competitive aspect of a game? Being PVP makes a game inherently competitive, so it's not far off to say that.
  10. Joexer

    Dont feel bad XD I was in a bad position. You had some awesome timing though.
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  11. NinjaTurtle

    A good full time medic can be as important to the team as a 7k/d heavy stomping face 10 meters in front.

    If you don't have the reaction speeds or control to win in a fire fight that is fine. If you however are good at keeping your team rezzed, up to full health and constantly put down shield regen devices you will be making as much contribution as anyone else.

    You aren't as useless as you think
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  12. Kentucky Windage

    Have fun brother and ignore the KDR. I don't have a character on Connery but I'd play with you anytime OP. It's all about fun and good times. I recommend an adult beverage(if your of age) and some Van Halen:cool: playing ever so softly in the background. Hot for Teacher, Heineken, and hanging with your TR brethren is hard to beat OP.:D Good Luck.
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  13. Dieter Perras

    This is a game, games are meant for entertainment. If this game entertains you then congrats it is the game for you.
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  14. TeddyMan56

    If you enjoy the game who cares if your not a great player, KDR does not determine your value to the community. If you need a break from fighting just run around as a medic or engiee and support people behind the front lines. When I get bored or sick of killing I just hop in my Sundy and follow Zerg's around providing rides, repairs to vehicles or a mobile spawn point. There more to this game then killing and a KDR.
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  15. Llamar

    You seem to be into teamwork and strategy, so no this game is not for you.
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  16. GhostAvatar

    There is you answer right there. Everyone has there own reasons for playing a game, whether it be stats, spending time with online friends, or even trolling. Everyone is motivated by different things. At the end of the day it all boils down to if you are having fun and enjoy it.
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  17. consciousvillan

    k/d really means nothing in a game like this, i came from red orchestra 2 that dosent even record deaths on the score bored. how can it matter in an objective driven team game.
    even as a HA i may sit back covering an assault by suppressing the enemy (and no you dont need a suppression mechanic in game to do this, most players will take cover if hit a couple of times), i may not get any kills but if i force several enemys out of direct combat during the assault i have made a contribution.
    these stats are only important to those players that value them but they prove nothing about the contribution a player is making to his fraction.
    as some one else mentioned this is a war sim,, as such fractions need players that act as support just as any real army dose and as death just means respawning and dose not affect a ticket counter or reinforcement limit it only matters in very specific combat situations
  18. BarxBaron

    Someone said early on in the thread that "you can't get better by healing your mates".


    I know I have a med avatar (cuz' its cool) but there's a difference between knowing when to heal/rez and when to wait.....and I fail at it often.

    There are some medics with very nice SPH because they stay alive and are constantly rezzing smartly without putting themselves in immediate danger, or knowing when to smoke/shoot instead of pulling out the "green mage gun".

    Meds also (esp. if TR) have some great guns. Once you practice with them you may choose to go med for your go-to attack class.
  19. Hoki

    There are fights where all I do is support my faction.
    • There are situations where I banzai charge through the middle of a cluster just to reposition my motion sensor to a better spot, and die 3 times before getting there.
    • There are times when all I do is make sure that the heavies and maxes on the hill providing AA are fully repped and fed with ammos. Don't hold back dakka, fire ALL OF THE DAKKA!
    • When I first started playing I played a lot of medic. When I did, I turned a fragile line into a wall of zombie dakka. The only thing that stopped it was exhausting ammo.
    • Positioning sunderers in a good spot for respawn and resupply and DEFENDING that sunderer can make all of the difference.
    These are examples where I get hardly any kills and very low SPM. However, realize that most attacks from a bunch of disorganized noobs simply fail. All it takes is a few defenders or attackers that know what they're doing to counter the efforts of twice as many people. A little bit of supportive play can make order of the chaos and buy you valuable inches.

    The inches we need are everywhere around us! insert any given sunday speech

    It sounds corny but, that really is Planetside, gentlemen.

    I've been in many engagements where all I do is support, and support damn well, when nobody else was willing to. And the outcome was close, we barely won. Thats when you know, you really did make the ******* difference between winning and losing. Even if you never fire off a single round.
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  20. Hoki

    Some other offensive support roles I neglected to mention:
    • AA max when getting air farmed. If you've got the resource pull a skyguard, or burster max, or start locking with grounders. Walker is also excellent at putting some hurt on air.
    • Armor support. Help kill enemy armor with your own armor. When outnumbered and defending, sometimes the only thing keeping the enemy going is a few sunderers and maybe a lightning or two. Spawning a tank and outplaying the enemy armor then taking out their sunderers from range can sometimes be the only way to successfully defend. And a lot of times you'll be the only one to realize that. :oops:

    Invest into AP lightning/prowler. I recomment extinguishers and NAR for both. Speed for prowler, agility for lightning.
    Walker on the prowler I find to be a good way of providing AV support and AA support as well.

    Tanking is a completely different playstyle that most don't really understand. Aim is critical but so is positioning. I'm about average at infantry play but I'm very much above average at tanking and G2A AA.