Client Crash Rage

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gungan, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Gungan

    Why does this stupid game consistently crash 30 seconds after I spawn a Reaver and attack someone.

    Seriously. You're wasting my gd time SOE, waiting for a freakin' spawn timer that is YOUR fault.

    It's bad enough that the client crashes more now than it ever did in beta, but I can't deal with the constant spawn timers because I have to force close the damn thing with task manager.
  2. gorviss

    are your graphics card drivers updated?
  3. Mech0311

    Its not graphics card drivers................ stop trying to troll people who have legitimate complaints. This game is broken
  4. Mech0311

    We spend half of our time trying to troubleshoot this game to make it work rather than play it. I should be getting paid to do this
  5. Metran

    Same problem here op. Much rage is being had.

    My box is immaculate and up to date.

    GTX 580
    8gb ram
    win7x64 ultimate

    I AM running the Steam version though.... and am tempted to ditch it but hoping they fix their **** so I don't have to.
  6. Mech0311

    Yeah well I am running the regular version from their website. It makes no difference. The game is fighting itself and you to keep itself from being played. Its more than happy to accept your money and subscription though.
  7. Metran

    That's what I suspected, and why I haven't bothered switching clients. Guess it's the waiting game....