85m (personal record), We r broken!

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Dramonicous, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. Dramonicous

    A short while ago I was running around with my Vandal and pwning as per usual.
    One of my kills stood out thou.

    I see a NC bolt sniper thats using the standard shoot and cloak tactic.
    There was just one problem for him...
    I could see him! I saw him move while cloaked at a wooping 85m distance!
    And not only while moving, even when he was CROUCHED AND MOTIONLESS!

    After the kill I immediately dropped a waypoint (to determine distance) on his position, cuz I just couldnt believe my eyes.

    Before the cloak update then im pretty sure we were 100% invisible at 50m+ even when sprinting.
    Now we are visible from prolly any range and we are more visible than before.

    *RANT* will follow.

    I have been waiting since PS2 release to get a Infiltrator update...
    Yes we got a class update and a recent cloak update BUT what did we really get in those?
    We each got a ESF sniper which most of us hate regardless of empire.
    We got a new cloak that is spectator mode but is now broken cuz of the cloak update.
    We got a new motion spotter which only new feature is that you can place and forget it, for the lazy infiltrator.
    Perhaps ES pistols shouldnt count, but VS yet again got a broken pistol thats unusuable by infils so we r still stuck with commissioner as our only alternative.
    Side note, recon darts are partially broken since cloak update and will not do anything 30-60% of the time when fired.

    -We did not get vehicle hacking cuz it was too difficult to make new models of the ES vehicles with your empires colors (seriously they said this!). Simple solution? exclude MBTs and ESFs from hacking?
    -Flying drone got cut cuz apparently it could "roadkill" players, also u could put c4 on it (god forbid!).
    Guess Infil class wasnt worth the extra coding to remove collision from it, solving both roadkill and c4 issue.

    Atm im playing Infiltrator for the scoutrifles and EMP, if I werent addicted to using those then I would perform tons better with any other class.
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  2. Jac70

    People hate on the Phaseshift but to me it looks like a useful and cool weapon. I have only used it in VR and yeah VR is not the battlefield but the mechanic seems quite decent to me. I am Auraxium'ing the Parallax and then I will be certing into the Phaseshift to test out.

    As for cloak, I also operated under the impression that the cloak was totally invisible out past a certain range but today I saw a guy at a decent distance through my scope. I saw him cloak but realised I could still see him and that didn't used to be the case.
  3. Dramonicous

    Phaseshift is a useable gun, but it has many flaws.
    In its current state the semi-auto mode is utterly useless and is only good for "humiliation" kills.
    The current lag on europe server is also wrecking havoc on this gun as many charged up shots become semi-auto shots instead.
    Other than that then the normal pros and cons with it are:
    No bullet drop, 200m max for 1HK, slowest bolt projectile, unlimited ammo.

    By simply removing the stupid semi-auto mode then this gun would be a great addition, but not replacement for long range bolters.
  4. Chris Bingley

    I like the semi-auto mode, but then after hating semi-auto rifles since I started playing, I've actually started to enjoy using them. To me, they're more like scoutrifles than actual sniper rifles, and work well if you're tucked in with a squad or two.

    I'm not actually sold on the phaseshift, but I'm more likely to get it now than I was before.
  5. QuantumSerpent

    It does seem like cloaks are pretty useless if the other guy is paying attention. Also that sound...

    I would point out that with the description ("Bends light around you") you would be completely invisible at any range, even when moving, and cloaking/decloaking would be silent. (You'd be able to shoot, too, but that would be OP).
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  6. Dramonicous

    Firing from cloak worked fine in PS1.
    You could use pistol,a mine (worked like c4 ish), grenades. Anything that fit in a 1x1 slot really (carbines and heavier weapons were 1x3-4 slots if i remember correctly). Obviously we could knife aswell, but naturally the VS knife had a glowing effect (yes it was visible thru cloak) +sound rather than only sound like the TR and NC ones.

    Correct me if im wrong, but dont we have a cloak that fits that description? Except we dont have the almighty Spiker from PS1 (PS2 spiker is still good atm thou) which earned its place in the hall of fame for being the most absurdly strongest weapon that barely anyone used. I mean cmon... a 100/0 KD ratio with a infiltrator using spiker, that wasnt a record. It was my average day. So why cant we fire while being stalker cloaked in PS2? We are so much weaker than the PS1 infil already.

    How absurd was this gun? Well only thing that would beat it would be several CR5s lining up orbital strikes over n over on a vehicle terminal.
  7. Corezer

    I do a lot of drug interdiction work, so I recognize the smell of meth.

    stop saying PS1 infiltrators were stronger, they were weaker, much weaker...

    Darklight, like thermals on a vehicle, but on potentially every character with no cert cost, just a level requirement you could easily reach by trying out guns and vehicles in VR without getting a single kill. additionally, you could use it in third person.

    sure, you could use your repeater while cloaked, although it took 2 seconds to kill anyone, presuming they were AFK, and it only took them about 3/4 of a second to kill you.

    no headshots, so the one bolt action (bolt driver), which needed to reload every shot, took 2 hits to kill provided you could get that second shot off within 5 seconds (if not, the could use a second medkit, and need a third hit)

    you could use C4 (boomers) too, but they took 4 or more to destroy a lightning, so you couldn't because you didn't have space to carry them.

    cloak didn't stop radar

    anyone with their view distance brought in would casper you.

    the VS knife didn't have a visible glowing effect, and was largely recognized as the best because the sound it made was lower than the mag cutter. the chain blade was the worst.

    no quick knife, so no shoot/stab combo to ambush anyone with.

    people were just worse, infil wasn't better at all.
  8. Kubin

    If they remove semi-auto it'd no longer be in "no bullet-drop" category as only semi-auto and full-auto weapons in Vanu arsenal have no bullet drop. Just saying.
  9. ATRA_Wampa-One

    I'm 195 kills away from my Phaseshift auraxium and after that I'll be retiring it since while it's an absolutely amazing gun for farming idiots that's the only thing that gun is really useful at.

    Killing people that aren't clueless is much better suited to the Parallax, V10, XM-98, Ghost, and even Phantom.
  10. TheKhopesh

    I've been on the receiving end of the visual issues of the cloak here recently.

    Run in, hack terminals for directive progress, sit there in deep cloak for +5 minutes while eating, tower i'm in becomes the front line, first guy going past spots me at +30m as if not cloaked at all, blasts me before I can even finish setting down my fork.

    This has also happened while invisible and a passing ESF spots and kills me from well over 100m in the air.
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  11. blackboemmel

    Had similar situations last night. Got killed while cloaked by passing ESFs, and while in deep cloak by different players that obviously were able to see me. Never had this before. Must be a new bug. o_O