TR Anti-Tank missile

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by NollieFlipX, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. NollieFlipX

    Hello everyone I`m just here to give a little feedback and suggestions.

    So, I've got the Seek (if my mind does not fails me) the ground to ground anti vehicle guided missile.

    I had a long range fight against VN, lots of magriders at long range but the missile simply did't work, even when the magrider pilot`s where new enough to let the tank standing still, the missile would always hit the ground. I was shooting from above by the way.

    That said, I'm not sure if it's a bug, a glitch or maybe the lock-on range is greater than the missile's flight time or even simply because VN tanks fly lol. Also, it seemed to work well against NC but sometimes it would fail the same way.


    That aside, I would like to add a couple suggestions.

    0. Default reticule warnings, 'out of range' (OOR) red indicator and 'in firing range' (IFR) green indicator.
    1. Certs upgrade: Top down mode. Same as today's FGM-148 firing modes.
    2. Certs upgrade: Wire guidance. Same as the old BGM-71 missiles.

    Those could also be totally different launchers. But in any case, from what I've seen, these could have a somewhat relevant impact in an attrition battle like the one I had today.
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  2. TheBloodEagle

    I would love attachments/certs for the launchers. Everything has to be a side-grade though, not an upgrade so there has to be an equal amount of trade-off to those suggestions.
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  3. NollieFlipX

    Hm... agreed.

    I suppose they could also add an extra top armor for tanks.
  4. TheBloodEagle

    That's something tankers can already cert onto though. It's situational of course (side grade). You'd just have to give your suggestion more cons, like less ammo, more recoil plus longer reload. Stuff like that. If we could do top-down-attack but say have only 2 missiles with long reloads and did 1700 damage, same as default. I think that would be fair. Or heck, even cost infantry resources like C4. I'd still get it.
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  5. NollieFlipX

    Hah! Indeed! Indeed! Those cons are actually quite fair. You have some great ideas there.
  6. Stormlight666

    There won't be a wire-guided cert tree for launchers since there will be a wire-guided launcher "the Phoenix" coming out at some point.
    As for Cert trees: Extra ammo, faster lock-on, slight range increase, slight missile speed increase... those i'd rather see.
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  7. TheBloodEagle

    Can't wait for that =D
  8. Stormlight666

    Neither can I. I miss that launcher so very very much and the sound it makes when it's firing out at someone. Not to mention the ability to prematurely detonate it if your target side steps so you can at least damage it slightly.
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  9. Frosty The Pyro

    the G2G lock on launchers wont hit anything past ~ 320m, but will lock on to targets signifigantly farther away, weather this is a bug or a result of projectile lifespan i do not know. I personaly try not to fire my rockets at anything past 300. Fortunatly the launcher will tell you how far away a locked on target is so you can avoid wasting rockets in such a way.
  10. Skadi

    Where did you see that o_O
    i want nao /droool
  11. Zotamedu

    And don't forget that they really really should add scopes for the dumb fire launchers. Iron sights that cannot be adjusted are completely useless for a weapon with so much bullet drop at range. When I snipe turrets, I need to Q them so I have the red dorito to aim for and it is often halfway down the bracket under the iron sight itself. Give me a scope with the same type of sight that the AV Turrets or the Bulldog has and I will gladly throw 100 certs at it.
  12. Stormlight666

    It was in PS1 so naturally it'll be in PS2.
  13. PoopMaster

    I won't rest until they make your signature a playable character/weapon class
  14. Skadi

    err... i dont think that actualy applys... considering sanctuarys were in ps1, we wont get them unless devs change minds, wont be getting BFR's, or the "bomber" galaxy, and no sign of the sunderer alternatives that were covered in weps "Battle Busses"
  15. Stormlight666

    You can charge money for weapons, so it'll be in there.
  16. TheBloodEagle

    Deciminator was in PS1, which was the hardest hitting anti-tank weapon. Of course they aren't exactly the same. So I do imagine them bringing in other PS1 weapons. You're only selectively nitpicking about what's not included but they will be adding more PS1 elements as time goes on.
  17. Stormlight666

    Truth is that the lock-on launchers need a little oomph. At the very least some cert mods to make it better: ie: armor piercing rockets to punch through armor, explosive for more blast radius, slightly faster lock-on options, faster missiles, etc.
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  18. {joer

    I use the Skep a lot and it rarely misses. If they are moving away at a high speed and long range it will often seem to hit the back but do no damage (not sure if it hits the ground or its the explosives bug), and if they are partially in cover it will usually hit the cover.

    My outfit uses these to basically prevent all armor from entering an area.
  19. TheBloodEagle

    Yup, I wish you could specialize them more rather than they just add new launchers.
  20. Bearcat

    They're definitely coming, but don't drool too much because the Phoenix was NC only. The TR's rocket launcher was the Striker that locked on to vehicles, aircraft, and MAXes. The VS had the Lancer that was a lot like the Sauron currently on the Magrider.