Not GOOD: Invulnerability of freshly spawned and revived players

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gortha, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. Zorlox

    listening to the community is going to destroy this game. I don't overly mind the sundae invulnerability even though I don't understand it, invulnerable troops spawning inside enemy towers, etc, just doesn't seem like a good idea to me. Yeah if they fire they lose it and it likely won't last long but it still gives them time to turn a poorly placed sundae into an advantageous situation but that's not really over the top if you exclude the first shot potentially wins issue. My issue with that is the revived players invulnerability, if you die within los of 20 enemy players then don't click revive, it's just common sense and unnecessary, that and if I pop one in a dead guys head he shouldn't be revive-able at all or if he dies to headshots, especially with this change.
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  2. Haddos

    I guess a question about the invulnerability we all would ask is will the players who got ressed be a body block for the medic shortly after? will they be able to attack shortly after the res?... though i do remember seeing a post where players should spawn in the sunderer instead of outside of it(honestly i think that is a brilliant idea though outfits would have to unlock the sunderer for other players).
  3. XphaedX


    there is a problem in the game right now that your character actually spawns before you are able to see and control it. the enemy can actually kill you before you're out of the deployment screen. people can kill you before you even have a chance to do or see anything. that's not acceptable. this thread is much ado about nothing.
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  4. Clay Pigeon

    Why don't they just make it so people who spawn on an AMS sundy spawn inside it?
  5. Fear The Amish

    ok... Let me quote this bold it etc.....“Short period of time will be added to freshly spawned / revived players - breaks upon game actions such as entering a vehicle or using a weapon.

    What this means is ok they just got revived they have 2-5 seconds of invulnerability UNTIL THEY DO SOMETHING....
  6. ShakareeNC

    I guess you cant fix stupid....the invulnerability like other games will only last a couple seconds if the revived/spawned player does nothing. If said player moves, activates a consoler, pulls a tool, or weopans then he is killable...
  7. ShakareeNC

    So basically im gathering your the LA or Engineer thats runs up to Sundies and explode them with 2 mines or 2 C-4's...I guess a Sundy with 12 people (griefers) who refuse to get out forcing the entire force to spawn elsewhere would be a tempting target for you.
  8. smokemaker

    I like farming the sundies....
    Dont kill them, let them spawn infantry, then kill the infantry.
  9. Raital

    Excellent, I can't wait to abuse this with spawn rooms to turn MAXs into bio lab murder machines. The MAXs will run out, kill a few enemies, die, a medic at the spawn room door will revive the max with this medic gun, the MAX will get up, get his bearings, lock onto the next person, kill him, die, get rezzed by the medic again, rinse, repeat, recycle, until the bio lab has been cleared of filth. Do this with three MAXs and three medics and we can uncamp any spawn campers in the bio lab no matter how many enemies there are, and there's absolutely nothing they can do about it because the medics are invincible inside the spawn room (except to explosions, but lets ignore that for now since that's an bug/exploit in itself). This will give everyone else a chance to run out and retake the biolab.

    I also love the idea of getting a squad together at the next outpost a zerg is going to hit, mine the hell out of it, run to the cap point, and have everyone /suicide except a couple medics who will give everyone their revive prompt. When the zerg comes, and they get past all the AP and AT mines, and they fill up the cap point with 6-10 people, we as a group will yes on our revive prompts, leap up from the ground with our auto shotguns, and kill every single one of them before they can even shoot back. It'll be great, we'll be able to camp anywhere we want and use revive invincibility to troll everyone, and there's absolutely nothing they can do to fight back against it except go somewhere else or quit playing.

    Edit: I also look forward to seeing what ingenious ways players come up with to give attackers no chance to fight back. I wonder if the medic train will feature in PS2 once this goes live, too. We'll have to see. a full squad of medics reviving one another would be interesting to see.
  10. Tinbawx

    Spawn camping is not an issue. People repeatedly spawning at camped sundies are.

    Spawning at a certain point or Sundy or accepting a revive are conscious decisions. You´re not forced into this. Unless it is a shielded spawn room, it´s not supposed to be safe.
    Therefore there shouldn´t be any mercy mechanics for spawning into the enemies line of fire. Other than to enable just that, what is the point of this change?

    Typical case of buff stupidity, imo.

    You know what would be a helpful change. An indicator of how "hot" a spawn is. Colour code it in the spawn menue, like deep red if the average lifespan of everyone who spawned there in the past 30 seconds was less than 5 seconds.
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  11. Jonesing25

    reread the notes - it says they have a short period of invulnerability or until they do anything. It currently needs a change. The medic revives you and you see a black screen....then a another death screen because you were killed before the server and your computer communicated. This way there will be a couple seconds so you might be able to move away from enemy fire.
  12. Jonesing25

    most of you need to reread the notes.
    "Short period of invulnerability will be added to freshly spawned / revived players - breaks upon game actions such as entering a vehicle or using a weapon."
  13. {joer

    It means you shouldn't have taken the revive, big deal.

    Its like you never played the game if you don't see what the issue is here.
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  14. mags

    I agree. This is a horrible, horrible idea. ESPESCIALLY for rezzed players.
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  15. Hodo

    I can see it already being exploited. So I am actually not a fan of this upcomming feature.
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  16. Jonesing25

  17. Jonesing25

    if you ask me the issue is that people are mad because they can't farm the freshly revived players that are standing there waiting for the server and the computer to figure it out.
  18. IronMole

    BF3 anyone? Lol...
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  19. Wily

    It is critical how we define 'using a weapon' then. I think the most likely way it is meant is by firing it. This is an issue.

    For a nice, easy example, let's assume you get five seconds of invulnerability as long as you don't break it with a game action. An infiltrator spawns with a bolt action rifle. He now has five seconds to acquire a target and get a headshot on them. What can they do about it other than hide? That's not right.

    "Okay." you say, let's have the invulnerability be broken if they enter ADS. Sounds swell, until an HA spawns with a rocket launcher and has 5 seconds to hipfire it at a tank that's trying to kill the sunderer.

    It should only last until you move or look around in any way, or for no more than 5 seconds, whichever comes first IMO.
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  20. Jonesing25

    This I can agree with and I imagine is how it will be. 'Using a weapon' would be, I imagine, ADS or switching weapons. I think most people would use the brief moment to move to cover, unless they want to die again.