Now we know why SOE took a vacation.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jourmand1r, Jan 9, 2013.

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  1. Jourmand1r

    They clearly already had everything fixed and ready to go when they got back.

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  2. Rothnang

    All the fixes that are going in are relatively small things, no major systems overhauls, but you still have to give them a lot of credit for being able to find solutions to a lot of problems in the numbers.
  3. Bone

    Still no direct mention of the rendering problems plaguing the game generally though, just something about Max's.
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  4. Malsvir Vishe

    No. The devs took a vacation because the forums flame the hell out of the devs and show no appreciation for a large patch that implements things THAT THE COMMUNITY WANTED.
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  5. Jourmand1r

    Yeah adding underground tunnels to all the major bases just screams minor change.
  6. DukeFlash

    They took a vacation because it was the holidays and they were due a vacation.
    Honestly the problem is corporate pushing the game out before the holidays to make a quick buck when it wasn't ready.
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  7. rGlory

    Looks like we live in different communities...
  8. Jestunhi

    I think we do, or perhaps you saw different changes.

    The ones I saw in the sticky were all positive (with the possible exception that IMO invulnerability from spawns is fine but from revives is not necessary and could be too exploitable, depending how long it lasts and if it continues to work when you start moving).
  9. TeamGreener

    Or maybe it was a change that PS1 veterans have been asking for since early beta?
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  10. Toxicmix1

    The patch will not include any multithreading performance increase.

  11. rGlory

    The biggest game problem, or at least one of the biggest not being addressed. They even did not confirm it exist.
    They pretend it is difficult to differ vocal minority with many people concerns. If you think for a minute that problem is so easy to solve... Why they do not do it? They do not want to listen, only pretend they do.
  12. Liquid23

    your argument would make sense if the patch was ready and being released right now as soon as they got back... but it isn't coming for another 3 weeks which means it wasn't already done so it doesn't
  13. Toxicmix1

    I hope the game will die very soon. Is sad but im being honest.

    We have CPU´s with 4 or more cores SONY, open the dam eyes
  14. Gustavo M

    Talking like that will not get the game optimized.
    Optimization requires alot of work; coding, time, testing, coding and MORE time.
    It does not flush out of thin air, like "Hey!Here's your optimized game. Have fun! Signed, Tooth Fairy."
    So, If you want to help the community/game at all, please don't talk with such manner.
    Issues are expected. You can't find a perfect game/online community out there. Have patience and wait.
  15. Rothnang

    You have to keep in mind that how big of a difference a change makes to gameplay does not reflect how much time it takes to make the change. The changes to the world are definitely the biggest single change in this patch, but you always have to keep in mind that every game has some part that can be edited, and some parts that can only be changed by creating a whole new system for them. Levels are always part of the stuff that can be edited.
  16. Wobberjockey

    no man, don't you know. they just need to go into their compilers and change the slider from not optimized to optimized

    and then they just need to edit the max allowable CPU cores field from 1 to 4.

    finally just need to change the render model from sphere to foreward facing cone in the drop down menu.

    how DARE they make small world changes, and introduce content already in the pipeline instead of responding immediately to our every gripe?!

    it's not like they need to rewrite parts of the engine from scratch,potentially creating a cascading chain of other changes that need to be made so that the game functions again.

  17. Rothnang

    The optimizations are probably the biggest changes, but I figure they have been working on that since beta already.
  18. Jestunhi

    You didn't say "they didn't address every single concern raised by the community", you disputed the fact that the update "implements things THAT THE COMMUNITY WANTED". These are two very different things.



    Not to mention the fact that trawling through the code to find the issue is not necessarily done by the same person adjusting the variables on the weapons to implement balancing changes, etc.

    Changing things like weapon variables requires little to no programming knowledge.
  19. Hellhammer

    such as getting rid of the blatant hacking problems?
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  20. Goden

    I would say the game still is in beta.

    No other dev would get away with releasing a game this broken - I don't know why SOE is getting a free ride.
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