So what are Infantry gonna do when they find a sunderer spawning people since they have Immunity!!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ImGladUmad, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. RottenGroinArea

    Awww, poor little spawn camper can't get teh free killz no more... :(

    Go back to whatever spawncamping c-rapfest you crawled out of.
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  2. XRaDiiX

    Like a B1 nubbie who dropped in all confused will kill you anyways.

    More likely to get run over by someone or shot a bullet at nothing first to test the gun
  3. MasterCheef

    i think it takes 1-2 seconds to get your bearings, find an enemy, ADS and shoot. No one is going to spawn and immediately have their guns aimed at you...unless you were spawn camping from the same ledge in the first place and they already know where to look.

    so yah- hooray for invulnerability!!

    what this does is make destroying the sundy your primary target now, since you can no longer take pot shots at infantry too long before everyone starts running for cover and coming after you.
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  4. Minsc

    What if they couldn't shoot while invulnerable. It would literally just be a means of getting one's bearings before the fight starts up again. This will also make it so you can't die during a loading screen while spawning.
  5. f0d

    i dont think they will be able to shoot while invulnerable
    any movement at all will break invulnerability
  6. Jac70

    This invulnerability needs to be short, a second or two max and there needs to be a way for enemies to see that they are in this state.
  7. square

    this would accomplish literally the exact same thing while also taking away control from the player, which is one the biggest things you want to avoid in game development
  8. MasterCheef

    even if they could shoot while invulnerable- the 1--3 seconds that it last is not enough for anyone to find a target and kill someone unless you know where they are or not unless the attacker is painfully obvious in their approach.

    All invulnerability will do is require a bit more of a tactical approach when going after a sundy.

    if you break your line of sight- no way the enemy gets the drop on you first. As an LA, all that means is that i have to time my fly over and drop my C4 as fast as possible, then escape. Thats how it should be.I shouldnt spot a sundy, camp a few spawners, then rush over with my c4. This is a place where an enemy spawns- it should be dangerous to go waltzing around near it. You should want to destroy the spawner before anything- and that includes the people its spawning.
  9. DrBashir

    Infantry will blow it up.

    C4 is available to Light Assault, Medics, Engineers, And Heavy assault.

    Engineers also get mines.

    Heavy assault also get Rocket launchers.

    The only person who cannot damage a Sunderer is an infiltrator.

    So yeah. Blow it up.
  10. Gortha

    You think so? Well...

    The spawners can enter the sundy with an 60 mm Mortar and 40mm Mortar in a MIlisecond. Shooting a whole squad of infantry trying to kill the sundy...

    I see the following problem:

    It is also highly exploitable, cuz it will give revived players the ability to break enemy Lines of Defense, just running in their back
    - this will f-u-c-k up Defense and Defenders even more!!

    If a Auto-Shotgun player can move in God-Mode through a bottleneck inside or behind Line of Defense starts unloading his Auto-Shotgun Instagibbing a few players and throwing a nade in the Defenders Lines then dying.... well this is just ILL.
  11. Lolcat

    You're totally exaggerating the invulnerability time. It's at most a couple of seconds, what can you do in a couple of seconds, when currently the first half second you don't even realize you've actually already spawned? If you're still in the business of sunderer camping, camp further away. Or better yet blow up the sunderer like you should.

    Don't be that loser that literally runs around right next to a sunderer shooting spawned players who don't even have a chance.
  12. Jestunhi

    Hmm, the guy who made almost a dozen threads telling us how lame OHK weapons are because they leave you no way to react and "win" is now making a thread complaining about a mechanic to stop spawn killing...

    Surely this stops people who cannot react from being killed?

    The only issue I would have with it is applying to revives. It should just be a spawn, people being revived know they are being revived because they just clicked yes.
  13. sagolsun

    3.5/10, Higby is trolling us.

    This is a non-solution to address a non-existant problem in the wrong way.

    As soon as this goes live me and my platoon will sweep biolabs with waves of iddq'd soldiers bumrushing the shieldgen with grenade bandolier 2 medics spamming revive grenades.

    For it to be an effective measure against spawncamping the godmode needs to be long enough for the defender to exit the spawnroom, which would probably be around 4 seconds.

    For it to be an effective lag-compensation mechanic where your soldier doesn't get killed while you're still in the loading screen.. WHO BLOODY CARES GET AN SSD/RAID/RAMDRIVE YOU LOUSY TRAMP

    Yes I realize getting killed right after spawning is not "fair" nor "fun" but imposing an artificial non-solution like temporary godmode is the laziest and worst possible.

    For example medic revives - let the player look around and see how much health he'll get once he resurrects. Leave the choice up to the player. Let the risk still be there but allow the player choice. This iddqd mode effectively removes the need for a Y/N revive prompt.

    Removing player choice is never a good thing. Give players information and let them make a choice, instead of hand-holding.
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  14. wrenched

    coming from a vanu player.....
  15. FateJH

    What actions cancel the invulnerability? grenade throws? weapon switches? deploys? scoping?
    I know the first thing I usually do when I spawn at a Sunderer, for example, is switch to my ACE to make sure the AMS doesn't need repairs, regardless of whatever else is going on around me. Will I die when I try to repair, or when I switch?

    Edit: as soon as I spawn or revive, as anything else, I'll probably just melee to cancel this pointless mechanic.
  16. Exhaltia

    You sound like a broken record. We what problems you see, and they have been rebuffed ten times over. Invulnerability is not going to last long enough for you to explode a platoon, this has already been established. It is not "highly exploitable" in this regard so give it up.

    If it's a bottle neck then as soon as you move into it, you're dead. Invulnerability is not going to save you, it also won't save the medic that dies while trying to revive you. You'll still be dead and no one will come to your rescue.

    If infantry are trying to blow a sundy, they are not going to be in range for the mortars, they will be planting c-4, and taking mines, or hitting it with a devastator, and no amount of guns will save it.

    Thanks for playing, sorry that you're wrong and have a good night.
  17. Dingus148

    This. Revive prompt comes up, give us a chance to look around and decide whether it's wise to revive. But hey, that takes effort and coding lol...if iddqd mode is a stepping stone to this system, a band-aid, if you will...hell, I'm all for it. In the meantime, abuse the system! Use organisation to smash the zerg! Lol despite the best attempts of the devs, the system of teamwork-beats-zerg is now working! I'll be right there beside you, abusing this joyous little glitch 'til the game gets out of gamma testing.

    (Gamma is after beta, yeah? It's been a while since high school)
  18. Compass

    The same thing we do every night, Pinky, try to take over the world plant C4 on it.
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  19. Jex =TE=

    If you get pushed back to your Sundy, or the sundy is placed in a stupid placed, you deserve to be killed. As long as an effort is being made to destroy the sunderer then there is no argument, but, even if people are spawn camping it, are people that thick that they can't spawn elsewhere?

    Are you people too ******* lazy to walk a few hundred meters? If you keep dying at a spawn location, spawn another place ******* - it's that simple. Why isn't someone bringing up a sundy and parking it close by so people can reorganise and counter-attack?

    I swear this game is played mostly by selfish, lazy little smacktards that want everything their own way. OMG the air is too much but I won't spawn anything to try and fight it because I want to be here in the fight - why isn't anyone else DOING something about it!!!!

    and the ******** goes on and on.

    edit: hey they added "*******" to the word ban list! :)
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  20. UrMom306

    not sure why there is a big fuss over this, they had this in battlefield 3 and i'd assume it's going to work similarly. You spawn and have two seconds of invulnerability, after the two seconds your back to normal. Also if you move, fire, do any actions it immediately breaks the invulnerability. It's there to give people time to react.

    So guess what, instead of camping a sundy with your tanks and libs for certs, you're going to actually have to get a little bit of skill and wait and hit a moving target.
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